Under current law, DOT administers a local roads improvement program to reimburse counties, cities, villages and towns for up to 50% of eligible costs of local road improvements (highway construction projects with a projected design life of at least 10 years and highway feasibility studies). Under an entitlement formula, town road improvements are eligible for 28.5% of the funds available for reimbursements. In addition, $500,000 is allocated in each fiscal year for the reimbursement of town road improvements with eligible costs of not less than $100,000 notwithstanding any reimbursements made under the existing entitlement formula.
This bill increases this allocation in each fiscal year from $500,000 to $1,000,000.

*** ANALYSIS FROM -2217/3 ***
Under current law, DOT administers a surface transportation discretionary grants program. Under the program, DOT annually may award grants to local public bodies for surface transportation projects that promote nonhighway use or otherwise supplement existing transportation activities. Specific conditions apply to the awarding of grants to any local public body in an urbanized area served by a metropolitan planning organization (an organization that develops transportation plans and programs).
This bill permits DOT to conduct surface transportation projects under the program or to award grants to other state agencies for such projects.

*** ANALYSIS FROM -2203/2 ***

*** ANALYSIS FROM -3009/2 ***
Under current law, DOT administers an employment transit assistance program to provide transit assistance related to access to employment locations and the development of innovative transit service methods. Under the program, DOT may conduct projects with these objectives or may contract with an eligible applicant (a local public body or a private organization) to conduct a project. DOT may make grants to eligible applicants to conduct a project or to match a federal grant for a project. Grants by DOT may not exceed 80% of the cost of a project.
This bill changes eligibility requirements for a grant or contract under the program. Eligibility is limited to applicants who provide employment, training or job placement services in a county with a population of 500,000 or more and who are local public bodies or private organizations located in the county or 2 or more state agencies coordinating such services.
Currently, the program is funded solely with federal funds, including oil overcharge funds. This bill eliminates the use of federal oil overcharge funds for the program and appropriates state funds for the program.

*** ANALYSIS FROM -2194/3 ***
Rail and air transportation
Under current law, DOT is authorized to contract up to $10,000,000 in public debt for the acquisition of rail property and for grants and loans awarded by DOT for certain rail property acquisitions and improvements. This bill increases this authorized general obligation bonding limit from $10,000,000 to $14,500,000.

*** ANALYSIS FROM -2192/3 ***
Under current law, with specified exceptions, any aircraft based in this state is required to be registered annually by its owner with DOT. An annual registration fee is collected by DOT on the basis of the maximum gross weight of the aircraft, up to a maximum of $3,125 for aircraft with a maximum gross weight of more than 100,000 pounds. DOT collects a charge for late payment of the annual registration fee of up to 20% of the applicable fee.
This bill makes a number of changes in aircraft registration. The bill:
1. Establishes biennial registration for aircraft with a maximum gross weight of not more than 3,000 pounds, with the current annual registration fee for the aircraft doubled.
2. Requires a minimum late payment charge of $50.
3. Eliminates an aircraft dealer exemption from aircraft registration.
4. Changes the definition of "antique aircraft" to apply to any aircraft manufactured in 1944 or earlier instead of aircraft more than 35 years old. Current law permits antique aircraft to be registered with DOT for a one-time registration fee of $50 that remains valid while the aircraft is owned by the registrant.

*** ANALYSIS FROM -2199/4 ***
Other transportation
Under current law, the state is authorized to issue general obligation bonds to finance grants awarded by DOT for harbor improvements, with the principal repayment and interest payments to be made from transportation fund revenue.
This bill increases the authorized general obligation bonding limit for grants awarded by DOT for harbor improvements from $9,000,000 to $12,000,000.

*** ANALYSIS FROM -2220.2 ***
Under current law, with certain exceptions a condemnor may not require any person who occupies premises on the date that title to the premises is transferred to the condemnor to vacate the premises until a comparable replacement property is made available to the person.
This bill provides that whenever a business is condemned for transportation purposes, the condemnor may require any persons displaced as a result to vacate without making a comparable replacement business available. The condemnor must still take reasonable and necessary steps to assist owners of displaced business concerns in obtaining and becoming established in suitable replacement business locations.

*** ANALYSIS FROM -0652/1 ***
Under current law, DOT administers a demonstration and training program for the purpose of developing the capability of disadvantaged businesses to participate in DOT construction projects. Under the program, disadvantaged businesses include those businesses that are at least 51% owned by minority group members, women or other individuals found by DOT to be socially and economically disadvantaged according to certain federal criteria. The program is scheduled to expire on June 30, 1995.
This bill extends the expiration date for the disadvantaged business demonstration and training program until September 30, 1997.

*** ANALYSIS FROM -1289/2 ***
Under current law, an owner of property that is exempt from taxes is required to file a report on that property every 2 years with the clerk of the taxation district where the property is located. Certain exceptions are made. This bill adds an exception for certain railroad property that DOT acquires.

This bill will be referred to the joint survey committee on tax exemptions for a detailed analysis, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.


The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: