(b) Consult with private commercial sources.

(c) Require any executive branch agency to provide a cost estimate or conduct a management study regarding any materials, supplies, equipment or services provided by the agency.

(d) Prescribe cost accounting standards for executive branch agencies in their preparation of cost estimates under par. (c).

(e) Prescribe, in consultation with the department or any other affected executive branch agency, specifications and procedures to which the department or other agency shall conform when soliciting bids or competitive sealed proposals.

SECTION 361k. 16.71 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:

16.71 (1) Except as authorized in s. 16.74, the department shall purchase and may delegate to special designated agents the authority to purchase all necessary materials, supplies, equipment, all other permanent personal property and miscellaneous capital, and contractual services and all other expense of a consumable nature for all agencies. In making any delegation, the department shall require the agent to adhere to all requirements imposed upon the department in making purchases under this subchapter. Any purchase or delegation of the responsibility for purchasing is subject to directives issued by the competitive enterprise review board under s. 16.706. All materials, services and other things and expense furnished to any agency and interest paid under s. 16.528 shall be charged to the proper appropriation of the agency to which furnished.

SECTION 361L. 16.71 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

16.71 (2) The Except as otherwise directed under s. 16.706 (7), the department of administration shall delegate authority to make all purchases for prison industries to the department of corrections. This delegation may be withdrawn by the department of administration only with the consent of, and in accordance with the terms specified by, the joint committee on finance, for failure to comply with applicable purchasing rules, procedures or statutory requirements.".

Page 115, line 9: after that line insert:

"SECTION 361n. 16.72 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

16.72 (2) (a) The Unless otherwise directed under s. 16.706 (8) (e), the department of administration shall prepare standard specifications, as far as possible, for all state purchases. By "standard specifications" is meant a specification, either chemical or physical or both, prepared to describe in detail the article which the state desires to purchase, and trade names shall not be used. On the formulation, adoption and modification of any standard specifications, the department of administration shall also seek and be accorded without cost, the assistance, advice and cooperation of other agencies and officers. Each specification adopted for any commodity shall, insofar as possible, satisfy the requirements of any and all agencies which use it in common.

SECTION 361p. 16.72 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

16.72 (2) (b) Except as provided in s. otherwise required under ss. 16.706 (8) (e) and 565.25 (2) (a) 4., the department shall prepare or review specifications for all materials, supplies, equipment, other permanent personal property and contractual services not purchased under standard specifications. Such "nonstandard specifications" may be generic or performance specifications, or both, prepared to describe in detail the article which the state desires to purchase either by its physical properties or programmatic utility. When appropriate for such nonstandard items or services, trade names may be used to identify what the state requires, but wherever possible 2 or more trade names shall be designated and the trade name of any Wisconsin producer, distributor or supplier shall appear first.

SECTION 361po. 16.72 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:

16.72 (2) (c) To Unless otherwise directed under s. 16.706 (8) (e) the department shall, to the extent possible, the department shall write specifications so as to permit the purchase of materials manufactured in the United States, as defined in s. 16.754 (1).

SECTION 361q. 16.72 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:

16.72 (2) (d) To the extent possible Unless otherwise directed under s. 16.706 (8) (e), the department and any other designated purchasing agent under s. 16.71 (1) shall, to the extent possible, write specifications for the purchase of materials, supplies, commodities, equipment and contractual services so as to permit their purchase from prison industries, as created under s. 303.01 (1).".

Page 115, line 12: after "shall" insert ", unless otherwise directed under s. 16.706 (8) (e),".

Page 115, line 21: delete "In" and substitute "In Unless otherwise directed under s. 16.706 (8) (e), in".

Page 116, line 2: delete "All" and substitute "All Unless otherwise directed under s. 16.706 (8) (e), all".

Page 117, line 17: after "ss." insert "16.706 (7),".

Page 118, line 2: after "ss." insert "16.706 (7),".

Page 118, line 6: after that line insert:

"SECTION 368n. 16.75 (1) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:

16.75 (1) (a) 3. Bids Except as provided in s. 16.706 (8) (e), bids may be received only in accordance with such specifications as are adopted by the department as provided in this subsection. Any or all bids may be rejected. Each bid, with the name of the bidder, shall be entered on a record, and each record with the successful bid indicated shall, after the award or letting of the contract, be opened to public inspection. Where a low bid is rejected, a complete written record shall be compiled and filed, giving the reason in full for such action. Any waiver of sealed, advertised bids as provided in sub. (2m) or (6) shall be entered on a record kept by the department and open to public inspection.".

Page 118, line 8: delete "The" and substitute "The Except as otherwise directed under s. 16.706 (7), the".

Page 118, line 19: after that line insert:

"SECTION 371e. 16.75 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

16.75 (2) (a) When Unless otherwise directed under s. 16.706 (7), whenever the department of administration believes that it is to the best interests of the state to purchase certain patented or proprietary articles, other than printing and stationery, it may purchase said articles without the usual statutory procedure. All equipment shall be purchased from the lowest and best bidder as determined by the bids and a comparison of the detailed specifications submitted with the bids, and after due advertisement as herein before provided. Where the low bid or bids are rejected, a complete written record shall be compiled and filed, giving the reasons in full for such action.

SECTION 371m. 16.75 (2g) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

16.75 (2g) (a) The Unless otherwise directed under s. 16.706 (4), the purchasing authority under s. 16.71 (2) may make purchases for products of and goods for resale by prison industries, other than purchases of printing or stationery, without inviting bids and without accepting the lowest responsible bid.".

Page 119, line 17: after that line insert:

"SECTION 381m. 16.75 (8) (b) of the statutes is created to read:

16.75 (8) (b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to purchases which the department is directed to make under s. 16.706 (7).".

Page 119, line 19: delete "The" and substitute "The Unless otherwise directed under s. 16.706 (8) (e), the".

Page 119, line 23: after that line insert:

"SECTION 383b. 16.752 (7) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:

16.752 (7) (a) 1. A legible copy of the articles of incorporation of the organization showing the date of filing and with the seal of the secretary of state department of financial institutions.".

Page 119, line 23: after that line insert:

"SECTION 382m. 16.75 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:

16.75 (10) An agency that has building, fleet or energy management responsibilities shall, to the extent cost-effective and technically feasible, rely upon energy systems that utilize fuels produced in this state. In reviewing bids for the purchase of fuels or energy systems or equipment, the agency shall purchase fuel or energy systems or equipment produced in this state if the cost of the lowest responsible bid for such fuel or energy systems or equipment is no greater than the lowest responsible bid for fuel or energy systems or equipment produced outside of this state. This subsection does not apply to purchases made under s. 16.706 (7).".

Page 120, line 4: after that line insert:

"SECTION 384m. 16.754 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

16.754 (3) EXEMPTIONS. (intro.) Subsection (2) does not apply if the materials are purchased for the purpose of commercial resale or for the purpose of use in the production of goods for commercial sale. Subsection (2) does not apply to the purchase of stationery and printing materials. Subsection (2) does not apply if the department determines, under s. 16.75 (1) (a) 2., that the foreign nation or subdivision thereof in which the vendor is domiciled does not give preference to vendors domiciled in that nation or subdivision in making governmental purchases. Subsection (2) does not apply if the competitive enterprise review board otherwise directs under s. 16.706 (7). Subsection (2) does not apply if the department or other person having contracting authority in respect to the purchase determines that:".

Page 123, line 15: after that line insert:

"SECTION 390s. 16.82 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

16.82 (4) (a) May Unless otherwise directed under s. 16.706, may produce or contract to have produced, printing of classes 1, 3 and 4, and excerpts from the statutes under class 2, and all materials offered by state agencies for production.".

Page 153, line 4: delete that line and substitute:

"SECTION 439bb. 18.13 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:

18.13 (4) PUBLIC INTERVENOR. Notwithstanding s. 165.075 23.39, the public intervenor does not have authority to initiate any action or proceeding concerning the issuance of obligations by the building commission under this chapter.".

****NOTE: This language corrects a drafting error in b0574/2.

Page 153, line 5: delete the material beginning with that line and ending with page 154, line 9.

Page 157, line 6: delete lines 6 to 18.

Page 172, line 2: delete the material beginning with the comma and ending with the comma on line 3.

Page 176, line 15: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1995-96 by $50,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1996-97 by $50,000 to decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.

Page 176, line 15: after that line insert:

"(dm) Wind erosion GPR C 50,000 50,000".
control aids

Page 178, line 1: delete that line.

Page 180, line 14: after that line insert:

"(bs) Mexico trade GPR A 37,000 37,000".

Page 180, line 14: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1996-97 by $250,000 to increase funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.

Page 180, line 16: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1995-96 by $1,500,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1996-97 by $1,500,000 to decrease funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.

Page 183, line 9: delete lines 9 and 10.

Page 187, line 2: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1995-96 by $45,000 for the purpose of funding the additional 0.8 FTE PR position transferred to the department of development from the department of industry, labor and human relations.

Page 187, line 2: after that line insert:

"(rz) Code SEG A 11,200 -0-".
petroleum inspection

Page 187, line 6: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1996-97 by $2,300,100 for the purpose of increasing funding for the appropriation to reflect the transfer of functions from the secretary of state's office to the department of financial institutions.

Page 194, line 11: delete that line.

Page 203, line 11: after that line insert:

"(i) Wisconsin PR C -0- -0-".
commission; license

Page 205, line 16: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1995-96 by $750,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1996-97 by $750,000 to reflect elimination of performance assessments.

Page 205, line 17: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1995-96 by $1,625,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1996-97 by $2,600,00 to reflect elimination of performance assessments.

Page 207, line 4: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1995-96 by $2,700,000 to increase funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.

Page 208, line 18: delete that line.

Page 208, line 23: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1995-96 by $307,200 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1996-97 by $307,200 to decrease funding for human growth and development programs.

Page 209, line 9: delete lines 9 and 10.

Page 210, line 2: delete lines 2 and 3.

Page 216, line 3: after that line insert:

"(am) Agricultural GPR S -0- -0-".
land reimbursement

Page 220, line 7: delete that line.

Page 225, line 13: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1995-96 by $70,300 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1996-97 by $70,300, and adjust the net appropriation totals accordingly, to decrease the authorized FTE positions for the department of natural resources by 1.0 SEG position to eliminate the coordinator position for the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway.

Page 241, line 13: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1995-96 by $38,800 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1996-97 by $38,800 for the purpose of eliminating the video taping functions of the department of natural resources and to decrease the authorized FTE positions for the department of natural resources by 1.0 SEG position for that purpose.

Page 241, line 19: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1995-96 by $88,900 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1996-97 by $120,700 to decrease the authorized FTE positions for the department of natural resources by 1.0 GPR attorney position for the purpose of eliminating the public intervenor.

Page 242, line 11: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1995-96 by $50,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1996-97 by $50,000 for the purpose of eliminating the video taping functions of the department of natural resources and to decrease the authorized FTE positions for the department of natural resources by 1.0 SEG position for that purpose.

Page 245, line 1: substitute "valley" for "vallely".

****NOTE: Corrects a misspelling.

Page 246, line 3: before that line insert:

"20.395 Transportation, department of

(1) Aids

(ar) Corrections of SEG S -0- -0-
transportation aid

(as) Transportation SEG A 68,809,500 73,473,900
aids to counties,
state funds

(at) Transportation SEG A 213,243,100 220,823,200
aids to
municipalities, state

(bq) Small SEG A 53,139,900 4,374,000
communities transit
operating aids, state

(br) Milwaukee SEG A -0- -0-
urban area rail
transit system
planning study, state

(bs) Medium-sized SEG A 3,502,500 14,383,600
communities transit
operating aids, state

(bt) Urban rail SEG C -0- -0-
transit system grants

(bu) Large SEG A 16,552,600 55,672,600
communities transit
operating aids, state

(bv) Transit aids, SEG-L C -0- -0-
local funds

(bw) Employment SEG A 596,500 614,400
transit aids, state

(bx) Transit aids, SEG-F C 13,800,000 6,600,000
federal funds

(by) Employment SEG-F C -0- -0-
transit aids, federal

(cq) Elderly and SEG A 733,700 755,700
disabled capital aids,
state funds

(cr) Elderly and SEG A 5,355,600 5,516,300
disabled county aids,
state funds

(cv) Elderly and SEG-L C 458,400 463,900
disabled aids, local

(cx) Elderly and SEG-F C 1,100,000 1,100,000
disabled aids, federal

(ds) Demand SEG A 300,000 300,000
management and
ride-sharing grants,
state funds

(ex) Highway safety, SEG-F C 1,700,000 1,700,000
local assistance,
federal funds

(fq) Connecting SEG A 11,584,500 11,996,400
highways aids, state

(fs) Flood damage SEG S 600,000 600,000
aids, state funds

(ft) Lift bridge aids, SEG B 1,350,000 1,500,000
state funds

(fu) County forest SEG A 541,500 541,500
road aids, state funds

(gq) Expressway SEG A 828,400 853,300
policing aids, state

(1) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

SEGREGATED FUNDS 394,196,200 401,268,800

FEDERAL (16,600,000) (9,400,000)

OTHER (377,137,800) (391,404,900)

LOCAL (458,400) (463,900)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 394,196,200 401,268,800

(2) Local transportation assistance

(aq) Accelerated SEG C 5,075,000 1,000,000
local bridge
assistance, state funds

(av) Accelerated SEG-L C 1,691,700 333,300
local bridge
assistance, local

(ax) Accelerated SEG-F C -0- -0-
local bridge
assistance, federal

(bq) Rail service SEG C 656,400 656,400
assistance, state funds

(br) Rail passenger SEG B 572,500 572,500
service, state funds

(bu) Freight rail SEG C 5,579,800 5,579,800
improvements, state

(bv) Rail service SEG-L C 500,000 500,000
assistance, local

(bw) Freight rail SEG-L C -0- -0-
assistance loan
repayments, local

(bx) Rail service SEG-F C 50,000 50,000
assistance, federal

(cq) Harbor SEG C 580,700 580,700
assistance, state funds

(dq) Aeronautics SEG C 12,863,900 12,863,900
assistance, state funds

(dv) Aeronautics SEG-L C 6,985,200 6,985,200
assistance, local

(dx) Aeronautics SEG-F C 20,000,000 20,000,000
assistance, federal

(eq) Highway and SEG C 8,188,200 9,170,000
local bridge
assistance, state funds

(ev) Local bridge SEG-L C 8,182,300 8,427,700
assistance, local

(ex) Local bridge SEG-F C 24,538,200 24,538,200
assistance, federal

(fr) Local roads SEG C 11,336,400 11,676,500
program, state funds

(fv) Local SEG-L C 25,483,400 25,823,500
facility improvement
assistance, local

(fx) Local SEG-F C 56,138,000 56,138,000
facility improvement
assistance, federal

(gq) Railroad SEG A 2,250,000 2,250,000
improvement and
maintenance, state

(gr) Railroad SEG A 450,000 450,000
improvement and
installation, state

(gs) Railroad SEG C -0- -0-
crossing repair
assistance, state funds

(gv) Railroad SEG-L C -0- -0-
improvement, local

(gx) Railroad SEG-F C 1,849,300 1,849,300
federal funds

(hq) Multimodal SEG C 500,000 500,000
studies, state funds

(hx) Multimodal SEG-F C -0- -0-
studies, federal funds

(iq) Transportation SEG C 3,605,000 3,713,200
facilities economic
assistance and
development, state

(iv) Transportation SEG-L C 3,605,000 3,713,200
facilities economic
assistance and
development, local

(iw) Transportation SEG-L C -0- -0-
facility improvement
loans, local funds

(ix) Transportation SEG-F C -0- -0-
facilities economic
assistance &
development, federal

(jq) Surface SEG C -0- -0-
grants, state funds

(jv) Surface SEG-L C 680,000 680,000
grants, local funds

(jx) Surface SEG-F C 2,720,000 2,720,000
grants, federal funds

(kv) Congestion SEG-L C 1,502,400 1,502,400
mitigation and air
improvement, local

(kx) Congestion SEG-F C 6,009,500 6,009,500
mitigation and air
federal funds

(mq) Local SEG A 1,463,000 1,460,700
administration, state

(mv) Local SEG-L C -0- -0-
administration, local

(mx) Local SEG-F C 300,000 300,000
federal funds

(2) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

SEGREGATED FUNDS 213,355,900 210,044,000

FEDERAL (111,605,000) (111,605,000)

OTHER (53,120,900) (50,473,700)

LOCAL (48,630,000) (47,965,300)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 213,355,900 210,044,000

(3) State highway facilities

(aq) Environmental SEG C 2,000,000 2,000,000
clean-up activities,
state funds

(bq) Major highway SEG C 10,000,000 10,000,000
development, state

(br) Major highway SEG-S C 106,774,900 111,663,300
service funds

(bv) Major highway SEG-L C -0- -0-
development, local

(bx) Major highway SEG-F C 36,721,600 48,354,700
development, federal

(cq) State highway SEG C 214,861,300 276,174,300
rehabilitation, state

(cv) State highway SEG-L C 2,000,000 2,000,000
rehabilitation, local

(cx) State highway SEG-F C 185,994,900 174,361,800
federal funds

(eq) Highway SEG B 139,331,100 143,139,800
maintenance, repair
and traffic
operations, state

(ev) Highway SEG-L C 250,000 250,000
maintenance, repair
and traffic
operations, local

(ex) Highway SEG-F C -0- -0-
maintenance, repair
and traffic
operations, federal

(iq) Administration SEG A 17,415,200 17,415,200
and planning, state

(ir) Disadvantaged SEG C -0- -0-
assistance, state funds

(iv) Administration SEG-L C -0- -0-
and planning, local

(ix) Administration SEG-F C 3,282,700 3,282,700
and planning, federal

(3) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

SEGREGATED FUNDS 718,631,700 788,641,800

FEDERAL (225,999,200) (225,999,200)

OTHER (383,607,600) (448,729,300)

SERVICE (106,774,900) (111,663,300)

LOCAL (2,250,000) (2,250,000)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 718,631,700 788,641,800

(4) General transportation operations

(aq) Departmental SEG A 38,226,900 35,976,700
management and
operations, state

(ar) Minor SEG C 708,600 574,600
projects, state funds

(as) Information PR-S A -0- -0-
development projects

(at) Capital building SEG-S C 4,674,000 4,674,000
projects, service

(av) Departmental SEG-L C 369,000 369,000
management and
operations, local

(ax) Departmental SEG-F C 6,825,000 6,825,000
management and
operations, federal

(ch) Gifts and grants PR C -0- -0-

(dq) Demand SEG A 250,500 250,500

(eq) Data processing SEG-S C 15,109,600 15,109,600
services, service

(er) Fleet operations, SEG-S C 11,413,900 11,413,900
service funds

(es) Other SEG-S C 1,119,800 1,119,800
department services,
operations, service

(et) Equipment SEG A -0- -0-

(4) P R O G R A M T O T A L S


OTHER (-0-) (-0-)

SERVICE (-0-) (-0-)

SEGREGATED FUNDS 78,697,300 76,313,100

FEDERAL (6,825,000) (6,825,000)

OTHER (39,186,000) (36,801,800)

SERVICE (32,317,300) (32,317,300)

LOCAL (369,000) (369,000)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 78,697,300 76,313,100

(5) Motor vehicle services and enforcement

(cg) Vehicle PR C -0- -0-
telephone renewal
transactions, state

(ch) Repaired PR C -0- -0-
salvage vehicle
examinations, state

(cq) Vehicle reg., SEG A 60,343,300 57,301,300
inspection &
maintenance &
driver licensing,
state funds

(cx) Vehicle SEG-F C 200,000 200,000
registration and
driver licensing,
federal funds

(dk) Public safety PR-S C 143,600 143,600
radio management,
service funds

(dq) Vehicle SEG A 37,711,700 38,092,700
inspection, traffic
enforcement and
radio management,
state funds

(dx) Vehicle SEG-F C 2,029,300 2,029,300
inspection and
traffic enforcement,
federal funds

(hq) Motor veh. SEG A 8,021,700 8,021,700
emission insp. and
maint. program,
contractor costs,
state funds

(hx) Motor vehicle SEG-F C -0- -0-
emission inspection
and maintenance
programs, federal

(iv) Municipal and SEG-L C -0- -0-
county registration
fee, local funds

(5) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

PROGRAM REVENUE 143,600 143,600

OTHER (-0-) (-0-)

SERVICE (143,600) (143,600)

SEGREGATED FUNDS 108,306,000 105,645,000

FEDERAL (2,229,300) (2,229,300)

OTHER (106,076,700) (103,415,700)

LOCAL (-0-) (-0-)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 108,449,600 105,788,600

(6) Debt services

(aq) Principal SEG S 8,643,300 7,241,500
repayment and
facilities, state funds

(ar) Principal SEG S 686,800 645,100
repayment and
interest, buildings,
state funds

(as) Transportation SEG C -0- -0-
facilities and
highway projects
revenue obligation

(6) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

SEGREGATED FUNDS 9,330,100 7,886,600

OTHER (9,330,100) (7,886,600)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 9,330,100 7,886,600

2 0 . 3 9 5 D E P A R T M E N T T O T A L S

PROGRAM REVENUE 143,600 143,600

OTHER (-0-) (-0-)

SERVICE (143,600) (143,600)

SEGREGATED FUNDS 1,522,517,200 1,589,799,300

FEDERAL (363,258,500) (356,058,500)

OTHER (968,459,100) (1,038,712,000)

SERVICE (139,092,200) (143,980,600)

LOCAL (51,707,400) (51,048,200)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 1,522,660,800 1,589,942,900


Page 250, line 3: delete "Probationer and parolee loan fund" and substitute "Loan fund for persons on probation, community supervision or parole".

Page 250, line 7: delete "Probation and parole" and substitute "Probation, community supervision and parole".
