Page 2142, line 24: after that line insert:

"SECTION 7062b. 703.23 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:

703.23 (1) APPOINTMENT OF RESIDENT AGENT; CHANGE IN NAME OR ADDRESS. When any property is submitted to a condominium declaration, the declarant shall appoint a resident agent for the condominium who shall be a citizen and actual resident of the state or corporation duly registered or qualified to do business in the state. The declarant shall file the name and address of the resident agent with the secretary of state department of financial institutions. The name or address of the resident agent may be changed by the association or other proper authority of the condominium in the same manner and to the same extent that names and addresses of registered agents may be changed by corporations. If the association is incorporated, the registered agent for the association shall be the registered agent for the condominium.

SECTION 7063b. 703.23 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

703.23 (2) INDEX OF NAMES AND ADDRESS OF RESIDENT AGENTS. The secretary of state department of financial institutions shall keep an index of the names and addresses of resident agents and shall make the information available to the public on request.

SECTION 7064b. 704.22 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

704.22 (2) Designation of an agent under sub. (1) shall be in writing and filed with the secretary of state department of financial institutions.".

Page 2146, line 15: delete the material beginning with that line and ending with page 2148, line 4.

Page 2155, line 13: delete "industry, labor and hu-" and substitute "revenue.".

Page 2155, line 14: delete that line.

Page 2155, line 18: on lines 18 and 23, substitute "73.25" for "49.143".

Page 2156, line 2: on lines 2, 3 and 24, substitute "73.25" for "49.143".

Page 2156, line 6: delete lines 6 to 20 and substitute:

"767.045 (6) COMPENSATION. The guardian ad litem shall be compensated at a rate that the court determines is reasonable. The court shall order either or both parties to pay all or any part of the compensation of the guardian ad litem. In addition, upon motion by the guardian ad litem, the court shall order either or both parties to pay the fee for an expert witness used by the guardian ad litem, if the guardian ad litem shows that the use of the expert is necessary to assist the guardian ad litem in performing his or her functions or duties under this chapter. If either or both parties are unable to pay indigent, the court may direct that the county of venue pay the compensation and fees, in whole or in part, and may direct that any or all parties reimburse the county, in whole or in part, for the payment. If the court orders a county to pay the compensation of the guardian ad litem, the amount ordered may not exceed the compensation paid to private attorneys under s. 977.08 (4m) (b). The court may order a separate judgment for the amount of the reimbursement in favor of the county and against the party or parties responsible for the reimbursement. The court may enforce its orders under this subsection by means of its contempt power.".

Page 2157, line 3: on lines 3, 6, 12 and 17, substitute "73.25" for "49.143".

Page 2157, line 23: after that line insert:

"SECTION 7098c. 767.078 (1) (d) 1. c. of the statutes is amended to read:

767.078 (1) (d) 1. c. The parent who is absent from the home works, on average, less than 32 hours per week and is not participating in an employment training program that meets criteria established by the department of industry, labor and human relations.".

Page 2158, line 1: restore "of".

Page 2158, line 2: after "services" insert "industry, labor and human relations".

Page 2158, line 17: on lines 17, 18 and 25, substitute "73.25" for "49.143".

Page 2159, line 4: on lines 4, 10 and 11, substitute "73.25" for "49.143".

Page 2160, line 17: substitute "73.25" for "49.143".

Page 2161, line 5: on lines 5 and 9, substitute "73.25" for "49.143".

Page 2162, line 5: on lines 5, 7, 11 and 20, substitute "73.25" for "49.143".

Page 2163, line 10: substitute "73.25" for "49.143".

Page 2163, line 23: after that line insert:

"SECTION 7104tm. 767.29 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

767.29 (2) If any party entitled to maintenance payments or support money, or both, is receiving public assistance under ch. 49, the party may assign the party's right thereto to the county department under s. 46.215, 46.22 or 46.23 granting such assistance. Such assignment shall be approved by order of the court granting the maintenance payments or support money, and may be terminated in like manner; except that it shall not be terminated in cases where there is any delinquency in the amount of maintenance payments and support money previously ordered or adjudged to be paid to the assignee without the written consent of the assignee or upon notice to the assignee and hearing. When an assignment of maintenance payments or support money, or both, has been approved by the order, the assignee shall be deemed a real party in interest within s. 803.01 but solely for the purpose of securing payment of unpaid maintenance payments or support money adjudged or ordered to be paid, by participating in proceedings to secure the payment thereof. Notwithstanding assignment under this subsection, and without further order of the court, the clerk of court, upon receiving notice that a party or a minor child of the parties is receiving aid under s. 49.19, shall forward all support assigned under s. 49.19 (4) (h) 1. or 49.45 (19) to the department of industry, labor and human relations.".

Page 2165, line 6: restore "of"; and after "services" insert "industry, labor and human relations".

Page 2165, line 10: substitute "73.25" for "49.143".

Page 2166, line 25: substitute "73.25" for "49.143".

Page 2167, line 8: on lines 8 and 16, substitute "73.25" for "49.143".

Page 2168, line 2: on lines 2 and 10, substitute "73.25" for "49.143".

Page 2170, line 20: substitute "73.25" for "49.143".

Page 2172, line 2: on lines 2 and 6, substitute "73.25" for "49.143".

Page 2173, line 9: delete lines 9 to 13 and substitute:

"SECTION 7121cm. 767.52 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

767.52 (3) This section does not prevent an attorney responsible for support enforcement under s. 59.458 (1) or any other attorney employed under s. 46.25 49.143 or 59.07 (97) from appearing in any paternity action as provided under s. 767.45 (6).".

****NOTE: Since the earlier amendment of s. 767.52 (3) was removed from the substitute amendment, this delayed amendment should not be "as affected by ...." and should amend the section as it appears under current law.

Page 2173, line 9: delete lines 9 to 13 and substitute:

"SECTION 7121d. 767.52 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

767.52 (3) This section does not prevent an attorney responsible for support enforcement under s. 59.458 (1) or any other attorney employed under s. 46.25 73.25 or 59.07 (97) from appearing in any paternity action as provided under s. 767.45 (6).".

Page 2173, line 19: on lines 19 and 20 and lines 23 and 24, substitute "revenue" for "industry, labor and human relations".

Page 2174, line 8: delete the material beginning with that line and ending with page 2175, line 13.

Page 2174, line 15: after that line insert:

"SECTION 7128b. 776.44 of the statutes is amended to read:

776.44 Judgment, where filed. Upon the rendition of a judgment dissolving a corporation or vacating or annulling of letters patent the attorney general shall file a certified copy of the judgment in the office of the secretary of state with the department of financial institutions.".

Page 2175, line 13: after that line insert:

"SECTION 7129b. 779.87 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

779.87 (3) (b) Amount; filed. The principal sum of the bond shall be $25,000 at all times. A copy of the bond shall be filed with the secretary of state department of financial institutions.".

Page 2176, line 3: after that line insert:

"SECTION 7130b. 779.97 (2) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:

779.97 (2) (c) 1. If the person against whose interest the lien applies is a partnership or a corporation, as defined in 26 USC 7701 (a) (2) and (3), whose principal executive office is in this state, in the office of the secretary of state with the department of financial institutions.

SECTION 7131b. 779.97 (2) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:

779.97 (2) (c) 2. If the person against whose interest the lien applies is a trust not covered under subd. 1., in the office of the secretary of state with the department of financial institutions.

SECTION 7132b. 779.97 (2) (c) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:

779.97 (2) (c) 3. If the person against whose interest the lien applies is the estate of a decedent, in the office of the secretary of state with the department of financial institutions.

SECTION 7133b. 779.97 (4) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:

779.97 (4) (a) 1. The secretary of state With the department of financial institutions, the secretary of state filing officer shall cause the notice to be marked, held and indexed in accordance with s. 409.403 (4) as if the notice were a financing statement within the meaning of chs. 401 to 411; or

SECTION 7134b. 779.97 (4) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:

779.97 (4) (b) 1. If a refiling of a notice of lien is presented to the secretary of state department of financial institutions for filing, the secretary filing officer shall cause the refiled notice of federal lien to be marked, held and indexed in accordance with s. 409.403 as if the refiling were a continuation statement within the meaning of chs. 401 to 411, except that the time period in par. (d) shall apply instead of the time period in s. 409.403 (2) and (3).".

Page 2176, line 14: after that line insert:

"SECTION 7136b. 779.97 (4) (b) 2. of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is amended to read:

779.97 (4) (b) 2. If a certificate of release is presented to the secretary of state department of financial institutions for filing, the secretary filing officer shall cause the certificate to be marked, held and indexed in accordance with s. 409.404 as if the certificate were a termination statement within the meaning of chs. 401 to 411, and the secretary filing officer may remove the notice of federal lien and any related refiling of a notice of lien, certificate of nonattachment, discharge or subordination from the files at any time after receipt of the certificate of release, but the secretary of state department of financial institutions shall keep the certificate of release or a microfilm or other photographic record or optical disk or electronic record of the certificate of release in a file, separate from those containing currently effective notices of liens, for a period of 30 years after the date of filing of the certificate of release.

SECTION 7137b. 779.97 (4) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:

779.97 (4) (b) 3. If a certificate of discharge is presented to the secretary of state department of financial institutions for filing, the secretary filing officer shall cause the certificate to be marked, held and indexed as if the certificate were a release of collateral within the meaning of chs. 401 to 411.

SECTION 7138b. 779.97 (4) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:

779.97 (4) (b) 4. If a certificate of nonattachment or subordination of any lien is presented to the secretary of state department of financial institutions for filing, the secretary filing officer shall cause the certificate to be marked, held and indexed as if the certificate were an amendment within the meaning of chs. 401 to 411.".

Page 2177, line 2: after that line insert:

"SECTION 7140b. 779.97 (4) (c) 2. of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is amended to read:

779.97 (4) (c) 2. If a certificate of release is presented for filing with any other filing officer specified in sub. (2), the officer shall enter the certificate with the date of filing in any alphabetical federal lien index on the line where the original notice of lien is entered and may then remove the notice of federal lien and any related refiling of a notice of lien, certificate of nonattachment, discharge or subordination from the files, provided that the officer shall keep the certificate of release or a microfilm or other photographic record, or in the case of the secretary of state department of financial institutions, or a register of deeds if authorized under s. 59.512, a microfilm or other photographic record or optical disk record, of the certificate of release in a file, separate from those containing currently effective notices of federal liens, for a period of 30 years after the date of filing of the certificate of release.".

Page 2177, line 13: after that line insert:

"SECTION 7141g. 801.02 (7) of the statutes is created to read:

801.02 (7) No prisoner, as defined in s. 301.01 (2), may commence a civil action or special proceeding against an officer, employe or agent of the department of corrections in his or her official capacity or as an individual for acts or omissions committed while carrying out his or her duties as an officer, employe or agent or while acting within the scope of his or her office, employment or agency until the person has exhausted any administrative remedies that the department of corrections has promulgated by rule.".

Page 2177, line 13: after that line insert:

"SECTION 7140x. 800.01 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

800.01 (2) (a) Service under sub. (1) (a) shall be as provided in s. 801.11 or 968.04 (3) (b) 2. or by personal service by a municipal employe.".

Page 2177, line 13: after that line insert:

"SECTION 7141g. 800.095 (7m) of the statutes is created to read:

800.095 (7m) TRANSFER OF UNCLAIMED MONEY. In addition to the procedures under this section, a municipal court may order the transfer of any of the defendant's money that the municipality is holding and that is unclaimed by the defendant for more than one year to pay any forfeitures that the defendant failed to pay the municipality.".

Page 2178, line 20: after that line insert:

"SECTION 7142m. 809.30 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

809.30 (1) (b) "Sentencing" means, in a felony or misdemeanor case, the imposition of a sentence, fine or probation or, in a misdemeanor case, imposition of community supervision. In a ch. 48, 51 or 55 case, other than a termination of parental rights case under s. 48.43, it means the entry of the trial court's final judgment or order.".

Page 2179, line 3: delete lines 3 to 11.

Page 2183, line 16: delete the material beginning with that line and ending with page 2184, line 5.

Page 2184, line 6: delete lines 6 to 10 and substitute:

"SECTION 7147x. 814.04 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

814.04 Items of costs. (intro.) Except as provided in ss. 93.20, 101.22 (6) (i) and (6m) (a), 769.313, 814.025, 814.245, 895.035 (4), 895.75 (3), 895.77 (2), 895.80 (3), 943.212 (2) (b), 943.245 (2) (d) and 943.51 (2) (b), when allowed costs shall be as follows:

SECTION 7148c. 814.04 (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is amended to read:
