Spent nuclear fuel disposal facilities: construction limited; may only accept waste from power plant located at the site  - AB258
State employment labor relations act: laws revised re commencement of negotiations and final automatic review proceedings -  SB149
State historical society: funding increased -  SB667
Statue of Forward at north entrance to the capitol -  AJR50
Technical college system student government established statewide; uniform fee set -  SB109
Traffic felonies by child 16 years or older: exclusive jurisdiction granted to juvenile courts -  AB178
U.W. Madison women's basketball: 1995-96 team commended -  AJR94
U.W. Regents nominating council created; appointment procedures and citizen members' terms revised  - AB587
U.W. Regents nominating council created; appointment procedures and citizen members' terms revised  - SB330
Veterans rehabilitation program commended -  SJR2
Wheeler, Floyd E.: life and public service -  AJR51
Zero emission vehicles: delivery for sale in this state required - SB139
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Sen. Risser:
Senate Bills: 5, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 36, 39, 43, 55, 59, 114, 115, 118, 138, 142, 145, 212, 220, 232, 233, 235, 252, 304, 306, 307, 308, 320, 351, 355, 377, 379, 381, 384, 434, 447, 456, 495, 497, 506, 512, 516, 517, 521, 549, 551, 556, 589, 595, 612, 621, 645, 655
Senate Joint Resolutions: 13, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 42, 47, 48, 49, 50, 56, 57, Se5-1
Senate Resolutions:
Senate Petitions:
Assembly Bills: 16, 33, 49, 50, 73, 84, 98, 114, 131, 135, 154, 167, 183, 187, 191, 197, 199, 233, 246, 277, 320, 360, 388, 389, 419, 433, 469, 497, 501, 502, 516, 548, 569, 575, 612, 614, 638, 639, 648, 658, 666, 717, 730, 739, 754, 755, 758, 772, 812, 829, 835, 859, 920, 931, 954, 1020, 1028, 1066, 1078
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 1, 5, 12, 15, 18, 34, 38, 42, 58, 63, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 86
S5 Rosenzweig, Sen. Peggy A. (5th Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Air bag theft from motor vehicle - AB472
``Alcohol concentration" definition standardized re BAC -  SB573
Brewery employes: issuance of Class ``B" license permitted; compensation provision -  SB479
Building declared public nuisance re criminal gang activity: eviction procedure revised; law suit prohibition provision - AB593
Child adjudicated delinquent: age lowered for certain crimes; secured correctional facility provision  - SB91
Childbirth: insurance coverage of hospital or home care required; duration specified -  AB573
Childbirth: insurance coverage of hospital or home care required; duration specified -  SB463
CHIPS determination procedure revised -  SB68
Cigarette or tobacco product sale to public: access restricted - AB818
County-funded relief program and nonmedical benefits for specific class of persons authorized; certain reimbursements to counties; provisions re eligibility criteria, work component and vehicle registration information - AB599
County-funded relief program for specific class of persons authorized; provisions re eligibility criteria, work component and vehicle registration information - SB334
Criminal cases: plea and verdict of guilty but mentally ill created  - AB295
Criminal slander of title, simulating legal process and falsely assuming to act as a public officer, public employe or utility employe: penalties increased -  SB437
Custodial parent allowed to obtain information about noncustodial parent -  AB343
Disaster relief efforts: work program for general relief recipients created -  SB29
Employment and training services grant for certain business in Milwaukee county -  AB201
Employment and training services grant for certain business in Milwaukee county -  SB92
Federal mandate review council created in DOA; membership and duties set -  SB297
Felonies committed with firearms: coverage of the law narrowed; minimum terms shortened and made mandatory; probation prohibited -  SB446
Firearms possession by persons under an abuse or harassment injuction prohibited -  AB293
Firearms possession by persons under an abuse or harassment injuction prohibited -  SB144
Firearms regulation by local governments: 1995 WisAct 72 revision re possession on property without owner's consent  - AB994
Flight instruction refresher courses: DOT prohibited from administering, funding or promoting - SB269
Foster care and treatment foster care hotline established - SB93
Grandparent visitation rights to nonmarital children; persons authorized to file paternity petition revised  - SB55
Group health insurance market reform provisions revised re guaranteed issue, guaranteed acceptance, preexisting conditions and portability, contract termination and renewability - AB416
Group health insurance under WRS: eligibility enrollment period for certain employes revised - AB737
Handgun sale to persons subject to certain restraining orders or injuctions restricted -  AB294
Health care fraud and abuse, Council on, created in DOA; report required; sunset provided -  AB1034
Health care information board eliminated; Health care data oversight board created; duties set; plan and study required - SB369
Health care liability insurance: minimum required limits raised - SB378
Health insurance market reform and coverage provisions revised; Small employer insurance board repealed, Comprehensive health care board created to assume duties; reinsurance provisions; electronic claims access and HIRSP study and reports required; GIB contracts authorized  - SB201
Incompetent person's right to refuse medication, treatment or psychotropic medication: standards modified  - SB119
Infant testing for controlled susbstances without consent of parent or guardian -  SB94
Insurance contracts: rescission grounds and notice requirements - SB362
Insurance fraud: civil immunity created for persons who report - SB361
Involuntary civil commitments and emergency detentions: new standard of dangerousness created; AG required to review; report required -  SB270
Israel: terrorist acts against its citizens condemned -  AJR86
Jerusalem: trimillenium commended - SJR48
Judicial substitution or disqualification re disapproval of permanency plan under the children's code  - SB70
Juvenile correctional facility resident expenses: state reimbursement of county costs -  AB4
Living will statutes revised - AB399
MA copayment, coinsurance and deductible collection procedures revised -  AB547
Marriage license: county clerks to distribute pamphlets describing the danger of tobacco during pregnancy  - AB189
Medical savings accounts by employer or self-employed persons authorized; tax exemption provided  - SB383
Milwaukee Brewers stadium project, East-West freeway: provisions of 1995 WisAct 113 modified; completion date specified - AB1023
Milwaukee area technical college district board: appointment committee membership revised -  SB302
MMSD boundary revised; city, village or town may discontinue services; arrearages payment provision  - SB630
OWI law enforcement costs: recovery provisions -  AB110
Oxytocis to induce labor in pregnant women and presence of physician: DHSS authority restricted  - AB305
Pregnant female: battery or reckless injury causing great bodily harm to or death of the fetus made a felony  - SB571
Pupil rights in research, experimental programs and testing: Hatch amendment codified -  SB62
Recorded communications in felony proceedings: disclosure of one-party consent recordings expanded  - SB35
Residential rental practices: landlord regulations specified; court commissioner powers re eviction actions  - AB1038
Revenue limits for school districts adjusted for debt service re facilities or equipment -  AB959
Revenue limits for school districts adjusted for debt service re facilities or equipment -  SB576
Revenue limits for school districts: increased to remedy health or safety law violations -  AB566
Road maintenance or construction zone speeding violations: penalty enhanced -  AB98
Rural medical center regulations created; certain exemptions -  SB309
Safety belt use laws: maximum damage recovery reduction for failure to comply increased -  SB458
School district shared cost re effect of certain capital expenditures -  AB1002
School district shared cost re effect of certain capital expenditures -  SB608
Sexual assault, exploitation or incest: plaintiff's conduct not admissible as evidence in civil action to recover damages  - AB598
State sovereignty proclaimed - SJR18
Termination of decedent's interest in property: procedure revised -  AB152
Therapists civil liability: immunity re warnings about dangerous patients -  AB671
Therapists civil liability: immunity re warnings about dangerous patients -  SB504
TPR on grounds of abandonment: burden of proving -  SB69
TPR on grounds of continuing denial of visitation by juvenile court -  SB67