This bill changes eligibility requirements for a grant or contract under the program. Eligibility is limited to applicants who provide employment, training or job placement services in a county with a population of 500,000 or more and who are local public bodies or private organizations located in the county or 2 or more state agencies coordinating such services.
Currently, the program is funded solely with federal funds, including oil overcharge funds. This bill eliminates the use of federal oil overcharge funds for the program and appropriates state funds for the program.
Rail and air transportation
Under current law, DOT is authorized to contract up to $10,000,000 in public debt for the acquisition of rail property and for grants and loans awarded by DOT for certain rail property acquisitions and improvements. This bill increases this authorized general obligation bonding limit from $10,000,000 to $14,500,000.
Under current law, with specified exceptions, any aircraft based in this state is required to be registered annually by its owner with DOT. An annual registration fee is collected by DOT on the basis of the maximum gross weight of the aircraft, up to a maximum of $3,125 for aircraft with a maximum gross weight of more than 100,000 pounds. DOT collects a charge for late payment of the annual registration fee of up to 20% of the applicable fee.
This bill makes a number of changes in aircraft registration. The bill:
1. Establishes biennial registration for aircraft with a maximum gross weight of not more than 3,000 pounds, with the current annual registration fee for the aircraft doubled.
2. Requires a minimum late payment charge of $50.
3. Eliminates an aircraft dealer exemption from aircraft registration.
4. Changes the definition of "antique aircraft" to apply to any aircraft manufactured in 1944 or earlier instead of aircraft more than 35 years old. Current law permits antique aircraft to be registered with DOT for a one-time registration fee of $50 that remains valid while the aircraft is owned by the registrant.
Other transportation
Under current law, the state is authorized to issue general obligation bonds to finance grants awarded by DOT for harbor improvements, with the principal repayment and interest payments to be made from transportation fund revenue.
This bill increases the authorized general obligation bonding limit for grants awarded by DOT for harbor improvements from $9,000,000 to $12,000,000.
Under current law, with certain exceptions a condemnor may not require any person who occupies premises on the date that title to the premises is transferred to the condemnor to vacate the premises until a comparable replacement property is made available to the person.
This bill provides that whenever a business is condemned for transportation purposes, the condemnor may require any persons displaced as a result to vacate without making a comparable replacement business available. The condemnor must still take reasonable and necessary steps to assist owners of displaced business concerns in obtaining and becoming established in suitable replacement business locations.
Under current law, DOT administers a demonstration and training program for the purpose of developing the capability of disadvantaged businesses to participate in DOT construction projects. Under the program, disadvantaged businesses include those businesses that are at least 51% owned by minority group members, women or other individuals found by DOT to be socially and economically disadvantaged according to certain federal criteria. The program is scheduled to expire on June 30, 1995.
This bill extends the expiration date for the disadvantaged business demonstration and training program until September 30, 1997.
Under current law, an owner of property that is exempt from taxes is required to file a report on that property every 2 years with the clerk of the taxation district where the property is located. Certain exceptions are made. This bill adds an exception for certain railroad property that DOT acquires.
This bill will be referred to the joint survey committee on tax exemptions for a detailed analysis, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
SECTION 1. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes, as it affects 20.395 of the statutes, is repealed and recreated to read:


Statute, Agency and Source Type 1995-96 1996-97

20.395 Transportation, department of

(1) Aids

(ar) Corrections of SEG S -0- -0-
transportation aid

(as) Transportation SEG A 68,809,500 73,473,900
aids to counties,
state funds

(at) Transportation SEG A 175,480,000 146,367,200
aids to
municipalities, state

(au) Transportation SEG A 40,118,500 81,252,400
aids to towns, state

(bq) Small SEG A 53,139,900 4,374,000
communities transit
operating aids, state

(br) Milwaukee SEG A -0- -0-
urban area rail
transit system
planning study, state

(bs) Medium-sized SEG A 3,502,500 14,383,600
communities transit
operating aids, state

(bt) Urban rail SEG C -0- -0-
transit system grants

(bu) Large SEG A 17,549,000 59,801,000
communities transit
operating aids, state

(bv) Transit aids, SEG-L C -0- -0-
local funds

(bw) Employment SEG A 596,500 614,400
transit aids, state

(bx) Transit aids, SEG-F C 13,800,000 6,600,000
federal funds

(by) Employment SEG-F C -0- -0-
transit aids, federal

(cq) Elderly and SEG A 733,700 755,700
disabled capital aids,
state funds

(cr) Elderly and SEG A 5,355,600 5,516,300
disabled county aids,
state funds

(cv) Elderly and SEG-L C 458,400 463,900
disabled aids, local

(cx) Elderly and SEG-F C 1,100,000 1,100,000
disabled aids, federal

(ds) Demand SEG A 300,000 300,000
management and
ride-sharing grants,
state funds

(ex) Highway safety, SEG-F C 1,700,000 1,700,000
local assistance,
federal funds

(fq) Connecting SEG A 11,560,500 11,947,600
highways aids, state

(fs) Flood damage SEG S 600,000 600,000
aids, state funds

(ft) Lift bridge aids, SEG B 1,350,000 1,500,000
state funds

(fu) County forest SEG A 180,500 180,500
road aids, state funds

(gq) Expressway SEG A 828,400 853,300
policing aids, state

(1) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

SEGREGATED FUNDS 397,163,000 411,783,800

FEDERAL (16,600,000) (9,400,000)

OTHER (380,104,600) (401,919,900)

LOCAL (458,400) (463,900)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 397,163,000 411,783,800

(2) Local transportation assistance

(aq) Accelerated SEG C 5,075,000 1,000,000
local bridge
assistance, state funds

(av) Accelerated SEG-L C 1,691,700 333,300
local bridge
assistance, local

(ax) Accelerated SEG-F C -0- -0-
local bridge
assistance, federal

(bq) Rail service SEG C 659,400 659,400
assistance, state funds

(br) Rail passenger SEG B 572,500 572,500
service, state funds

(bu) Freight rail SEG C 5,579,800 5,579,800
improvements, state

(bv) Rail service SEG-L C 500,000 500,000
assistance, local

(bw) Freight rail SEG-L C -0- -0-
assistance loan
repayments, local

(bx) Rail service SEG-F C 50,000 50,000
assistance, federal

(cq) Harbor SEG C 580,700 580,700
assistance, state funds

(dq) Aeronautics SEG C 12,973,400 12,973,400
assistance, state funds

(dv) Aeronautics SEG-L C 6,985,200 6,985,200
assistance, local

(dx) Aeronautics SEG-F C 20,000,000 20,000,000
assistance, federal

(eq) Highway and SEG C 8,190,800 9,172,600
local bridge
assistance, state funds

(ev) Local bridge SEG-L C 8,182,300 8,427,700
assistance, local

(ex) Local bridge SEG-F C 24,538,200 24,538,200
assistance, federal

(fr) Local roads SEG C 15,836,400 16,176,500
program, state funds

(fv) Local SEG-L C 30,333,400 30,673,500
facility improvement
assistance, local

(fx) Local SEG-F C 57,538,000 57,538,000
facility improvement
assistance, federal

(gq) Railroad SEG A 2,250,000 2,250,000
improvement and
maintenance, state

(gr) Railroad SEG A 450,000 450,000
improvement and
installation, state

(gs) Railroad SEG C -0- -0-
crossing repair
assistance, state funds

(gv) Railroad SEG-L C -0- -0-
improvement, local

(gx) Railroad SEG-F C 1,849,300 1,849,300
federal funds

(hq) Multimodal SEG C 1,000,000 1,000,000
studies, state funds

(hx) Multimodal SEG-F C -0- -0-
studies, federal funds

(iq) Transportation SEG C 4,000,000 4,000,000
facilities economic
assistance and
development, state

(iv) Transportation SEG-L C 4,000,000 4,000,000
facilities economic
assistance and
development, local

(iw) Transportation SEG-L C -0- -0-
facility improvement
loans, local funds

(ix) Transportation SEG-F C -0- -0-
facilities economic
assistance &
development, federal

(jq) Surface SEG C -0- -0-
grants, state funds

(jv) Surface SEG-L C 1,000,000 1,000,000
grants, local funds

(jx) Surface SEG-F C 4,000,000 4,000,000
grants, federal funds

(kv) Congestion SEG-L C 2,207,400 2,207,400
mitigation and air
improvement, local

(kx) Congestion SEG-F C 8,829,500 8,829,500
mitigation and air
federal funds

(mq) Local SEG A 1,470,000 1,467,700
administration, state

(mv) Local SEG-L C -0- -0-
administration, local

(mx) Local SEG-F C 300,000 300,000
federal funds

(2) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

SEGREGATED FUNDS 230,643,000 227,114,700

FEDERAL (117,105,000) (117,105,000)

OTHER (58,638,000) (55,882,600)

LOCAL (54,900,000) (54,127,100)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 230,643,000 227,114,700

(3) State highway facilities

(aq) Environmental SEG C 2,000,000 2,000,000
clean-up activities,
state funds

(bq) Major highway SEG C 21,995,300 23,413,500
development, state

(br) Major highway SEG-S C 99,667,200 103,584,000
service funds

(bv) Major highway SEG-L C -0- -0-
development, local

(bx) Major highway SEG-F C 59,550,500 61,337,000
development, federal

(cq) State highway SEG C 279,011,800 322,612,100
rehabilitation, state

(cr) Seasonal SEG C -0- 2,000,000
program, state funds

(cv) State highway SEG-L C 2,000,000 2,000,000
rehabilitation, local

(cx) State highway SEG-F C 157,666,000 155,879,500
federal funds

(eq) Highway SEG B 142,356,500 146,255,900
maintenance, repair
and traffic
operations, state

(ev) Highway SEG-L C 250,000 250,000
maintenance, repair
and traffic
operations, local

(ex) Highway SEG-F C -0- -0-
maintenance, repair
and traffic
operations, federal

(iq) Administration SEG A 17,415,200 17,585,900
and planning, state

(ir) Disadvantaged SEG C -0- -0-
assistance, state funds

(iv) Administration SEG-L C -0- -0-
and planning, local

(ix) Administration SEG-F C 3,282,700 3,282,700
and planning, federal

(3) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

SEGREGATED FUNDS 785,195,200 840,200,600

FEDERAL (220,499,200) (220,499,200)

OTHER (462,778,800) (513,867,400)

SERVICE (99,667,200) (103,584,000)

LOCAL (2,250,000) (2,250,000)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 785,195,200 840,200,600

(4) General transportation operations

(aq) Departmental SEG A 39,582,800 39,397,000
management and
operations, state

(ar) Minor SEG C 708,600 574,600
projects, state funds

(at) Capital building SEG-S C 4,674,000 4,674,000
projects, service

(av) Departmental SEG-L C 369,000 369,000
management and
operations, local

(ax) Departmental SEG-F C 6,825,000 6,825,000
management and
operations, federal

(bh) Hazardous PR B 113,600 113,600
transportation fees

(ch) Gifts and grants PR C -0- -0-

(dq) Demand SEG A 250,500 250,500

(eq) Data processing SEG-S C 15,109,600 15,109,600
services, service

(er) Fleet operations, SEG-S C 11,413,900 11,413,900
service funds

(es) Other SEG-S C 1,119,800 1,119,800
department services,
operations, service

(et) Equipment SEG A -0- -0-

(4) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

PROGRAM REVENUE 113,600 113,600

OTHER (113,600) (113,600)

SEGREGATED FUNDS 80,053,200 79,733,400

FEDERAL (6,825,000) (6,825,000)

OTHER (40,541,900) (40,222,100)

SERVICE (32,317,300) (32,317,300)

LOCAL (369,000) (369,000)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 80,166,800 79,847,000

(5) Motor vehicle services and enforcement

(cg) Vehicle PR C -0- -0-
telephone renewal
transactions, state

(ch) Repaired PR C -0- -0-
salvage vehicle
examinations, state

(cq) Vehicle reg., SEG A 62,647,000 63,195,600
inspection &
maintenance &
driver licensing,
state funds

(cx) Vehicle SEG-F C 200,000 200,000
registration and
driver licensing,
federal funds

(dk) Public safety PR-S C 175,900 175,900
radio management,
service funds

(dq) Vehicle SEG A 38,713,000 39,061,600
inspection, traffic
enforcement and
radio management,
state funds

(dv) Vehicle SEG C -0- -0-
inspection and
traffic enforcement;
local funds

(dx) Vehicle SEG-F C 2,004,400 2,004,400
inspection and
traffic enforcement,
federal funds

(hq) Motor veh. SEG A 8,021,700 8,021,700
emission insp. and
maint. program,
contractor costs,
state funds

(hx) Motor vehicle SEG-F C -0- -0-
emission inspection
and maintenance
programs, federal

(iv) Municipal and SEG-L C -0- -0-
county registration
fee, local funds

(5) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

PROGRAM REVENUE 175,900 175,900

OTHER (-0-) (-0-)

SERVICE (175,900) (175,900)

SEGREGATED FUNDS 111,586,100 112,483,300

FEDERAL (2,204,400) (2,204,400)

OTHER (109,381,700) (110,278,900)

LOCAL (-0-) (-0-)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 111,762,000 112,659,200

(6) Debt services

(aq) Principal SEG S 8,643,300 7,241,500
repayment and
facilities, state funds

(ar) Principal SEG S 686,800 645,100
repayment and
interest, buildings,
state funds

(as) Transportation SEG C -0- -0-
facilities and
highway projects
revenue obligation

(6) P R O G R A M T O T A L S

SEGREGATED FUNDS 9,330,100 7,886,600

OTHER (9,330,100) (7,886,600)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 9,330,100 7,886,600

2 0 . 3 9 5 D E P A R T M E N T T O T A L S

PROGRAM REVENUE 289,500 289,500

OTHER (113,600) (113,600)

SERVICE (175,900) (175,900)

SEGREGATED FUNDS 1,613,970,600 1,679,202,400

FEDERAL (363,233,600) (356,033,600)

OTHER (1,060,775,100) (1,130,057,500)

SERVICE (131,984,500) (135,901,300)

LOCAL (57,977,400) (57,210,000)

TOTAL-ALL SOURCES 1,614,260,100 1,679,491,900

SECTION 2. 20.395 (1) (as) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.395 (1) (as) Transportation aids to counties, state funds. The amounts in the schedule for local transportation aids to counties under s. 86.30 (2) (a) 2. b.

SECTION 3. 20.395 (1) (at) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.395 (1) (at) Transportation aids to municipalities, state funds. The amounts in the schedule for local transportation aids to municipalities under s. 86.30 (2) (a) 2. a.

SECTION 4. 20.395 (1) (au) of the statutes is created to read:

20.395 (1) (au) Transportation aids to towns, state funds. The amounts in the schedule for local transportation aids to towns under s. 86.30 (2) (a) 3.

SECTION 5. 20.395 (1) (bq) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.395 (1) (bq) (title) Transit Small communities transit operating aids, state funds. The amounts in the schedule for the mass transit aid program aids to small communities under s. 85.20 (4m) (a) 1.

SECTION 6. 20.395 (1) (bs) of the statutes is renumbered 20.395 (1) (ds).

SECTION 7. 20.395 (1) (bs) of the statutes is created to read:

20.395 (1) (bs) Medium-sized communities transit operating aids, state funds. The amounts in the schedule for mass transit aids to medium-sized communities under s. 85.20 (4m) (a) 2.

SECTION 8. 20.395 (1) (bu) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.395 (1) (bu) (title) Supplemental Large communities transit operating aids, state funds. The amounts in the schedule for the mass transit aid program aids to large communities under s. 85.20 (4m) (am) (a) 3.

SECTION 9. 20.395 (1) (bw) of the statutes is created to read:

20.395 (1) (bw) Employment transit aids, state funds. The amounts in the schedule for the employment transit assistance program under s. 85.26.

SECTION 10. 20.395 (1) (bz) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 11. 20.395 (2) (bq) (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:

20.395 (2) (bq) (title) Rail service assistance, state funds.

SECTION 12. 20.395 (2) (bt) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 13. 20.395 (3) (aq) of the statutes is created to read:

20.395 (3) (aq) Environmental clean-up activities, state funds. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for environmental clean-up activities under s. 84.01 (30).

SECTION 14. 20.395 (3) (bq) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.395 (3) (bq) Major highway development, state funds. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for major development of state trunk and connecting highways and, before July 1, 1995 October 1, 1997, for the disadvantaged business demonstration and training program under s. 84.076.

SECTION 15. 20.395 (3) (bv) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.395 (3) (bv) Major highway development, local funds. All moneys received from any local unit of government or other source for major development of state trunk and connecting highways, including the railroad and utility alteration and relocation loan program under s. 84.065, and, before July 1, 1995 October 1, 1997, the disadvantaged business demonstration and training program under s. 84.076, for such purposes.

SECTION 16. 20.395 (3) (bx) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.395 (3) (bx) Major highway development, federal funds. All moneys received from the federal government for major development of state trunk and connecting highways and, before July 1, 1995 October 1, 1997, the disadvantaged business demonstration and training program under s. 84.076, for such purposes.

SECTION 17. 20.395 (3) (cq) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.395 (3) (cq) State highway rehabilitation, state funds. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for improvement of existing state trunk and connecting highways; for improvement of bridges on state trunk or connecting highways and other bridges for which improvement is a state responsibility, for necessary approach work for such bridges and for replacement of such bridges with at-grade crossing improvements; for the construction and rehabilitation of the national system of interstate and defense highways and bridges and related appurtenances; for special maintenance activities under s. 84.04 on roadside improvements; for bridges under s. 84.10; for payment to a local unit of government for a jurisdictional transfer under s. 84.02 (8); and, before July 1, 1995 October 1, 1997, for the disadvantaged business demonstration and training program under s. 84.076.

SECTION 18. 20.395 (3) (cr) of the statutes is created to read:

20.395 (3) (cr) Seasonal highway rehabilitation program, state funds. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for the seasonal highway rehabilitation program under s. 86.307.

SECTION 19. 20.395 (3) (cv) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.395 (3) (cv) State highway rehabilitation, local funds. All moneys received from any local unit of government or other source for the specific information sign program under s. 86.195; for improvement of existing state trunk and connecting highways; for improvement of bridges on state trunk or connecting highways and other bridges for which improvement is a state responsibility, for necessary approach work for such bridges and for replacement of such bridges with at-grade crossing improvements; for the construction and rehabilitation of the national system of interstate and defense highways and bridges and related appurtenances; for special maintenance activities under s. 84.04 on roadside improvements; for the railroad and utility alteration and relocation loan program under s. 84.065 and, before July 1, 1995 October 1, 1997, for the disadvantaged business demonstration and training program under s. 84.076, for such purposes.

SECTION 20. 20.395 (3) (cx) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.395 (3) (cx) State highway rehabilitation, federal funds. All moneys received from the federal government for improvement of existing state trunk and connecting highways; for improvement of bridges on state trunk or connecting highways and other bridges for which improvement is a state responsibility, for necessary approach work for such bridges and for replacement of such bridges with at-grade crossing improvements; for the construction and rehabilitation of the national system of interstate and defense highways and bridges and related appurtenances; for special maintenance activities under s. 84.04 on roadside improvements and, before July 1, 1995 October 1, 1997, for the disadvantaged business demonstration and training program under s. 84.076, for such purposes.

SECTION 21. 20.395 (3) (eq) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.395 (3) (eq) Highway maintenance, repair and traffic operations, state funds. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for the maintenance and repair of roadside improvements under s. 84.04, state trunk highways under s. 84.07 and bridges that are not on the state trunk highway system under s. 84.10; for highway operations such as permit issuance, pavement marking, highway signing, traffic signalization and highway lighting under ss. 84.04, 84.07, 84.10 and 348.25 to 348.27 and ch. 349; and, before July 1, 1995 October 1, 1997, for the disadvantaged business demonstration and training program under s. 84.076. This paragraph does not apply to special maintenance activities under s. 84.04 on roadside improvements.

SECTION 22. 20.395 (3) (ev) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.395 (3) (ev) Highway maintenance, repair and traffic operations, local funds. All moneys received from any local unit of government or other sources for the maintenance and repair of roadside improvements under s. 84.04, state trunk highways under s. 84.07 and bridges that are not on the state trunk highway system under s. 84.10; for signing under s. 86.195; for highway operations such as permit issuance, pavement marking, highway signing, traffic signalization and highway lighting under ss. 84.04, 84.07, 84.10 and 348.25 to 348.27 and ch. 349; and, before July 1, 1995 October 1, 1997, for the disadvantaged business demonstration and training program under s. 84.076; for such purposes. This paragraph does not apply to special maintenance activities under s. 84.04 on roadside improvements.

SECTION 23. 20.395 (3) (ex) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.395 (3) (ex) Highway maintenance, repair and traffic operations, federal funds. All moneys received from the federal government for the maintenance and repair of roadside improvements under s. 84.04, state trunk highways under s. 84.07 and bridges that are not on the state trunk highway system under s. 84.10; for highway operations such as permit issuance, pavement marking, highway signing, traffic signalization and highway lighting under ss. 84.04, 84.07, 84.10 and 348.25 to 348.27 and ch. 349; and, before July 1, 1995 October 1, 1997, for the disadvantaged business demonstration and training program under s. 84.076; for such purposes. This paragraph does not apply to special maintenance activities under s. 84.04 on roadside improvements.

SECTION 24. 20.395 (3) (iq) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.395 (3) (iq) Administration and planning, state funds. The amounts in the schedule for the administration and planning of departmental programs by the division of highways and transportation services under subs. (1) to (3) and for activities related to railroad regulation under chs. 190 to 195.

SECTION 25. 20.395 (3) (iv) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.395 (3) (iv) Administration and planning, local funds. All moneys received from any local unit of government or other source for the administration and planning of departmental programs by the division of highways and transportation services under subs. (1) to (3), for such purposes.

SECTION 26. 20.395 (3) (ix) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.395 (3) (ix) Administration and planning, federal funds. All moneys received from the federal government for the administration and planning of departmental programs by the division of highways and transportation services under subs. (1) to (3) and for activities related to railroad regulation under chs. 190 to 195, for such purposes.

SECTION 27. 20.505 (1) (md) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.505 (1) (md) Oil overcharge restitution funds. All federal moneys received as oil overcharge funds, as defined in s. 14.065 (1), for expenditure under proposals approved by the joint committee on finance under s. 14.065 and for transfers under 1993 Wisconsin Act 16, section 9201 (1z).

SECTION 28. 20.566 (1) (u) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.566 (1) (u) (title) Motor fuel tax and oil company franchise fee administration. From the transportation fund, the amounts in the schedule to cover the costs, including data processing costs, incurred in administering the motor fuel tax law, except s. 341.45, and the oil company franchise fee law.

SECTION 29. 20.866 (2) (uv) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.866 (2) (uv) Transportation, harbor improvements. From the capital improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the department of transportation to provide grants for harbor improvements. The state may contract public debt in an amount not to exceed $9,000,000 $12,000,000 for this purpose.

SECTION 30. 20.866 (2) (uw) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.866 (2) (uw) Transportation; rail acquisitions and improvements. From the capital improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the department of transportation to acquire railroad property under ss. 85.08 (2) (L) and 85.09; and to provide grants and loans for rail property acquisitions and improvements under s. 85.08 (4m) (c) and (d); and to credit the appropriation account under s. 20.395 (2) (bt) as reimbursement for initial temporary funding of acquisitions, grants or loans authorized under 1993 Wisconsin Act 16, section 9154 (4n). The state may contract public debt in an amount not to exceed $10,000,000 $14,500,000 for these purposes.

SECTION 31. 25.40 (1) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:

25.40 (1) (a) 3. Revenues collected under s. 341.25 or ch. 140 that are pledged to the fund created under s. 84.59 (2).

SECTION 32. 32.05 (8) (a) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:

32.05 (8) (a) In this subsection:

1. "Comparable replacement business" has the meaning given in s. 32.19 (2) (c).

2. "Condemnor" has the meaning given in s. 32.185.

SECTION 33. 32.05 (8) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:

32.05 (8) (c) The condemnor may not require the persons who occupied the premises on the date that title vested in the condemnor to vacate until a comparable replacement property is made available, except that whenever a business is condemned for transportation purposes, the condemnor may require the persons who occupied the business on the date that title vested in the condemnor to vacate without providing a comparable replacement business. This paragraph does not apply to any person who waives his or her right to receive relocation benefits or services under s. 32.197 or who is not a displaced person, as defined under s. 32.19 (2) (e), unless the acquired property is part of a program or project receiving federal financial assistance.

SECTION 34. 32.25 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
