SECTION 1968. 43.03 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

43.03 (title) General duties of state superintendent department. (intro.) The state superintendent department shall:

SECTION 1969. 43.05 (13) of the statutes is amended to read:

43.05 (13) Carry out such other programs and policies as directed by the state superintendent department.

SECTION 1970. 43.07 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

43.07 Council on library and network development. (intro.) The state superintendent department and the division shall seek the advice of and consult with the council on library and network development in performing their duties in regard to library service. The state superintendent secretary or the administrator of the division shall attend every meeting of the council. The council may initiate consultations with the department and the division. The council shall:

SECTION 1971. 43.07 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

43.07 (2) Advise the state superintendent secretary in regard to the general policies and activities of the state's program for library development, interlibrary cooperation and network development.

SECTION 1972. 43.07 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

43.07 (3) Advise the state superintendent secretary in regard to the general policies and activities of the state's program for the development of school library media programs and facilities and the coordination of these programs with other library services.

SECTION 1973. 43.07 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:

43.07 (4) Hold a biennial meeting for the purpose of discussing the report submitted by the state superintendent department under s. 43.03 (3) (d). Notice of the meeting shall be sent to public libraries, public library systems, school libraries and other types of libraries and related agencies. After the meeting, the council shall make recommendations to the state superintendent department regarding the report and any other matter the council deems appropriate.

SECTION 1974. 43.07 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:

43.07 (5) On or before July 1 of every odd-numbered year, transmit to the state superintendent department a descriptive and statistical report on the condition and progress of library services in the state and recommendations on how library services in the state may be improved. The state superintendent department shall include the report as an addendum to the department's biennial report under s. 15.04 (1) (d).

SECTION 1975. 43.07 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:

43.07 (7) Receive complaints, suggestions and inquiries regarding the programs and policies of the department relating to library and network development, inquire into such complaints, suggestions and inquiries, and advise the state superintendent secretary and the division on any action to be taken.

SECTION 1976. 43.13 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:

43.13 (4) Any decision by the division under this section may be appealed to the state superintendent department.

SECTION 1978. 43.24 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

43.24 (3) Annually, the division shall review the reports and proposed service plans submitted by the public library systems under s. 43.17 (5) for conformity with this chapter and such rules and standards as are applicable. Upon approval, the division shall certify to the department of administration an estimated amount to which each system is entitled under this section. Annually on or before December 1 of the year immediately preceding the year for which aids are to be paid, the department of administration shall pay each system 75% of the certified estimated amount from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (1) (3) (e). The division shall, on or before the following April 30, certify to the department of administration the actual amount to which the system is entitled under this section. On or before July 1, the department of administration shall pay each system the difference between the amount paid on December 1 of the prior year and the certified actual amount of aid to which the system is entitled from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (1) (3) (e). The division may reduce state aid payments when any system or any participant thereof fails to meet the requirements of sub. (2). Beginning September 1, 1991, the division may reduce state aid payments to any system if the system or any participant in the system fails to meet the requirements of s. 43.15 (4).

SECTION 1980. 43.24 (3m) of the statutes is amended to read:

43.24 (3m) If the appropriation under s. 20.255 (1) (3) (e) in any one year is insufficient to pay the full amount under sub. (1), state aid payments shall be prorated among the library systems entitled to such aid.

SECTION 1981. 43.70 of the statutes is amended to read:

43.70 Common school fund. (1) No later than October 15 of each year, each school district administrator shall certify to the state superintendent department, on forms provided by the state superintendent department, a report of the total number of children between the ages of 4 and 20 years residing in the school district on the preceding June 30. The number may be estimated by using statistically significant sampling techniques that have been approved by the state superintendent department.

(2) Annually, within 40 days after December 1, the state superintendent department shall ascertain the aggregate amount of all moneys received as income in the common school fund prior to that December 1 and shall apportion such amount to the school districts in proportion to the number of children resident therein between the ages of 4 and 20 years, as shown by the census report certified under sub. (1).

(3) Immediately upon making such apportionment, the state superintendent department shall certify to the department of administration the amount that each school district is entitled to receive under this section and shall notify each school district administrator of the amount so certified for his or her school district. Within 15 days after receiving such certification, the department of administration shall issue its warrants upon which the state treasurer shall pay the amount apportioned forthwith to the proper school district treasurer. All moneys apportioned from the common school fund shall be expended for the purchase of library books and other instructional materials for school libraries, but not for public library facilities operated by school districts under s. 43.52, in accordance with rules promulgated by the state superintendent department. Appropriate records of such purchases shall be kept and necessary reports thereon shall be made to the state superintendent department.

SECTION 1983. 44.015 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

44.015 (3) Accept collections of private manuscripts, printed materials, tapes, films, optical disks, materials stored in electronic format and artifacts, and it may enforce any reasonable restrictions on accessibility to the public, use or duplication of said collections which are agreed upon by the donor and the historical society.

SECTION 1984. 44.02 (5) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 3, is amended to read:

44.02 (5) Keep its main library and museum rooms open at all reasonable hours on business days for the reception of the residents of this state who may wish to visit the library or museum. Except as provided under sub. subs. (5g) and (5m), the historical society may collect a fee for admission to historic sites or buildings acquired, leased or operated by the historical society, including areas within state parks or on other state-owned lands which incorporate historic buildings, restorations, museums or remains and which are operated by the historical society by agreement with the department of natural resources or other departments, or for lectures, pageants or similar special events, or for admission to defray the costs of special exhibits in its several buildings of documents, objects or other materials not part of the historical society's regular collections but brought in on loan from other sources for such special exhibitions or for use of the main library. The historical society shall take action on a continuing basis to raise funds from private sources for the operation of its main library. The historical society may procure and sell or otherwise dispose of postcards, souvenirs and other appropriate merchandise to help defray the costs of operating its several plants and projects.

SECTION 1986. 44.02 (5g) of the statutes is created to read:

44.02 (5g) Not charge a fee for use of the main library by any member of the historical society, any member of the faculty or academic staff of the University of Wisconsin System, any student enrolled in the University of Wisconsin System or any other person exempted by rule of the historical society. The historical society may not charge a fee for use of the main library by any other person unless the historical society submits a fee schedule to the joint committee on finance that includes the specific fee to be charged to different categories of persons and an identification of any persons exempted by rule of the historical society. The fee schedule of the historical society shall be implemented if the committee approves the report, or does not schedule a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the report within 14 working days after receipt of the report.

SECTION 1987. 44.02 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:

44.02 (8) Bind, except when microfilmed or transferred to optical disks or electronic format, the unbound books, documents, manuscripts, pamphlets, and especially newspaper files in its possession.

SECTION 1987m. 44.02 (24) of the statutes is amended to read:

44.02 (24) Promulgate by rule procedures, standards and forms necessary to certify, and shall certify, expenditures for preservation or rehabilitation of historic property for the purposes of s. 71.07 (9r). These standards shall be substantially similar to the standards used by the secretary of the interior to certify rehabilitations under 26 USC 48 (g) (2) (C) 47 (c) (2).

SECTION 1988b. 44.03 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:

44.03 (1) County or local historical societies without capital stock may be incorporated as affiliates of the historical society, to gather and preserve the books, documents and artifacts relating to the history of their region or locality. No fees shall be charged by any register of deeds for recording nor by the secretary of state department of financial institutions for filing the articles of organization or its amendments, or for a certificate of incorporation of any such society, but the secretary of state department of financial institutions shall not accept articles of incorporation under this section unless they are approved by the board of curators of the historical society.

SECTION 1989b. 44.03 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

44.03 (2) Statewide, county or other patriotic or historical organizations, or chapters in this state may be incorporated as affiliates of the historical society under sub. (1) if their purposes and programs are similar to and consonant with those of the historical society and its affiliates, or if already incorporated, the organizations or chapters may apply to the board of curators for affiliation with the historical society. Upon incorporation under this section or acceptance of affiliation by the board of curators the applying organization shall as an affiliate accept the provisions and shall be entitled to all the benefits of this section. Any affiliated society shall be a member and entitled to one vote in any general meeting of the historical society. The board of curators may terminate the affiliation as an affiliate of the historical society under this section of any such organization by formal resolution, a copy of which shall be deposited with the secretary of state department of financial institutions.

SECTION 1990. 44.095 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:

44.095 (2) (d) Develop and periodically update a comprehensive plan for the protection, preservation and accessibility of electronic records of permanent historical value. The historical society shall submit the plan by June 30, 1995, and the plan updates annually thereafter until June 30, 1998, to the governor, the legislature under s. 13.172 (2), and the privacy advocate public records board, the division of information technology services and the council on information technology in the department of administration.

SECTION 1992. 44.13 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:

44.13 (1) The state carriage museum, to be known as the Wesley W. Jung Carriage Museum, located at Old Wade House state park, shall be developed by cooperation of the department of natural resources, the society, and such other agencies as may be interested therein, in accordance with such arrangements as the department of natural resources and society agree upon.

SECTION 1993b. 44.25 (5g) and (5r) of the statutes are created to read:

44.25 (5g) The commission may:

(a) Subject to authorization under s. 16.505, employ staff outside of the classified service and consultants and fix their compensation.

(b) Enter into contracts, leases or other agreements.

(c) Accept gifts, grants, bequests or donations of personal services.

(d) Assume such other functions authorized by law as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.

(e) License products.

(5r) The commission may appoint such committees as may be required to carry out its functions.

SECTION 1993j. 44.39 (5) of the statutes is created to read:

44.39 (5) WAIVER OF COMPLIANCE. (a) If the department of health and social services or the department of corrections determines that public safety may be jeopardized by compliance with any requirement of this section or s. 44.40 or 44.41, the department may request a waiver of compliance from the building commission. The building commission may grant the waiver of compliance.

(b) If a waiver of compliance is granted by the building commission under par. (a), the applicable agency shall notify the officer of any proposed action to be taken under the waiver that may affect a historic property. The officer shall be notified at least 30 days before the proposed action is taken and, during the period before the proposed action is taken, the applicable agency shall allow the historical society to document the condition of the historic property.

SECTION 1993te. 44.53 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

44.53 (1) (intro.) The Subject to s. 44.65, the board shall:

SECTION 1993tg. 44.55 of the statutes is amended to read:

44.55 Executive secretary. The Subject to s. 44.65, the board shall appoint an executive secretary outside the classified service to serve at its pleasure.

SECTION 1993ti. 44.56 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

44.56 (2) Every Subject to s. 44.65, every recipient of a grant awarded by the board under the board's general grants program or community arts program from the appropriation under s. 20.215 (1) (b) shall perform a public service which shall be mutually agreed upon by the board and the grant recipient at the time the grant is awarded.

SECTION 1993tk. 44.565 (6) of the statutes is created to read:

44.565 (6) This section is subject to s. 44.65.

SECTION 1993tm. 44.57 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 44.57 (1) (a).

SECTION 1993tp. 44.57 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:

44.57 (1) (b) This section is subject to s. 44.65.

SECTION 1994. 44.60 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:

44.60 (4) At the request of the board, the department of development tourism shall assist the board in evaluating proposed projects under this section.

SECTION 1994m. 44.60 (5) of the statutes is created to read:

44.60 (5) This section is subject to s. 44.65.

SECTION 1995. 44.62 of the statutes is created to read:

44.62 Wisconsin regranting program. (1) In this section:

(a) "Local arts agency" has the meaning given in s. 44.565 (1).

(b) "Municipality" means any city, village, town, county or federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state.

(2) Subject to sub. (3) and s. 44.65, the board shall award grants under the Wisconsin regranting program to local arts agencies and municipalities. Grants shall be awarded from the appropriation under s. 20.215 (1) (f).

(3) No grant may be distributed under sub. (2) unless the local arts agency or municipality makes a matching fund contribution that is equal to the amount of the grant awarded under this section. Private funds and in-kind contributions may be applied to meet the requirement of this subsection.

(4) The board shall promulgate rules to implement and administer this section.

SECTION 1995g. 44.65 of the statutes is created to read:

44.65 Applicability. This subchapter does not apply after June 30, 1997, unless the joint committee on finance has approved the funding report of the arts board under 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9105 (3g) (a).

SECTION 1995k. 45.25 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

45.25 (3) (a) An individual who meets the requirements under sub. (2), upon satisfactory completion of an undergraduate semester in any institution or center within the university of Wisconsin system or a semester at any technical college district school under ch. 38, may be reimbursed for up to 25% 35% of the individual's tuition and fees, other than textbooks and other costs, charged by the institution, center or school, or the difference between the individual's tuition and fees and the grants or scholarships, including those made under s. 21.49, that the individual receives specifically for the payment of the tuition or fees, whichever is less. Reimbursement is available only for tuition and fees that are part of a curriculum that is relevant to a degree in a particular course of study at the institution, center or school.

SECTION 1995m. 45.25 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

45.25 (4) (b) The department may not provide reimbursement under sub. (2) to an individual who is delinquent in child support or maintenance payments, as established by the receipt by the department of a certification under s. 46.255 73.255.

SECTION 1995q. 45.25 (4) (d) of the statutes is created to read:

45.25 (4) (d) The department may provide reimbursement under sub. (2) from the appropriation account under s. 20.485 (2) (tf) for the fiscal year in which the course was completed or in which the academic term during which the course was taken ended, whichever is earlier.

SECTION 1996. 45.35 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:

45.35 (6) COORDINATION DUTIES. The department shall coordinate the activities of all state agencies and the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority performing functions relating to the medical, hospital, or other remedial care, placement and training, educational, economic or vocational rehabilitation of persons who served in the armed forces of the United States at any time and who were honorably discharged, including such persons with disabilities whether or not service-connected or war-connected. In particular it shall coordinate the activities of the technical college system board, state selective service administration, department of health and social services, department of industry, labor and human relations, department of public instruction, the university of Wisconsin system and other educational institutions, the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority, and all other departments or agencies performing any of the functions specified, to the end that the benefits provided in this section may be made available to veterans as promptly and effectively as possible.

SECTION 1997. 45.35 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:

45.35 (9) VOCATIONAL TRAINING. The department in cooperation with the department of health and social services industry, labor and human relations shall make available to disabled veterans the benefits of vocational training and guidance, including veterans who have filed claims for federal rehabilitation benefits and during the pendency of such claims. In cases where such claims are allowed and federal reimbursement is made to the state, such money shall be paid into and become a part of the veterans trust fund.
