SECTION 442. 19.21 (5) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:

19.21 (5) (c) The period of time any public record shall be kept before destruction shall be determined by ordinance except that in all counties the specific period of time expressed within s. 7.23 or 59.715 or any other law requiring a specific retention period shall apply. The period of time prescribed in the ordinance for the destruction of all records not governed by s. 7.23 or 59.715 or any other law prescribing a specific retention period may not be less than 7 years, unless a shorter period is fixed by the public records and forms board under s. 16.61 (3) (e).

SECTION 443. 19.21 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:

19.21 (6) A school district may provide for the destruction of obsolete school records. Prior to any such destruction, at least 60 days' notice in writing of such destruction shall be given to the historical society, which shall preserve any records it determines to be of historical interest. The historical society may, upon application, waive the notice. The period of time a school district record shall be kept before destruction shall be not less than 7 years, unless a shorter period is fixed by the public records and forms board under s. 16.61 (3) (e) and except as provided under sub. (7). This section does not apply to pupil records under s. 118.125.

SECTION 444. 19.21 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:

19.21 (8) Any metropolitan sewerage commission created under ss. 66.88 to 66.918 may provide for the destruction of obsolete commission records. No record of the metropolitan sewerage district may be destroyed except by action of the commission specifically authorizing the destruction of that record. Prior to any destruction of records under this subsection, the commission shall give at least 60 days' prior notice of the proposed destruction to the state historical society, which may preserve records it determines to be of historical interest. Upon the application of the commission, the state historical society may waive this notice. Except as provided under sub. (7), the commission may only destroy a record under this subsection after 7 years elapse from the date of the record's creation, unless a shorter period is fixed by the public records and forms board under s. 16.61 (3) (e).

SECTION 445. 19.23 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:

19.23 (1) Any public records, in any state office, that are not required for current use may, in the discretion of the public records and forms board, be transferred into the custody of the historical society, as provided in s. 16.61.

SECTION 445m. 19.36 (9) of the statutes is created to read:

19.36 (9) RECORDS OF PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS FOR STATE BUILDINGS. Records containing plans or specifications for any state-owned or state-leased building, structure or facility or any proposed state-owned or state-leased building, structure or facility are not subject to the right of inspection or copying under s. 19.35 (1) except as the department of administration otherwise provides by rule.

SECTION 447. 19.42 (10) (n) of the statutes is created to read:

19.42 (10) (n) The chief executive officer and members of the board of directors of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority.

SECTION 449. 19.42 (13) (m) of the statutes is created to read:

19.42 (13) (m) The chief executive officer and members of the board of directors of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority.

SECTION 450. 19.44 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:

19.44 (1) (g) The identity of each person from which the individual who is required to file received, directly or indirectly, any gift or gifts having an aggregate value of more than $50 within the taxable year preceding the time of filing, except that the source of a gift need not be identified if the donation is permitted under s. 19.56 (3) (e), (em) or (f) or if the donor is the donee's parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, brother, sister, parent-in-law, grandparent-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, spouse, fiance or fiancee.

SECTION 451. 19.45 (11) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

19.45 (11) (intro.) The legislature recognizes that all state public officials and employes and all employes of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority should be guided by a code of ethics and thus:

SECTION 452. 19.45 (11) (d) of the statutes is created to read:

19.45 (11) (d) The board of directors of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority shall establish a code of ethics for employes of the authority who are not state public officials.

SECTION 453. 19.48 (4) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

19.48 (4) (intro.) Preserve the statements of economic interests filed with it for a period of 6 years from the date of receipt in such form, including microfilming, or optical imaging or electronic formatting, as will facilitate document retention, except that:

SECTION 454. 19.53 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:

19.53 (1) In the case of a state public official in the unclassified outside the classified service, a recommendation that the state public official be censured, suspended, or removed from office or employment. Such recommendation shall be made to the appropriate appointing authority who may censure, suspend, or take action to remove the official from office or employment.

SECTION 455. 19.56 (2) (b) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:

19.56 (2) (b) 6. Is made available to the official by the department of development or the department of tourism in accordance with sub. (3) (e), (em) or (f).

SECTION 456. 19.56 (3) (em) of the statutes is created to read:

19.56 (3) (em) A state public official who is an officer or employe of the department of tourism may solicit, receive and retain on behalf of the state anything of value for the purpose of hosting individuals in order to promote tourism.

SECTION 457. 19.56 (3) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:

19.56 (3) (f) A state public official may receive and retain from the department of development anything of value which the department of development is authorized to provide under par. (e) and may receive and retain from the department of tourism anything of value which the department of tourism is authorized to provide under par. (em).

SECTION 458. 19.575 of the statutes is created to read:

19.575 Tourism activities. The department of tourism shall file a report with the board no later than April 30 annually, specifying the source and amount of anything of value received by the department of tourism during the preceding calendar year for a purpose specified in s. 19.56 (3) (em) and the program or activity in connection with which the thing is received, together with the location and date of that program or activity.

SECTION 459. 19.62 (4) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 460. 19.625 of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 461. 19.63 of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 462. 19.69 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

19.69 (2) (title) COPY TO PUBLIC RECORDS AND FORMS BOARD. A state authority that prepares a written specification of a matching program under sub. (1) shall provide to the public records and forms board a copy of the specification and any subsequent revision of the specification within 30 days after the state authority prepares the specification or the revision.

SECTION 463. 19.75 of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 464a. 19.82 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:

19.82 (1) "Governmental body" means a state or local agency, board, commission, committee, council, department or public body corporate and politic created by constitution, statute, ordinance, rule or order; a governmental or quasi-governmental corporation except for the Bradley center sports and entertainment corporation; a local exposition district under subch. II of ch. 229; any public purpose corporation, as defined in s. 181.79 (1); a nonprofit corporation operating the Olympic ice training center under s. 42.11 (3); or a formally constituted subunit of any of the foregoing, but excludes any such body or committee or subunit of such body which is formed for or meeting for the purpose of collective bargaining under subch. I, IV or V of ch. 111.

SECTION 464d. 19.85 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

19.85 (3) Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed to authorize a governmental body to consider at a meeting in closed session the final ratification or approval of a collective bargaining agreement under subch. I, IV or V of ch. 111 which has been negotiated by such body or on its behalf.

SECTION 464e. 19.86 of the statutes is amended to read:

19.86 Notice of collective bargaining negotiations. Notwithstanding s. 19.82 (1), where notice has been given by either party to a collective bargaining agreement under subch. I, IV or V of ch. 111 to reopen such agreement at its expiration date, the employer shall give notice of such contract reopening as provided in s. 19.84 (1) (b). If the employer is not a governmental body, notice shall be given by the employer's chief officer or such person's designee. This section does not apply to a nonprofit corporation operating the Olympic ice training center under s. 42.11 (3).

SECTION 466g. 20.001 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 20.001 (6) (a) and amended to read:

20.001 (6) (a) Applied Except as provided in par. (b), applied receipts are program or segregated revenue the appropriation of which reduces the amounts appropriated under another appropriation. The reduction is indicated in the other appropriation by the phrase "less the amounts appropriated as applied receipts under". Applied receipts shall be expended and deposited in the same manner as other program or segregated revenue.

SECTION 466j. 20.001 (6) (b) of the statutes is created to read:

20.001 (6) (b) If the other appropriation under par. (a) is a sum sufficient appropriation, the reduction reduces the estimate under s. 20.005 of the dollar amounts that will be needed.

SECTION 467. 20.002 (11) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.002 (11) (c) The Except as provided in s. 16.971 (8) (b), the secretary may assess a special interest charge against the programs or activities utilizing surplus moneys within the same fund under this subsection in an amount not to exceed the daily interest earnings rate of the state investment fund during the period of transfer of surplus moneys to other accounts or programs. Except as provided in s. 16.465, the secretary shall assess a special interest charge against the fund utilizing surplus moneys under this subsection in an amount equal to the rate of return the state investment fund earnings would have created to the fund from which the reallocation was made. This interest shall be calculated and credited to the appropriate fund at the same time the earnings from the state investment fund are distributed and shall be considered an adjustment to those earnings.

SECTION 467m. 20.002 (11) (g) of the statutes is created to read:

20.002 (11) (g) Any reallocation of moneys under this subsection made during the 1995-97 fiscal biennium from an appropriation account under s. 20.505 derived from program revenues-service is subject to the procedures under s. 16.971 (8).

SECTION 468. 20.003 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.003 (3) (a) In the schedule of s. 20.005 and in the text in ss. 20.115 to 20.875, all state agencies shall be arranged alphabetically within functional areas. Each functional area is assigned a subchapter and each state agency shall be assigned a section within that subchapter. Each subsection constitutes a program, and each paragraph constitutes an appropriation.

SECTION 469b. 20.003 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.003 (4) REQUIRED GENERAL FUND BALANCE. No bill directly or indirectly affecting general purpose revenues as defined in s. 20.001 (2) (a) may be enacted by the legislature if the bill would cause the estimated general fund balance on June 30 of any fiscal year as projected under s. 20.005 (1) to be an amount equal to less than one percent of the total general purpose revenue appropriations for that fiscal year plus any amount from general purpose revenue designated as "Compensation Reserves" for that fiscal year in the summary under s. 20.005 (1).

SECTION 471. 20.005 (1) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:

20.005 (1) SUMMARY OF ALL FUNDS. The budget governing fiscal operations for the state of Wisconsin for all funds beginning on July 1, 1995, and ending on June 30, 1997, is summarized as follows: [See Figure 20.005 (1) following]


Figure: 20.005 (1)

1995-96 1996-97


Opening Balance, July 1 $ 337,211,000 $ 441,632,000

Estimated Taxes 8,218,460,000 8,633,795,000

Less Federal Retirees -32,379,900 -15,388,900

Departmental Revenues 173,091,000 143,439,600

Total Available $ 8,696,382,100 $ 9,203,477,700

Appropriations, Transfers
and Reserves

Gross Appropriations $ 8,271,156,200 $ 9,124,687,800

Compensation Reserves 19,391,200 48,763,300

1995 Wisconsin Act 12 1,702,200 -2,762,300

Transfer to Local

Property Insurance Fund 3,653,300 2,330,000

Less Lapses -41,152,800 -64,630,000

Net Appropriations $ 8,254,750,100 $ 9,108,388,800


Gross Balance $ 441,632,000 $ 95,088,900

Less Required Statutory -82,905,500 -91,734,500

Net Balance, June 30 $ 358,726,500 $ 3,354,400


1995-96 1996-97

General Purpose Revenue $ 8,271,156,200 $ 9,124,687,800

Federal Revenue (3,504,174,800) (3,584,574,000)

Program 3,482,346,200 3,563,015,900

Segregated 21,828,600 21,558,100

Program Revenue (2,177,686,600) (1,971,359,300)

State 1,823,814,900 1,600,692,300

Service 353,871,700 370,667,000

Segregated Revenue (757,772,800) (751,955,800)

State 755,963,600 750,146,600

Service 1,809,200 1,809,200

GRAND TOTAL $14,710,790,400 $15,432,576,900


Fund Source 1995-96 1996-97

General Purpose Revenue $ 19,391,200 $ 48,763,300

Federal Revenue 5,978,800 15,035,100

Program Revenue 15,151,700 38,102,300

Segregated Revenue 3,963,700 9,967,400

TOTAL $ 44,485,400 $ 111,868,100


1995-96 1996-97

Gross Revenue $ 509,572,500 $ 514,564,400


Prizes $ 293,031,900 $ 295,908,900

Administrative Expenses 62,800,300 65,373,400

$ 355,832,200 $ 361,282,300

Net Proceeds $ 153,740,300 $ 153,282,100

Total Available for Property
Tax Relief

Opening Balance $ 20,291,300 $ 10,191,500

Net Proceeds 153,740,300 153,282,100

Interest Earnings 3,300,000 3,400,000

$ 177,331,600 $ 166,873,600

Property Tax Relief $ 167,140,100 $ 156,582,300

Gross Closing Balance $ 10,191,500 $ 10,291,300

Reserve $ 10,191,500 $ 10,291,300

Net Closing Balance -0- -0-

SECTION 472. 20.005 (2) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:

20.005 (2) STATE BORROWING PROGRAM SUMMARY. The following tabulation sets forth the state borrowing program summary: [See Figures 20.005 (2) (a) and (b) following]
Figure: 20.005 (2) (a)


Source and Purpose Amount


Building Commission

Housing state departments $ 34,082,000
and agencies

Project contingencies 7,658,300

Capital equipment 12,328,000

Other public purposes,
including Wisconsin

initiative for state 131,327,000
technology and applied

Refunding building

Self-amortizing debt (1,551,600)

Clean Water Fund

Clean water fund 40,700,000


Correctional facilities 47,185,000

Self-amortizing facilities 5,410,000
and equipment

Communications Board

Educational 200,000
communications facilities

Health and Social Services

Mental health facilities 684,000

Juvenile correctional 25,510,300

Historical Society

Self-amortizing facilities 2,016,000

Historic records 400,000

Military Affairs

Armories and military 198,000

Natural Resources

General fund supported 1,000,000
administrative facilities

Nonpoint source grants (4,000,000)

Environmental repair 4,000,000

Segregated revenue 1,000,000
supported dam maintenance

Segregated revenue 4,494,000
supported facilities

Stewardship fund (19,000,000)

State Fair Park

Self-amortizing housing 13,550,000

Housing facilities 5,000,000

University of Wisconsin

Academic facilities 43,841,200

Self-amortizing facilities 83,177,700

Veterans Affairs

Wisconsin veterans home 876,500

Self-amortizing facilities 1,629,400

Self-amortizing wastewater (5,690,000)
treatment facilities

Self-amortizing mortgage 170,000,000

TOTAL General Obligation $ 606,026,400

Figure: 20.005 (2) (b)

FISCAL YEARS 1995-96 AND 1996-97

Statute, Agency and Purose Source 1995-96 1996-97

20.225 Educational communications board

(1) (c) Principal repayment GPR $ 633,600 $ 682,500
and interest

20.245 Historical society

(2) (e) Principal repayment GPR 527,000 497,600
and interest

(4) (e) Principal repayment GPR -0- -0-
and interest

(5) (e) Principal repayment GPR 394,100 417,700
and interest

20.250 Medical College of Wisconsin

(1) (e) Principal repayment GPR 469,000 539,200
and interest

20.255 Public instruction, department of

(1) (d) Principal repayment GPR 858,200 838,100
and interest

20.285 University of Wisconsin System

(1) (d) Principal repayment GPR 65,125,500 62,982,600
and interest

20.320 Clean water fund

(1) (c) Principal repayment GPR 18,584,200 23,506,700
and interest -- clean water

20.370 Natual resources, department of

(7) (aa) Resource GPR 13,962,500 15,791,500
acquisition and
development -- principal
repayment and interest

(7) (ba) Debt service -- GPR 773,100 1,354,700
remedial action

(7) (ca) Principal repayment GPR 768,700 1,780,100
and interest -- nonpoint
source grants

(7) (cb) Principal repayment GPR 81,793,800 78,877,900
and interest -- pollution
abatement bonds

(7) (cc) Principal repayment GPR 18,787,700 17,783,700
and interest -- combined
sewer overflow; pollution
abatement bonds

(7) (cd) Principal repayment GPR 967,700 968,900
and interest -- municipal
clean drinking water grants

(7) (ea) Administrative GPR 498,200 572,000
facilities -- principal
repayment and interest

20.410 Corrections, department of

(1) (e) Principal repayment GPR 38,426,600 41,469,800
and interest

(1) (ec) Prison industries GPR -0- -0-
principal, interest and rebates

(1) (ef) Lease rental GPR -0- -0-

(3) (e) Principal repayment GPR -0- 1,902,800
and interest

20.435 Health and social services, department of

(2) (ee) Principal repayment GPR 6,285,600 6,683,000
and interest

(2) (ef) Lease rental GPR -0- -0-

(3) (e) Principal repayment GPR 1,625,400 -0-
and interest

(5) (e) Principal repayment GPR 21,800 -0-
and interest

20.465 Military affairs, department of

(1) (d) Principal repayment GPR 2,210,900 2,353,000
and interest

20.485 Veterans affairs, department of

(1) (e) Lease rental payments GPR -0- -0-

(1) (f) Principal repayment GPR 1,032,600 1,058,400
and interest

20.867 Building commission

(1) (a) Principal repayment GPR -0- -0-
and interest; housing of
state agencies

(1) (b) Principal repayment GPR 4,021,200 3,993,600
and interest; capitol and
executive residence

(3) (a) Principal repayment GPR 20,003,700 31,424,000
and interest

(3) (b) Principal repayment GPR -0- -0-
and interest

(3) (c) Lease rental payments GPR -0- -0-

TOTAL General Purpose Revenue Debt Service $277,771,100 $295,477,800

20.190 State fair park board

(1) (c) Housing facilities GPR $ -0- $ -0-
principal repayment, interest
and rebates

(1) (j) State fair principal PR 1,140,600 1,451,800
repayment, interest and

20.245 Historical society

(2) (j) Self-amortizing PR 92,000 92,100
facilities; principal
repayment, interest and

20.285 University of Wisconsin System

(1) (kd) Principal PR 15,194,200 19,041,000
repayment, interest and

(1) (ke) Lease rental PR 209,000 209,000

20.410 Corrections, department of

(1) (ko) Prison industries PR 84,700 81,100
principal repayment, interest
and rebates

20.485 Veterans affairs, department of

(1) (go) Self-amortizing PR -0- -0-
housing facilities; principal
repayment and interest

20.505 Administration, department of

(5) (g) Principal repayment, PR 1,062,200 1,398,900
interest and rebates; parking

(5) (kb) Parking PR -0- -0-

(5) (kc) Principal PR 8,440,900 8,212,400
repayment, interest and

20.867 Building commission

(3) (g) Principal repayment, PR -0- -0-
interest and rebates;
program revenues

(3) (h) Principal repayment, PR -0- -0-
interest and rebates

(3) (i) Principal repayment, PR -0- -0-
interest and rebates; capital

TOTAL Program Revenue Debt Service $ 26,223,600 $ 30,486,300

20.320 Clean water fund program

(1) (t) Principal repayment SEG $ 4,000,000 $ 4,000,000
and interest -- clean water
fund bonds

(1) (u) Principal repayment SEG -0- -0-
and interest -- clean water
fund revenue obligation

20.370 Natural resources, department of

(7) (aq) Resource SEG 228,300 229,200
acquisition and
development -- principal
repayment and interest

(7) (ar) Dam repair and SEG 260,900 380,200
removal -- principal
repayment and interest

(7) (eq) Administrative SEG 570,100 729,500
facilities -- principal
repayment and interest

20.485 Veterans affairs, department of

(3) (t) Debt service SEG 51,164,900 54,533,100

(3) (v) Revenue obligation SEG -0- -0-

TOTAL Segregated Revenue Debt Service $ 56,224,200 $ 59,872,000

GRAND TOTAL All Debt Service $360,218,900 $385,836,100

SECTION 473. 20.005 (3) of the statutes, except as it affects 20.395 of the statutes, is repealed and recreated to read:

20.005 (3) APPROPRIATIONS. The following tabulation lists all annual, biennial and sum certain continuing appropriations and anticipated expenditures from other appropriations for the programs and other purposes indicated. All appropriations are made from the general fund unless otherwise indicated. The letter abbreviations shown designating the type of appropriation apply to both fiscal years in the schedule unless otherwise indicated. [See Figure 20.005 (3) following]
Figure: 20.005 (3)


Statute, Agency and Source Type 1995-96 1996-97


20.115 Agriculture, trade and consumer protection, department of

(1) Food safety and consumer protection

(a) General program GPR A 120,300 120,300

Food inspection GPR A 3,405,100 2,518,700

Meat and poultry GPR A 2,593,500 2,593,500

Trade and consumer GPR A 1,842,400 2,591,100

NET 7,961,300 7,823,600

(f) Food regulation GPR S 158,000 -0-
lapse restoration

(g) Related services PR A 25,500 25,500

(gb) Food regulation PR A 2,978,300 3,349,500

(gh) Public PR A 49,500 49,500
warehouse regulation

(gm) Dairy trade PR A 591,400 591,400
regulation; dairy and
farm product
producer security

(hm) Mobile air PR A 291,500 291,500
conditioner fees

(i) Sale of supplies PR A 32,000 32,000

(j) Weights and PR A 578,000 598,800
measures inspection

(jm) Warehouse PR C 189,300 257,900
keeper and grain
dealer regulation

(m) Federal funds PR-F C 2,856,300 2,856,300

(q) Automobile SEG A 334,400 334,400
repair regulation

(r) Unfair sales act SEG A 94,200 94,200

(s) Weights and SEG A 203,400 203,400
measures; petroleum
inspection fund

(u) Recyclable and SEG A 186,000 186,000
products regulation

(1) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES 8,119,300 7,823,600

PROGRAM REVENUE 7,591,800 8,052,400

FEDERAL (2,856,300) (2,856,300)

OTHER (4,735,500) (5,196,100)

SEGREGATED FUNDS 818,000 818,000

OTHER (818,000) (818,000)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 16,529,100 16,694,000

(2) Animal health services

(a) General program GPR A 75,300 75,300

Animal health GPR A 2,962,800 2,962,800

NET 3,038,100 3,038,100

(b) Animal disease GPR S 108,600 108,600

(g) Related services PR A 2,090,300 2,090,300

(gb) Animal health PR C -0- -0-
and disease research;
gifts and grants

(h) Sale of supplies PR A 63,400 63,400

(ha) Inspection, PR C 125,900 125,900
testing and

(i) Mink research PR A 6,000 6,000

(j) Dog licenses, PR A 128,300 128,300
rabies control and
related services

(k) Animal health PR-S C -0- -0-
contractual services

(m) Federal funds PR-F C 123,100 123,100

(2) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES 3,146,700 3,146,700

PROGRAM REVENUE 2,537,000 2,537,000

FEDERAL (123,100) (123,100)

OTHER (2,413,900) (2,413,900)

SERVICE (-0-) (-0-)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 5,683,700 5,683,700

(3) Marketing services

(a) General program GPR A 27,700 27,700

Agricultural services GPR A 1,536,200 1,536,200

NET 1,563,900 1,563,900

(g) Related services PR A 1,308,400 1,308,400

(ga) Gifts and grants PR C -0- -0-

(h) Grain inspection PR C 2,691,800 2,691,800
and certification

(i) Marketing orders PR C 70,700 70,700
and agreements

(ja) Marketing PR C 299,000 299,000
services and materials

(L) Something PR A 30,000 30,000
special from
Wisconsin promotion

(m) Federal funds PR-F C 7,500 7,500

(3) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES 1,563,900 1,563,900

PROGRAM REVENUE 4,407,400 4,407,400

FEDERAL (7,500) (7,500)

OTHER (4,399,900) (4,399,900)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 5,971,300 5,971,300

(4) Agricultural assistance

(a) Aid to Wisconsin GPR A 40,000 40,000
livestock breeders

(b) Aids to county GPR S 585,000 585,000
and district fairs

(c) Research and GPR B 200,000 200,000
development grants

(e) Aids to world GPR A 25,000 25,000
dairy expo, inc.

(f) Exposition center GPR A 240,000 240,000

(g) Pari-mutuel PR C -0- -0-
racing supplemental

(h) Pari-mutuel PR C -0- -0-
racing supplemental
aid to Wisconsin
livestock breeders

(4) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES 1,090,000 1,090,000


OTHER (-0-) (-0-)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 1,090,000 1,090,000

(7) Agricultural resource management

(a) General program GPR A 1,819,300 1,819,300

(c) Soil and water GPR C 2,522,500 2,455,700
management program

(dm) Wind erosion GPR C 50,000 50,000
control aids

(e) Ag. chem. grants GPR C 2,000,000 2,000,000

(g) Agricultural PR C 122,500 150,700
impact statements

(ga) Related services PR C 94,400 94,400

(gm) Seed testing PR C 64,700 64,700
and labeling

(h) Fertilizer PR C 160,500 160,500
research assessments

(ha) Liming material PR C 25,000 25,000
research funds

(ig) Plat review PR C 331,600 -0-

(j) Gypsy moth PR C 74,600 74,600
eradication; program

(k) Agricultural PR-S C 202,100 202,100
management services

(km) Animal waste PR-S C 100,000 100,000
management grants

(m) Federal funds PR-F C 2,105,800 2,094,000

(q) Gypsy moth SEG A 832,600 832,600
conservation fund

(qb) Gypsy moth SEG C 200,000 200,000
segregated revenues

(qd) Soil and water SEG A 1,526,800 1,526,800
environmental fund

(r) General program SEG A 955,200 955,200

(s) Groundwater -- SEG A 750,500 681,200

(t) Fertilizer, SEG A 718,800 718,800
additives and
commercial feed

(u) Pesticide SEG A 1,892,500 1,892,500
regulation and
admin. of
agricultural chemical
cleanup program

(v) Chemical and SEG A 560,400 560,400
container disposal

(w) Agricultural SEG C 2,238,600 2,238,600
chemical cleanup

(7) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES 6,391,800 6,325,000

PROGRAM REVENUE 3,281,200 2,966,000

FEDERAL (2,105,800) (2,094,000)

OTHER (873,300) (569,900)

SERVICE (302,100) (302,100)

SEGREGATED FUNDS 9,675,400 9,606,100

OTHER (9,675,400) (9,606,100)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 19,348,400 18,897,100

(8) Central administrative services

(a) General program GPR A 3,515,400 3,461,100

(g) Gifts and grants PR C -0- -0-

(ga) Milk standards PR C 362,200 366,300

(gm) Enforcement PR A 25,000 25,000
cost recovery

(h) Sale of material PR C 49,300 49,300
and supplies

(ha) General PR C 40,000 40,000
laboratory related

(i) Related services PR A 200,500 200,500

(j) Stray voltage PR A 219,500 219,500

(k) Computer system PR A 322,300 333,800
equipment, staff and

(kL) Central services PR-S C 674,600 674,600

(km) General PR-S B 2,219,600 2,184,900
laboratory services

(kp) General PR-S C 40,100 40,100
laboratory sevices;
other agencies

(ks) State PR-S C -0- -0-
contractual services

(kt) Information PR-S A -0- -0-
development projects

(m) Federal funds PR-F C 40,000 40,000

(pz) Indirect cost PR-F C 508,300 508,300

(8) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES 3,515,400 3,461,100

PROGRAM REVENUE 4,701,400 4,682,300

FEDERAL (548,300) (548,300)

OTHER (1,218,800) (1,234,400)

SERVICE (2,934,300) (2,899,600)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 8,216,800 8,143,400

(9) Farm mediation and farmer assistance

(a) General program GPR A 208,200 219,300

(m) Federal funds PR-F C 183,700 183,700

(9) P R O G R A M T O T A L S


PROGRAM REVENUE 183,700 183,700

FEDERAL (183,700) (183,700)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 391,900 403,000

2 0 . 1 1 5 D E P A R T M E N T T O T A L S

GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES 24,035,300 23,629,600

PROGRAM REVENUE 22,702,500 22,828,800

FEDERAL (5,824,700) (5,812,900)

OTHER (13,641,400) (13,814,200)

SERVICE (3,236,400) (3,201,700)

SEGREGATED FUNDS 10,493,400 10,424,100

OTHER (10,493,400) (10,424,100)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 57,231,200 56,882,500

20.124 Banking, office of the commissioner of

(1) Supervision of banks and related financial institutions

(a) Losses on public GPR S -0- -0-

(g) General program PR A 5,205,500 -0-

(h) Gifts, grants, PR C -0- -0-
settlements and

(u) State deposit fund SEG S -0- -0-

2 0 . 1 2 4 D E P A R T M E N T T O T A L S


PROGRAM REVENUE 5,205,500 -0-

OTHER (5,205,500) (-0-)


OTHER (-0-) (-0-)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 5,205,500 -0-

20.141 Credit unions, office of the commissioner of

(1) Supervision of credit unions

(g) General program PR A 1,402,900 -0-

(m) Credit union PR-F C -0- -0-
federal funds

2 0 . 1 4 1 D E P A R T M E N T T O T A L S

PROGRAM REVENUE 1,402,900 -0-

FEDERAL (-0-) (-0-)

OTHER (1,402,900) (-0-)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 1,402,900 -0-

20.143 Development, department of

(1) Economic and community development

(a) General program GPR A 5,018,900 5,040,100

(b) Economic GPR A 120,000 120,000

(bm) Aid to Forward GPR A 250,000 250,000
Wisconsin, inc.

(c) Wisconsin GPR B 6,832,300 8,682,300
development fund,
grants and loans

(cb) Wis. dev. fund; GPR B 400,000 -0-
tech. and pollution
control & abate.
grants & loans assis.

(cf) GPR A -0- -0-
organization grant
for educational

(df) American Indian GPR A 30,000 25,000
technical assistance

(dg) American GPR A 50,100 49,300
Indian economic
development; liaison

(dh) American GPR A 30,000 25,000
Indian economic
development; liaison
-- grants

(dr) Main street GPR A 449,400 422,400

(e) GPR A 234,600 234,600

(em) Hazardous GPR A 75,000 75,000
pollution prevention

(en) Business GPR A 150,000 150,000

(er) Rural economic GPR B 209,200 271,500
development program

(ew) International GPR B -0- -0-
trade, business and
development grants

(fc) Health care GPR C 35,000 53,000
provider loan
assistance program;

(fd) Physician and GPR B 18,500 10,000
health care provider
loan assistance
programs; contract

(fe) Physician loan GPR C 355,200 317,200
assistance program;

(fg) GPR A 797,100 797,100

(fm) Minority GPR B 479,200 479,200
business projects;
grants and loans

(fy) Women's GPR B -0- -0-
business incubator

(g) Gifts, grants and PR C 312,000 312,000

(h) Economic PR A -0- -0-

(ie) Wisconsin PR C 2,365,500 665,500
development fund,

(ij) Plat review PR C -0- 303,400

(im) Minority PR C 190,000 202,300
business projects;

(in) Business PR C 30,000 12,700
initiative loan

(ir) Rural economic PR C 131,800 79,500
development loan

(jL) Health care PR C -0- -0-
provider loan
assistance program;
local contributions

(jm) Physician loan PR C -0- -0-
assistance program;
local contributions

(k) Sale of materials PR-S C -0- -0-
or services

(ka) Sale of PR-S C -0- -0-
materials and
services -- local

(kb) Sale of PR-S C -0- -0-
materials and
services --
individuals and

(kc) Clean air act PR-S A 151,800 151,800
compliance assistance

(km) Minority PR B 100,000 100,000
business projects,

(m) Federal aid, PR-F C 623,600 627,600
state operations

(n) Federal aid, local PR-F C 34,225,000 34,400,000

(o) Federal aid, PR-F C -0- -0-
individuals and

(s) Wis. develop. SEG B 400,000 -0-
fund; tech. & poll.
control & abate.
grants & loans rec.

(sm) Wis. develop. SEG B 400,000 -0-
fund; tech. & poll.
control & abate.
grants & loans, env.

(x) Industrial SEG C -0- -0-
construction loan

(1) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES 15,534,500 17,001,700

PROGRAM REVENUE 38,129,700 36,854,800

FEDERAL (34,848,600) (35,027,600)

OTHER (3,129,300) (1,675,400)

SERVICE (151,800) (151,800)


OTHER (800,000) (-0-)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 54,464,200 53,856,500

(2) Tourism development and promotion

(a) General program GPR A 1,122,300 -0-

(b) Tourism GPR A 3,875,000 -0-

(bm) Heritage GPR B 65,800 -0-
tourism pilot program

(g) Gifts, grants and PR C 2,100 -0-

(k) Sale of materials PR-S C -0- -0-
or services

(ka) Sale of PR-S C -0- -0-
materials and
services -- local

(kb) Sale of PR-S C -0- -0-
materials and
services --
individuals and

(m) Federal aid, PR-F C -0- -0-
state operations

(n) Federal aid, local PR-F C -0- -0-

(o) Federal aid, PR-F C -0- -0-
individuals and

(2) P R O G R A M T O T A L S



FEDERAL (-0-) (-0-)

OTHER (2,100) (-0-)

SERVICE (-0-) (-0-)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 5,065,200 -0-

(3) Regulation of industry, safety and buildings

(a) General program GPR A -0- 113,700

(de) Private sewage GPR C -0- 3,500,000
system replacement
and rehabilitation

(dm) Storage tank GPR A -0- -0-

(g) Gifts and grants PR C -0- 18,000

(ga) Auxiliary PR C -0- 25,000

(gb) Local PR C -0- -0-

(h) Local energy PR A -0- -0-
resource system fees

(j) Safety and PR A -0- 13,712,900
buildings operations

(ka) Interagency PR-S C -0- 89,800

(kc) Administrative PR-S A -0- 1,010,500

(ks) Data processing PR-S C -0- -0-

(L) Fire dues PR C -0- 6,500,000

(La) Fire prevention PR A -0- 573,800
and fire dues

(m) Federal funds PR-F C -0- 986,100

(ma) Federal aid PR-F C -0- -0-

(pz) Indirect cost PR-F C -0- -0-

(q) Groundwater SEG A -0- -0-

(r) Safety and SEG A -0- 7,017,900
buildings operations;
petroleum inspection

(v) Petroleum SEG B -0- 84,031,700
remedial action;

(w) Petroleum SEG A -0- 1,759,800
remedial action;

(3) P R O G R A M T O T A L S


PROGRAM REVENUE -0- 22,916,100

FEDERAL (-0-) (986,100)

OTHER (-0-) (20,829,700)

SERVICE (-0-) (1,100,300)

SEGREGATED FUNDS -0- 92,809,400

OTHER (-0-) (92,809,400)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES -0- 119,339,200

(4) Executive and administrative services

(a) General program GPR A 2,509,200 2,381,300

(g) Gifts, grants and PR C 12,000 12,000

(k) Sale of materials PR-S C 43,100 43,100
or services

(ka) Sale of PR-S C -0- -0-
materials and
services -- local

(kb) Sale of PR-S C -0- -0-
materials and
services --
individuals and

(kc) Information PR-S A -0- -0-
development projects

(m) Federal aid, PR-F C -0- -0-
state operations

(n) Federal aid, local PR-F C -0- -0-

(o) Federal aid, PR-F C -0- -0-
individuals and

(pz) Indirect cost PR-F C 125,400 135,400

(4) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES 2,509,200 2,381,300

PROGRAM REVENUE 180,500 190,500

FEDERAL (125,400) (135,400)

OTHER (12,000) (12,000)

SERVICE (43,100) (43,100)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 2,689,700 2,571,800

(7) Industry, safety and buildings code development

(jz) Code PR A 542,300 -0-

(rz) Code SEG A 11,200 -0-
petroleum inspection

(7) P R O G R A M T O T A L S


OTHER (542,300) (-0-)


OTHER (11,200) (-0-)


2 0 . 1 4 3 D E P A R T M E N T T O T A L S

GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES 23,106,800 22,996,700

PROGRAM REVENUE 38,854,600 59,961,400

FEDERAL (34,974,000) (36,149,100)

OTHER (3,685,700) (22,517,100)

SERVICE (194,900) (1,295,200)

SEGREGATED FUNDS 811,200 92,809,400

OTHER (811,200) (92,809,400)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 62,772,600 175,767,500

20.144 Financial institutions, department of

(1) Supervision of financial institutions, securities reg. and other functions

(a) Losses on public GPR S -0- -0-

(g) General program PR A -0- 9,908,400

(h) Gifts, grants, PR C -0- 65,000
settlements and

(i) Investor PR A -0- 100,000
education fund

(u) State deposit fund SEG S -0- -0-

(1) P R O G R A M T O T A L S


PROGRAM REVENUE -0- 10,073,400

OTHER (-0-) (10,073,400)


OTHER (-0-) (-0-)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES -0- 10,073,400

(2) Office of credit unions

(g) General program PR A -0- 1,293,500

(m) Credit union PR-F C -0- -0-
federal funds

(2) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

PROGRAM REVENUE -0- 1,293,500

FEDERAL (-0-) (-0-)

OTHER (-0-) (1,293,500)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES -0- 1,293,500

2 0 . 1 4 4 D E P A R T M E N T T O T A L S


PROGRAM REVENUE -0- 11,366,900

FEDERAL (-0-) (-0-)

OTHER (-0-) (11,366,900)


OTHER (-0-) (-0-)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES -0- 11,366,900

20.145 Insurance, office of the commissioner of

(1) Supervision of the insurance industry

(g) General program PR A 6,836,800 6,411,800

(gm) Gifts and grants PR C -0- -0-

(m) Federal funds PR-F C -0- -0-

(1) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

PROGRAM REVENUE 6,836,800 6,411,800

FEDERAL (-0-) (-0-)

OTHER (6,836,800) (6,411,800)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 6,836,800 6,411,800

(2) Patients compensation fund

(u) Administration SEG A 532,200 532,200

(um) Peer review SEG A 88,000 88,000

(v) Specified SEG C 55,028,200 55,028,200
responsibilities, inv.
board payments and
future medical

(2) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

SEGREGATED FUNDS 55,648,400 55,648,400

OTHER (55,648,400) (55,648,400)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 55,648,400 55,648,400

(3) Local government property insurance fund

(u) Administration SEG A 238,200 238,200

(v) Specified SEG C 6,950,000 6,950,000
payments, fire dues
and reinsurance

(3) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

SEGREGATED FUNDS 7,188,200 7,188,200

OTHER (7,188,200) (7,188,200)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 7,188,200 7,188,200

(4) State life insurance fund

(u) Administration SEG A 405,400 397,400

(v) Specified SEG C 2,980,000 2,980,000
payments and losses

(4) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

SEGREGATED FUNDS 3,385,400 3,377,400

OTHER (3,385,400) (3,377,400)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 3,385,400 3,377,400

(7) Health insurance risk-sharing plan administration

(a) Premium and GPR B 893,000 846,000
deductible reduction

(g) Premium and PR C 1,996,800 2,043,800
deductible reduction
subsidy; insurer
assessments and

(u) Administration SEG A 92,800 92,800

(7) P R O G R A M T O T A L S


PROGRAM REVENUE 1,996,800 2,043,800

OTHER (1,996,800) (2,043,800)

SEGREGATED FUNDS 92,800 92,800

OTHER (92,800) (92,800)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 2,982,600 2,982,600

(8) Office of health care information

(hg) General PR A 1,407,100 1,407,100
program operations;
office of health care

(hi) Compilations PR C -0- -0-
and special reports;
office of health care

(hj) Gifts and grants; PR C -0- -0-
office of health care

(kx) Interagency and PR-S C -0- -0-

(mr) Federal funds; PR-F C -0- -0-
office of health care

(8) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

PROGRAM REVENUE 1,407,100 1,407,100

FEDERAL (-0-) (-0-)

OTHER (1,407,100) (1,407,100)

SERVICE (-0-) (-0-)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 1,407,100 1,407,100

2 0 . 1 4 5 D E P A R T M E N T T O T A L S


PROGRAM REVENUE 10,240,700 9,862,700

FEDERAL (-0-) (-0-)

OTHER (10,240,700) (9,862,700)

SERVICE (-0-) (-0-)

SEGREGATED FUNDS 66,314,800 66,306,800

OTHER (66,314,800) (66,306,800)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 77,448,500 77,015,500

20.155 Public service commission

(1) Regulation of public utilities

(g) Utility regulation PR A 11,246,600 11,083,500

(h) Holding PR C 509,500 509,500
company and
nonutility affiliate

(j) Intervenor PR A 250,000 250,000

(L) Stray voltage PR A 190,600 190,600

(Lb) Gifts for stray PR C -0- -0-
voltage program

(m) Federal funds PR-F C 80,600 80,600

(n) Indirect costs PR-F C 16,000 16,000

(1) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

PROGRAM REVENUE 12,293,300 12,130,200

FEDERAL (96,600) (96,600)

OTHER (12,196,700) (12,033,600)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 12,293,300 12,130,200

(2) Office of the commissioner of railroads

(g) Railroad PR A 448,300 352,200
regulation and
general program

(x) Railroad SEG-F C -0- -0-
regulation and
general program
operations; federal

(2) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

PROGRAM REVENUE 448,300 352,200

OTHER (448,300) (352,200)


FEDERAL (-0-) (-0-)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 448,300 352,200

2 0 . 1 5 5 D E P A R T M E N T T O T A L S

PROGRAM REVENUE 12,741,600 12,482,400

FEDERAL (96,600) (96,600)

OTHER (12,645,000) (12,385,800)


FEDERAL (-0-) (-0-)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 12,741,600 12,482,400

20.165 Regulation and licensing, department of

(1) Professional regulation

(g) General program PR A 7,346,600 7,243,900

(h) Technical PR C -0- -0-
assistance; nonstate
agencies and

(i) Examinations; PR C 563,600 572,600
general program

(k) Technical PR-S C -0- -0-
assistance; state

(m) Federal funds PR-F C -0- -0-

2 0 . 1 6 5 D E P A R T M E N T T O T A L S

PROGRAM REVENUE 7,910,200 7,816,500

FEDERAL (-0-) (-0-)

OTHER (7,910,200) (7,816,500)

SERVICE (-0-) (-0-)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 7,910,200 7,816,500

20.175 Savings and loan, office of the commissioner of

(1) Supervision of savings institutions

(g) General program PR A 1,141,200 -0-

2 0 . 1 7 5 D E P A R T M E N T T O T A L S

PROGRAM REVENUE 1,141,200 -0-

OTHER (1,141,200) (-0-)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 1,141,200 -0-

20.185 Securities, office of the commissioner of

(1) Securities, corporate take-over and franchise investment regulation

(g) General program PR A 2,011,300 -0-

(h) Investor PR A 100,000 -0-
education fund

2 0 . 1 8 5 D E P A R T M E N T T O T A L S

PROGRAM REVENUE 2,111,300 -0-

OTHER (2,111,300) (-0-)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 2,111,300 -0-

20.190 State fair park board

(1) State fair park

(c) Housing facilities GPR S -0- -0-
principal repayment,
interest and rebates

(h) State fair PR A 11,667,400 12,047,600

(i) State fair capital PR C 224,000 224,000

(j) State fair PR S 1,140,600 1,451,800
principal repayment,
interest and rebates

(jm) Gifts and grants PR C -0- -0-

2 0 . 1 9 0 D E P A R T M E N T T O T A L S


PROGRAM REVENUE 13,032,000 13,723,400

OTHER (13,032,000) (13,723,400)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 13,032,000 13,723,400

20.197 Gaming commission

(1) Gaming and agency-wide operations

(g) General program PR A 3,142,100 3,114,500
operations; racing

(h) General program PR A 360,200 375,200
operations; Indian
gaming regulation

(j) General program PR A 239,600 238,900
charitable and crane

(q) General program SEG A 25,113,600 -0-
operations; lottery

(1) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

PROGRAM REVENUE 3,741,900 3,728,600

OTHER (3,741,900) (3,728,600)

SEGREGATED FUNDS 25,113,600 -0-

OTHER (25,113,600) (-0-)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 28,855,500 3,728,600

(2) Lottery expenses

(r) Retailer SEG S 28,198,300 -0-

(s) Prizes SEG S -0- -0-

(v) On-line vendor SEG S 9,078,700 -0-

(2) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

SEGREGATED FUNDS 37,277,000 -0-

OTHER (37,277,000) (-0-)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 37,277,000 -0-

(3) Racing special programs, supplements and grants

(h) Purse supplements PR C -0- -0-

(i) County fair PR C 50,000 50,000
association grants

(3) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

PROGRAM REVENUE 50,000 50,000

OTHER (50,000) (50,000)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 50,000 50,000

2 0 . 1 9 7 D E P A R T M E N T T O T A L S

PROGRAM REVENUE 3,791,900 3,778,600

OTHER (3,791,900) (3,778,600)

SEGREGATED FUNDS 62,390,600 -0-

OTHER (62,390,600) (-0-)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 66,182,500 3,778,600



GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUES 48,035,100 47,472,300

PROGRAM REVENUE 119,134,400 141,820,700

FEDERAL (40,895,300) (42,058,600)

OTHER (74,807,800) (95,265,200)

SERVICE (3,431,300) (4,496,900)

SEGREGATED FUNDS 140,010,000 169,540,300

FEDERAL (-0-) (-0-)

OTHER (140,010,000) (169,540,300)

SERVICE (-0-) (-0-)

LOCAL (-0-) (-0-)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 307,179,500 358,833,300

