Comparative negligence, punitive damages and joint and several liability -  SB11
Construction contracts: certain provisions voided; exceptions provided -  AB981
COP reimbursement limitation exceptions expanded re enrollment in certain institutions of higher education  - AB977
Corporations, service corporations and limited liability companies: laws revised and expanded - SB558
Cost containment commission, council and capital expenditure review program eliminated -  AB102
Criminal code or procedure: effective dates of new legislative acts modified -  SB391
Criminal slander of title, simulating legal process and falsely assuming to act as a public officer, public employe or utility employe: penalties increased -  SB437
Disciplinary actions against physicians: laws revised; report required -  AB790
District attorney term of office extended to 4-years: constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR30
Do-not-resuscitate order: provisions re revocation, health care liability exemption, suicide definition and insurance coverage; DHSS duties -  AB658
DOA rules of conduct for leased or managed buildings; security agreement with other state agencies; ``security officer" changed to ``police officer" and arrest authority expanded  - AB861
DOA rules of conduct for leased or managed buildings; security agreement with other state agencies; ``security officer" changed to ``police officer" and arrest authority expanded  - SB527
Domestic violence awareness month proclaimed in October -  SJR38
Due care defense in OWI cases repealed re vehicle operation or handling firearm or air gun -  AB288
Eleemosynary institutions: annuity exemptions revised -  SB256
Employe trip reduction program: employer compliance date revised -  SB216
Employer's duty to furnish safe place and employment: subsequent remedial measures made inadmissible as evidence of violation -  AB973
Employer's duty to furnish safe place and employment: subsequent remedial measures made inadmissible as evidence of violation -  SB532
Estate transfer by affidavit: laws revised -  SB490
Fair employment law proceedings: revisions re costs, attorney fees, frivilous claims or defense and settlement offers  - AB643
Federal law enforcement officers authorized to make arrests and render assistance -  AB745
Financial institutions' annual statements of conditions: newspaper publication requirement removed  - SB350
Fingerprint records and photographs obtained by law enforcement agency: return procedure created  - SB143
Fingerprinting applicants for AFDC or general relief permitted; federal approval required -  AB139
Flashing amber strobe light on authorized emergency vehicles permitted -  SB442
Foreign language instruction for grades 7 and 8: requirement repealed -  AB922
Foster home: village foster home category created; court jurisdiction over removal of relative or village foster parent as CHIPS guardian in certain cases - SB601
Franchise investment law revisions - SB580
Full-time court commissioner in county with population of 500,000: powers expanded re misdemeanor cases  - AB858
Full-time court commissioner in county with population of 500,000: powers expanded re misdemeanor cases  - SB461
Gambling winnings of nonresidents: tax provision expanded -  AB768
Genetic testing for paternity determinations permitted: definition created -  SB151
Golf course construction: authority of county boards restricted  - AB871
Guardian ad litem compensation: parent or guardian liable for -  AB703
Guardian ad litem compensation: parent or guardian liable for -  SB432
Health care records of minors and developmentally disabled: access to by parent, guardian or protection and advocacy agency revised -  AB418
Hit and run pedestrian victims made eligible for crime victim compensation awards -  SB18
HIV infection and certain other diseases: laws revised re testing of defendants found not guilty by reason of mental disease or not competent to procede -  SB323
Homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle: maximum imprisonment increased; fine eliminated - SB404
Interest rate applicable to court judgments changed; State treasurer to determine and certify to Director of state courts - SB459
Interest rate applicable to court judgments changed; State treasurer to determine and certify to Director of state courts; appeals provision -  AB1027
Investments of trustees regulated - AB285
Judge assumption of nonjudicial office during elected term: restriction removed. Constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) -  AJR15
Juror number set in misdemeanor and all civil cases -  SB403
Juvenile dispositional orders: extension provisions revised -  SB410
Law enforcement agency expenses reimbursed in drug violation investigations -  AB101
Loan prepayment fee provision - SB481
Medical facility access: laws revised re interference with access to and use of; civil actions authorized  - SB275
Medical malpractice noneconomic damage awards, settlements and judgments -  SB82
Medical malpractice noneconomic damage awards: limit established -  AB36
Medical malpractice noneconomic damage awards: limit established -  SB46
Mental health services for minors: laws revised re parental consent, notification and access to treatment records  - AB755
Motor vehicle insurance revisions re stacking of coverage and drive-other-car exclusions -  AB25
Motor vehicle insurance revisions re stacking of coverage and drive-other-car exclusions -  SB6
Motor vehicle seizure for OWI offenses: law revised; use of forfeited vehicle specified -  SB393
Municipal court fees and court automation fee provisions -  AB219
Obscenity laws revised re AG approval for prosecution and sexual conduct definition -  SB254
Occupational license issuance revised; court authority modified re suspension of juvenile operating privilege for failure to pay forfeiture -  SB325
Oil discharge control responses: immunity from liability created - AB552
Organization's self-critical analysis: privilege re refusal to disclose results created -  AB512
OWI by person with 5 or more offenses in 10 years: penalties increased -  SB431
OWI convictions: penalty provided for failure to comply to court-ordered education -  SB392
Passing vehicles on left: audible signal requirement eliminated  - AB754
Personal injury actions: discovery of information re medical records permitted -  AB727
Pregnant female: battery or reckless injury causing great bodily harm to or death of the fetus made a felony  - SB571
Prison industries sale of recycling by-products authorized; interest payment provisions revised - AB719
Prison operation: DOC contract authority expanded -  AB27
Property value affected by governmental actions: duty to minimize adverse effect imposed; cause of action for damages created -  SB298
Protection orders of courts: full faith and credit provision created  - AB793
Protection orders of courts: full faith and credit provision created  - SB488
Pupil expulsion: criteria expanded; MPS provisions -  AB116
Reckless driving, OWI and duties of person involved in an accident: applicable premises expanded  - AB283
Religious organizations: liability limitation created -  AB929
Religious organizations: liability limitation created -  SB561
Repeater or persistent repeater allegation by DA: new standard set -  SB633
Restitution ordered by municipal court: limit removed -  AB67
Revenue limits for school districts: calculation of -  SB30
S&L and savings banks law revisions re stock registration, investment in local government obligations, fees, statute updates, annual assessment change and mortgage loans  - SB349
Safety belt use laws: maximum damage recovery reduction for failure to comply increased -  SB458
Savings bank chapter revisions - SB348
School calendar made permissive subject of collective bargaining; consideration of impact required  - SB299
School district agent: use of sales tax exemption certificate for purchase of goods or services for district permitted  - SB261
School district promissory notes to pay certain contributions under WRS: resolution exempt from publication requirement  - AB913
School principal licensure authority expanded to any grade level  - AB357
Securities registration statements ``merit review" provisions repealed; broker-dealer, agent and investment adviser licensure requirements revised -  AB781
Sex offender registration requirements revised; release of information to certain persons; D.N.A. analysis provisions - SB182
Sexual assault and crimes against children: maximum prison term increased -  SB80
Sexual crimes against children: coverage broadened -  SB17
Shareholder liability to corporate employes: law repealed -  AB275