AR2, s. 22 Section 22. Assembly rule 15 (4) (d) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 15 (4) (d) The receipt of each proper withdrawal petition shall be announced by the chief clerk under the 4th order of business on the legislative day following its receipt. The text of the petition, including the names of the signers, shall be printed reproduced in the journal.
AR2, s. 23 Section 23. Assembly rule 17m is created to read:
Assembly Rule 17m. Committee reports; time limits. A committee chairperson shall report a proposal to the assembly within 7 working days after the committee takes executive action on the proposal if the committee recommends that the proposal be adopted, passed or concurred in.
AR2, s. 24 Section 24. Assembly rule 18 (4) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 18 (4) The report of the committee shall be printed reproduced in the journal.
AR2, s. 25 Section 25. Assembly rule 19 (1) (a) and (b) are amended to read:
Assembly Rule 19 (1) (a) If a vote for passage, adoption or concurrence is a tie; or
(b) If successive motions for indefinite postponement, rejection or nonconcurrence, and passage, adoption or concurrence fail.
AR2, s. 26 Section 26. Assembly rule 19 (3) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 19 (3) The report of the committee shall be printed reproduced in the journal. Notwithstanding subs. (1) and (2), the chief clerk shall record in the journal that a bill is reported without recommendation whenever the bill is withdrawn from committee under rule 15 (6) prior to the committee's vote on the bill.
AR2, s. 27 Section 27. Assembly rule 20 (intro.) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 20. Committee reports concerning proposed rules. (intro.) Each committee to which a proposed administrative rule is referred under rule 3 (1) (r) shall submit a report within the review period specified in section 227.19 (4) (b) of the statutes in the form specified in this rule, authenticated by the personal signature of the chairperson or cochairpersons. The report of the committee shall be printed reproduced in the journal. Whenever a committee schedules a public hearing or meeting with an agency representative concerning a proposed rule, or whenever modifications to a proposed rule are agreed to be made or received, the committee shall submit an interim report. The form of the report shall be as follows:
AR2, s. 28 Section 28. Assembly rule 20 (1) and (2) are amended to read:
Assembly Rule 20 (1) For standing committees:
The committee on .......... reports [and recommends]:
Clearinghouse Order Rule [year]-1
A Proposed An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
Public hearing scheduled.
(list date, time and place of public hearing)
Clearinghouse Order Rule [year]-2
A Proposed An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
Meeting with agency representative scheduled.
(list date, time and place of meeting)
Clearinghouse Order Rule [year]-3
A Proposed An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
Modifications to be made by agency.
Clearinghouse Order Rule [year]-4
A Proposed An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
Modifications received from agency.
Clearinghouse Order Rule [year]-5
A Proposed An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
No action taken.
Clearinghouse Order Rule [year]-6
A Proposed An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
Objection: Ayes, 5; Noes, 1; Absent, 1.
Clearinghouse Order Rule [year]-7
A Proposed An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
No objection: Ayes, 6; Noes, 1.
(2) For the joint committee for review of administrative rules:
The joint committee for review of administrative rules reports and recommends:
Clearinghouse Order Rule [year]-8
A Proposed An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
Concurrence in objection: Ayes, 8; Noes, 1; Absent, 1.
Clearinghouse Order Rule [year]-9
A Proposed An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
Nonconcurrence in objection: Ayes, 9; Noes, 1.
AR2, s. 29 Section 29. Assembly rule 23 (1) is repealed.
AR2, s. 30 Section 30. Assembly rule 25 (3) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 25 (3) Representatives of news media that regularly publish or broadcast reports available to the general public who are actively engaged in reporting the proceedings of the assembly, except that during the sessions of the assembly the privilege shall extend only to the designated press area.
AR2, s. 31 Section 31. Assembly rule 26 (4) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 26 (4) No person may consume food on the assembly floor or in the visitor galleries while the assembly is in session.
AR2, s. 32 Section 32. Assembly rule 26 (5) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 26 (5) No person may smoke on the assembly floor or in the visitor galleries while the assembly is in session.
AR2, s. 33 Section 33. Assembly rule 28 (title) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 28 (title) Hour for Daily sessions; convening, adjournment.
AR2, s. 34 Section 34. Assembly rule 28 is renumbered assembly rule 28 (1).
AR2, s. 35 Section 35. Assembly rule 28 (2) is created to read:
Assembly Rule 28 (2) The daily session of the assembly ends at 8 p.m. unless adjourned earlier.
AR2, s. 36 Section 36. Assembly rule 31 (7) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 31 (7) Seventh order. Consideration of motions for reconsideration of passage or, indefinite postponement, concurrence or nonconcurrence.
AR2, s. 37 Section 37. Assembly rule 35 (1) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 35 (1) No proposal, conference committee report or veto, except a resolution under rule 33 or 43, may be considered until copies have been made available to the members for at least one day 24 hours excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. If the rules are suspended for the consideration of any proposal before copies are available, the proposal shall be read at length at least once before its final passage.
AR2, s. 38 Section 38. Assembly rule 36 (2) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 36 (2) The chief clerk shall note enter any correction made under this rule on the jacket and enter it in the journal history file for the proposal.
AR2, s. 39 Section 39. Assembly rule 37 (2) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 37 (2) All other documents presented to the assembly shall be delivered to the chief clerk who shall, if directed to do so by the presiding officer, state the subject matter of each document, the name of the member by whom it was delivered and the name of the communicating person or organization. The presiding officer may refer such documents to a committee for disposition. All communications among such documents may be printed reproduced in the journal when so directed by the presiding officer or by order of the assembly.
AR2, s. 40 Section 40. Assembly rule 38 is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 38. (title) Assembly publications and printing copying. All assembly publications and printing copying shall conform to legislative rules or be as determined by the committee on assembly organization or the joint committee on legislative organization.
AR2, s. 41 Section 41. Assembly rule 39 (3) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 39 (3) No proposal may be received for introduction if changes have been made in the 5-copy 3-copy set prepared by the legislative reference bureau.
AR2, s. 42 Section 42. Assembly rule 39 (4) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 39 (4) (a) Proposals shall be submitted to the office of the chief clerk for introduction.
(b) The chief clerk shall prepare a report containing the number, relating clause and authors of each proposal to be introduced. The report, together with the jacket of each proposal listed therein, shall be presented to the speaker for referral under rule 42.
AR2, s. 43 Section 43. Assembly rule 39 (4) (c) is created to read:
Assembly Rule 39 (4) (c) The speaker shall refer a properly jacketed proposal within 7 working days after the office of the chief clerk receives the proposal for introduction or on the final legislative day of the last scheduled floorperiod preceding the veto review session, whichever is earlier. The chief clerk shall publish the referral within those 7 working days.
AR2, s. 44 Section 44. Assembly rule 42 (3) (c) is created to read:
Assembly Rule 42 (3) (c) Within 5 working days after initial referral by the speaker under sub. (1) (b) or (c), the speaker, with consent of the chairperson and notwithstanding rule 15, may withdraw any bill, joint resolution or resolution from the standing committee to which it is referred and rerefer it to another standing committee. Rereferral under this rule may not be used to satisfy section 13.093 (1) of the statutes.
AR2, s. 45 Section 45. Assembly rule 43 (1) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 43 (1) Any resolution or joint resolution relating to the officers, members, former members, procedures or organization of the assembly or legislature shall be privileged in that it may be introduced under any order of business by a member who has the floor and taken up immediately before all other proposals then pending, unless referred by the presiding officer to a standing committee or to the calendar.
AR2, s. 46 Section 46. Assembly rule 45 (1) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 45 (1) Whenever a committee reports on a proposal referred to that committee, the speaker shall refer the proposal, except as otherwise provided in subs. (2) and (3), to either the calendar for the 2nd legislative day thereafter for 2nd reading or to the committee on rules for calendar scheduling, unless it is his or her judgment that reference of the proposal to the joint committee on finance is required by law or rule and the speaker refers the proposal to that committee. On any legislative day when copies of a committee report, showing the speaker's subsequent referrals, have been distributed to the members prior to the 3rd order of business, such report shall not be read by the chief clerk to the members, but the content of the committee report and the speaker's referrals shall be printed reproduced in the journal.
AR2, s. 47 Section 47. Assembly rule 46 (2), (3) and (4) are amended to read:
Assembly Rule 46 (2) After a proposal receives its 2nd reading, the assembly shall consider every amendment to the proposal recommended in the latest committee report on the proposal and any additional amendments offered after such report unless precluded from consideration under rule 55 (3). If there is no committee report, all amendments shall be considered unless precluded from consideration under rule 55 (3).