SECTION 93m. 15.07 (1) (b) 15. of the statutes is amended to read:

15.07 (1) (b) 15. The 3 members of the lower Wisconsin state riverway board appointed under s. 15.345 (6) 15.445 (3) (b) 7.

SECTION 93s. 15.07 (1) (b) 15m. of the statutes is created to read:

15.07 (1) (b) 15m. State fair park board.

SECTION 94. 15.07 (1) (b) 20. of the statutes is amended to read:

15.07 (1) (b) 20. The 3 members of the Kickapoo valley governing board appointed under s. 15.105 (23) 15.445 (2) (b) 3.

SECTION 95. 15.07 (1) (cm) of the statutes is amended to read:

15.07 (1) (cm) The term of one member of the ethics board shall expire on each May 1. The terms of 3 members of the development finance board appointed under s. 15.155 (1) (a) 6. shall expire on May 1 of every even-numbered year and the terms of the other 3 members appointed under s. 15.155 (1) (a) 6. shall expire on May 1 of every odd-numbered year. The terms of the 3 members of the land and water conservation board appointed under s. 15.135 (4) (b) 2. shall expire on January 1. The term of the member of the land and water conservation board appointed under s. 15.135 (4) (b) 2m shall expire on May 1 of an even-numbered year. The terms of members of the real estate board shall expire on July 1. The terms of the appraiser members of the real estate appraisers board and the terms of the auctioneer and auction company representative members of the auctioneer board shall expire on May 1 in an even-numbered year. The terms of the members of the radioactive waste review board shall expire as provided in s. 15.915 (4) (c) The terms of the 4 members of the educational technology board appointed under s. 15.105 (26) (a) 1., 3., 6. and 9. shall expire on May 1 in an even-numbered year.

SECTION 95m. 15.07 (1) (cm) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is amended to read:

15.07 (1) (cm) The term of one member of the ethics board shall expire on each May 1. The terms of 3 members of the development finance board appointed under s. 15.155 (1) (a) 6. shall expire on May 1 of every even-numbered year and the terms of the other 3 members appointed under s. 15.155 (1) (a) 6. shall expire on May 1 of every odd-numbered year. The terms of the 3 members of the land and water conservation board appointed under s. 15.135 (4) (b) 2. shall expire on January 1. The term of the member of the land and water conservation board appointed under s. 15.135 (4) (b) 2m shall expire on May 1 of an even-numbered year. The terms of members of the real estate board shall expire on July 1. The terms of the appraiser members of the real estate appraisers board and the terms of the auctioneer and auction company representative members of the auctioneer board shall expire on May 1 in an even-numbered year. The terms of the 4 members of the educational technology board appointed under s. 15.105 (26) (a) 1., 3., 6. and 9. shall expire on May 1 in an even-numbered year. The terms of 3 members of the gaming board appointed under s. 15.64 shall expire on July 1 of an even-numbered year and the terms of the other 2 members shall expire on July 1 of an odd-numbered year.

SECTION 97. 15.07 (2) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:

15.07 (2) (f) The state superintendent secretary of public instruction education or his or her designated representative shall serve as chairperson of the school district boundary appeal board.

SECTION 97m. 15.07 (2) (k) of the statutes is created to read:

15.07 (2) (k) The governor or his or her designee shall serve as chairperson of the competitive enterprise review board and the secretary of administration or his or her designee shall serve as vice-chairperson of the board.

SECTION 97p. 15.07 (3) (bm) 4. of the statutes is created to read:

15.07 (3) (bm) 4. The competitive enterprise review board shall meet at least 6 times per year.

SECTION 99. 15.07 (5) (i) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 101m. 15.103 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 14.563 (1) and amended to read:

14.563 (1) DIVISION OF TRUST LANDS AND INVESTMENTS. There is created a division of trust lands and investments which is attached to the department of administration office of the state treasurer under s. 15.03. This division is under the direction and supervision of the board of commissioners of public lands.

SECTION 102. 15.103 (5) of the statutes is created to read:

15.103 (5) DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT. There is created in the department of administration a division of technology management.

SECTION 103. 15.105 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:

15.105 (4) (title) PUBLIC RECORDS AND FORMS BOARD. There is created a public records and forms board which is attached to the department of administration under s. 15.03. The public records and forms board shall consist of the governor, the director of the historical society, the attorney general, the state auditor, and the director of the legislative council staff, or their designated representatives, and a representative of the small business community appointed by the governor, a representative of a newspaper published in this state appointed by the governor, a representative of the permit information center appointed by the secretary of development and the director of the legislative council staff or their designated representatives, a representative of a local unit of government, as defined in s. 16.20 (1) (e), and one other member.

SECTION 103m. 15.105 (4) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read:

15.105 (4) PUBLIC RECORDS BOARD. There is created a public records board which is attached to the department of administration under s. 15.03. The public records board shall consist of the governor, the director of the historical society, the attorney general, the state auditor, and the director of the legislative council staff, or their designated representatives, and a representative of the small business community, a representative of a local unit of government, as defined in s. 106.215 (1) (e), and one other member.

SECTION 103r. 15.105 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:

15.105 (8) ARTS BOARD. There is created an arts board which is attached to the department of administration under s. 15.03. The arts board shall consist of 15 members appointed for 3-year terms who are residents of this state and who are known for their concern for the arts. At least 2 members shall be from the northwest portion of this state, at least 2 members shall be from the northeast portion of this state, at least 2 members shall be from the southwest portion of this state and at least 2 members shall be from the southeast portion of this state. This subsection does not apply after June 30, 1997, unless the joint committee on finance has approved the funding report of the arts board under 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9105 (3g) (a).

SECTION 104. 15.105 (8) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is renumbered 15.445 (1) and amended to read:

15.445 (1) ARTS BOARD. There is created an arts board which is attached to the department of administration tourism under s. 15.03. The arts board shall consist of 15 members appointed for 3-year terms who are residents of this state and who are known for their concern for the arts. At least 2 members shall be from the northwest portion of this state, at least 2 members shall be from the northeast portion of this state, at least 2 members shall be from the southwest portion of this state and at least 2 members shall be from the southeast portion of this state. This subsection does not apply after June 30, 1997, unless the joint committee on finance has approved the funding report of the arts board under 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9105 (3g) (a).

SECTION 105. 15.105 (12) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:

15.105 (12) (a) 1. The secretaries of the departments of industry, labor and human relations, secretary of transportation, the secretary of agriculture, trade and consumer protection and the secretary of development or their formally appointed designees.

SECTION 106. 15.105 (17) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 107. 15.105 (18) (title) of the statutes is renumbered 15.225 (2) (title).

SECTION 108. 15.105 (18) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 15.225 (2) (a) and amended to read:

15.225 (2) (a) Creation. There is created a Wisconsin conservation corps board which is attached to the department of administration industry, labor and human relations under s. 15.03.

SECTION 109m. 15.105 (18) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 15.225 (2) (b).

SECTION 110m. 15.105 (18) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 15.225 (2) (c).

SECTION 111. 15.105 (18) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 15.225 (2) (d).

SECTION 112b. 15.105 (20) (title) and (a) of the statutes are renumbered 15.915 (5) (title) and (a).

SECTION 112c. 15.105 (20) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 15.915 (5) (b) and amended to read:

15.915 (5) (b) Creation. There is created a recycling market development board which is attached to the department of administration University of Wisconsin System under s. 15.03.

SECTION 112d. 15.105 (20) (c) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 15.915 (5) (c) (intro.).

SECTION 112e. 15.105 (20) (c) 1. and 2. of the statutes are repealed.

SECTION 112f. 15.105 (20) (c) 3. of the statutes is renumbered 15.915 (5) (c) 3. and amended to read:

15.915 (5) (c) 3. Six Four members representing responsible units.

SECTION 112g. 15.105 (20) (c) 4. of the statutes is renumbered 15.915 (5) (c) 4. and amended to read:

15.915 (5) (c) 4. Three members with expertise concerning the marketing of materials recovered from solid waste or the development of markets for these materials, at least one of whom has, or has had, management responsibility in a manufacturing firm that produces a product from material recovered from solid waste.

SECTION 112h. 15.105 (20) (f) of the statutes is renumbered 15.915 (5) (f).

SECTION 113. 15.105 (22) of the statutes is amended to read:

15.105 (22) STATE USE BOARD. There is created a state use board which is attached to the department of administration under s. 15.03. The board shall consist of 8 members appointed to serve for 4-year terms, including a representative of the department of administration; a representative of the subunit of the department of health and social services which administers mental health laws; a representative of the subunit of the department of health and social services industry, labor and human relations which administers vocational rehabilitation laws; 2 representatives of private businesses, one of whom shall represent a small business; one representative of a work center, as defined in s. 16.752; and one member who does not represent any of the foregoing entities. A member vacates his or her office if the member loses the status upon which his or her appointment is based. In this subsection, "small business" means an independently owned and operated business which is not dominant in its field and which has had less than $2,500,000 in gross annual sales for each of the 2 previous calendar years or has 25 or fewer employes.

SECTION 114. 15.105 (23) of the statutes is renumbered 15.445 (2), and 15.445 (2) (a) and (e), as renumbered, are amended to read:

15.445 (2) (a) Creation. There is created a Kickapoo valley governing board which is attached to the department of administration tourism under s. 15.03.

(e) Liaison representatives. The secretary of agriculture, trade and consumer protection, the secretary of natural resources, the secretary of transportation, the secretary of development, the secretary of administration, the director of the state historical society and the chancellor of the university of Wisconsin-extension, or their designees, shall serve as liaison representatives to the board. The board shall request the Winnebago tribal council to appoint a liaison representative to the board. The board may request any other Indian tribal council which expresses an interest in the governance of the Kickapoo valley reserve to appoint a liaison representative to the board. The liaison representatives are not board members and have no voting power.

SECTION 115. 15.105 (24) (title) of the statutes is renumbered 15.225 (3) (title).

SECTION 116. 15.105 (24) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 15.225 (3) (a) and amended to read:

15.225 (3) (a) Creation. There is created a national and community service board which is attached to the department of administration industry, labor and human relations under s. 15.03.

SECTION 117. 15.105 (24) (b) to (e) of the statutes are renumbered 15.225 (3) (b) to (e).

SECTION 118m. 15.105 (26) of the statutes is created to read:

15.105 (26) EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY BOARD. (a) There is created an educational technology board which is attached to the department of administration under s. 15.03. The board shall consist of the following members appointed for 4-year terms:

1. An employe of the division for libraries and community learning in the department of public instruction appointed by the state superintendent of public instruction.

2. An employe of the department of administration appointed by the secretary of administration.

3. A representative of public libraries appointed by the governor.

4. The head of the board of the Wisconsin Advanced Telecommunications Foundation, or his or her designee.

5. A school board member or employe appointed by the governor.

6. A technical college district board member or employe appointed by the director of the state technical college system.

7. An employe of a University of Wisconsin System institution or center appointed by the president of the University of Wisconsin System.

8. An employe of the public service commission appointed by the chairperson of the commission.

9. A representative of a local or regional distance education network appointed by the governor.

(b) Persons appointed to the educational technology board shall have a recognized interest in and demonstrated knowledge of computer technologies, distance learning technologies, educational media and electronic resources, electronic information dissemination or telecommunications technologies.

SECTION 118p. 15.105 (26) (a) 1. of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read:

15.105 (26) (a) 1. An employe of the division for libraries and community learning in the department of education appointed by the secretary of education.

SECTION 118r. 15.105 (27) of the statutes is created to read:

15.105 (27) COMPETITIVE ENTERPRISE REVIEW BOARD. There is created a competitive enterprise review board which is attached to the department of administration under s. 15.03. The board shall consist of:

(a) The governor or his or her designee.

(b) The secretary of administration or his or her designee.

(c) The secretary of employment relations or his or her designee.

(d) Two members appointed for 2-year terms, one of whom shall be a representative of a labor organization that is certified or recognized to represent state employes under subch. V of ch. 111 and one of whom shall have experience in competitive bidding practices in the private sector.

SECTION 119. 15.107 (9) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

15.107 (9) (b) Application. This subsection does not apply after July 1, 1996 June 30, 2002.

SECTION 120. 15.107 (13) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 121x. 15.13 of the statutes is amended to read:

15.13 Department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection; creation. There is created a department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection under the direction and supervision of the board of agriculture, trade and consumer protection. The board shall consist of 6 5 members with an agricultural background and one member 2 members who is a are consumer representative representatives, appointed for staggered 6-year terms. Appointments to the board shall be made without regard to party affiliation, residence or interest in any special organized group.

SECTION 123. 15.135 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:

15.135 (5) FARM MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION BOARD. There is created a farm mediation and arbitration board which is attached to the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection under s. 15.03. The board shall consist of the secretary of agriculture, trade and consumer protection or the secretary's designee, the commissioner of banking or the commissioner's secretary of financial institutions or the secretary's designee and a member appointed by the governor to serve at the pleasure of the governor.

SECTION 126c. 15.153 (2) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 126m. 15.153 (3) of the statutes is created to read:

15.153 (3) DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND REGULATORY SERVICES. There is created in the department of development a division of environmental and regulatory services. The administrator of this division shall be appointed outside the classified service by the secretary and shall serve at the pleasure of the secretary.

SECTION 126mg. 15.153 (4) of the statutes is created to read:

15.153 (4) DIVISION OF INTERNATIONAL AND EXPORT DEVELOPMENT. There is created in the department of development a division of international and export development. The administrator of this division shall be appointed outside the classified service by the secretary and shall serve at the pleasure of the secretary.
