Assembly Rule 46 (2) After a proposal receives its 2nd reading, the assembly shall consider every amendment to the proposal recommended in the latest committee report on the proposal and any additional amendments offered after such report unless precluded from consideration under rule 55 (3). If there is no committee report, all amendments shall be considered unless precluded from consideration under rule 55 (3).
(3) Following action on all pending amendments to an assembly bill, or to an assembly joint resolution proposing a change in the state or U.S. constitution or to an assembly bill, and the failure of any motion to indefinitely postpone such proposal, the question shall be: "Shall the proposal be ordered engrossed and read a 3rd time?"
(4) Following action on all pending assembly amendments to a senate bill, or to a senate joint resolution proposing a change in the state or U.S. constitution or to a senate bill, and the failure of any motion for nonconcurrence, the question shall be: "Shall the proposal be ordered to a 3rd reading?"
AR2, s. 48 Section 48. Assembly rule 48 (2) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 48 (2) Following the 3rd reading of any bill or of any joint resolution proposing a change in the state or U.S. constitution or of any bill, and the failure of any motion to indefinitely postpone, reject or to nonconcur, the question on assembly proposals bills shall be "Shall the proposal bill be passed?", on assembly joint resolutions shall be "Shall the joint resolution be adopted?", and on senate proposals shall be "Shall the proposal be concurred in?".
AR2, s. 49 Section 49. Assembly rule 50 is renumbered assembly rule 50 (1).
AR2, s. 50 Section 50. Assembly rule 50 (2) is created to read:
Assembly Rule 50 (2) Immediately following adoption of a conference report on a senate proposal, the passage of an assembly bill notwithstanding the objections of the governor, or assembly action on a vetoed senate bill, such proposal shall be transmitted to the senate together with a certified report of the assembly's action.
AR2, s. 51 Section 51. Assembly rule 52 (3) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 52 (3) Every amendment received by the chief clerk shall be printed reproduced and distributed as provided by the rules.
AR2, s. 52 Section 52. Assembly rule 53 (intro.), (1), (2), (3) and (4) (intro.) and (b) are amended to read:
Assembly Rule 53. Drafting of amendments. (intro.) Except as authorized in sub. (2), amendments shall be drafted by the legislative reference bureau before being offered for consideration to the assembly, or to any committee by a person other than a member thereof. No amendment prepared by the legislative reference bureau may be received for consideration if changes have been made in the 5-copy set prepared by the bureau. Amendments may be deposited at the chief clerk's office on any day of the legislative session for the purpose of printing reproduction prior to the 2nd reading stage for the proposals to which the amendments pertain.
(1) Every amendment shall show the number of the bill or resolution it proposes to amend. The name of each member or committee sponsoring the amendment shall be entered on the cover sheet in the history file for the bill. The chief clerk shall number amendments in the order received.
(2) When a proposal is under active consideration by an assembly committee or by the assembly on 2nd reading, floor amendments may be drafted by members on printed forms with multiple copies provided by the chief clerk for such purpose.
(3) Whenever a floor amendment on printed forms a form is adopted in committee, the chairperson shall forward a copy to the legislative reference bureau for review and redrafting. When the version of the amendment drafted by the legislative reference bureau is in satisfactory form, the chairperson shall deposit it in the chief clerk's office and the clerk shall substitute it for the original version.
(4) (intro.) Whenever a floor amendment on a printed form is offered to the assembly during the 2nd reading stage of a proposal, the chief clerk shall immediately transmit one copy to the legislative reference bureau for review and redrafting.
(b) Following the commencement of debate on any floor amendment the principal author may request permission to substitute the version of the amendment drafted by the legislative reference bureau for the version distributed or read to the membership by the chief clerk. Unless such permission is requested and granted, the substantive text of any floor amendment adopted by the assembly shall remain as distributed or read to the membership by the chief clerk, but the legislative reference bureau shall, before the floor amendment is sent to the contract printer reproduced, prepare a camera-ready copy which incorporates any nonsubstantive, technical corrections required by rule 36.
AR2, s. 53 Section 53. Assembly rule 54 (1) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 54 (1) General statement: The assembly shall not consider any assembly amendment or assembly substitute amendment which relates to a different subject or is intended to accomplish a different purpose than that of the proposal to which it relates or which, if adopted and passed, would require a title relating clause for the proposal which is substantially different from the proposal's original title relating clause or which would totally alter the nature of the proposal.
AR2, s. 54 Section 54. Assembly rule 56 (1) and (2) are amended to read:
Assembly Rule 56 (1) Any member who desires to speak in debate or submit any matter to the assembly shall rise in his or her assigned place and respectfully address the presiding officer. Upon being recognized, the member shall confine his or her remarks to the question before the assembly and shall avoid personalities. A member may be recognized or addressed only by reference to the member's county or municipality of residence, by the main county or municipality in that member's district, or by the number of the member's district.
(2) When 2 or more members rise at the same time, the presiding officer shall decide who is to announce the order that the members may speak first. Any such decision is final.
AR2, s. 55 Section 55. Assembly rule 59 (3) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 59 (3) Display printed documents or exhibits or read aloud from printed documents other than from the proposal then under debate or any amendment thereto, or from any statute or, session law, constitutional provision, assembly rule or joint rule directly related to the proposal or its amendments.
AR2, s. 56 Section 56. Assembly rule 62 (3m) is created to read:
Assembly Rule 62 (3m) The presiding officer shall rule on a point of order within 7 legislative days after the point of order is raised or on the final legislative day of the last scheduled floorperiod preceding the veto review session, whichever is earlier.
AR2, s. 57 Section 57. Assembly rule 67 is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 67. Nondebatable motions. Any motion to adjourn, recess, take from the table, end debate, or suspend the rules, and all incidental questions relating to such motions including appeals, shall be decided without debate.
AR2, s. 58 Section 58. Assembly rule 69m is created to read:
Assembly Rule 69m. Motion to recess. A motion to recess to a day of the year other than the day of the year on which the motion is made shall be treated the same as, and has the same effect as, a motion to adjourn.
AR2, s. 59 Section 59. Assembly rule 70 (1) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 70 (1) A motion to adjourn is always in order including when the assembly is under call, but not while the assembly is voting or another member has the floor or while the assembly has recessed for a party caucus and is not under call.
AR2, s. 60 Section 60. Assembly rule 73 (1) (b) and (2) are amended to read:
Assembly Rule 73 (1) (b) May not be applied to: 1) the assembly's approval of a conference committee report; and 2) the assembly's decision on a veto; or 3) an assembly action to recede from its position on a proposal so as to agree with the position of the senate.
(2) (a) A motion to reconsider any decision other than passage or concurrence may only be entered after the question to which it relates has been decided and must be entered either: 1) before the title relating clause of the next proposal is read by the clerk, the next order of business is announced by the presiding officer, or other business is begun; or 2) on the 8th order of business on the next roll call day.
(b) For any decision other than passage or, adoption, concurrence, indefinite postponement, rejection or nonconcurrence, the motion for reconsideration shall be considered when the proposal is next regularly scheduled for consideration.
AR2, s. 61 Section 61. Assembly rule 73 (3) (a), (4) (a) and (c) and (6) are amended to read:
Assembly Rule 73 (3) (a) A motion for reconsideration of the vote by which a proposal is passed or, adopted, concurred in, indefinitely postponed, rejected or nonconcurred in may be entered: 1) before the title relating clause of the next proposal is read by the clerk, the next order of business is announced by the presiding officer, or other business is begun; or 2) on the 8th order of business on the next roll call day following the day on which the proposal was passed or concurred in. Any motion to reconsider passage or concurrence such final action shall be taken up immediately if the roll call day on which it is entered is already the 2nd or a later actual day following the vote on passage or concurrence constituting final action on the proposal, but consideration of any other motion for reconsideration of passage or concurrence such final action, entered on the roll call day following the day on which the proposal was passed or concurred in final action was taken, shall be laid over and placed on the calendar for the first legislative day which occurs at least 2 calendar days after the decision was made.
(4) (a) A motion to reconsider the decision on an amendment shall be placed on the same calendar as the motion to reconsider the final 2nd reading stage decision on the proposal to which the amendment relates, regardless of when made. The failure of any printed distributed calendar to show any such motion to reconsider a decision on an amendment shall not prevent the consideration of such motion under the proper order of business on that calendar day.
(c) No motion to reconsider a decision on any amendment shall may be considered unless the final decision on the proposal at the end of the 2nd reading stage is reconsidered, returning the proposal to the amendable stage. If the engrossed proposal consists of a substitute amendment, with or without adopted amendments, both the vote to engross and the vote to adopt the substitute amendment must be reconsidered in order to return the proposal to the amendable stage.
(6) Once a motion to reconsider has been entered, it may only be withdrawn by the member who made the motion prior to and only before the expiration of the time period for making the motion unless thereafter authorized by the assembly.
AR2, s. 62 Section 62. Assembly rule 74 (title) and (2) are amended to read:
Assembly Rule 74 (title) Tabling; taking from table.
(2) A motion to table or to take from the table may not be amended, but may be debated for not exceeding 10 minutes. In debating a motion to table or to take from the table, no member may speak for more than 2 minutes.
AR2, s. 63 Section 63. Assembly rule 75 (1) (a) 3. is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 75 (1) (a) 3. "Shall amendment .... to Assembly (Senate) Bill .... be (adopted) (rejected) (tabled laid on the table) (taken from the table)?"
AR2, s. 64 Section 64. Assembly rule 75 (1) (d) is created to read:
Assembly Rule 75 (1) (d) On a conference report: "Shall the report of the committee of conference on Assembly (Senate) Bill .... be (approved) (rejected)?
AR2, s. 65 Section 65. Assembly rule 79 (5) is created to read:
Assembly Rule 79 (5) For the purpose of establishing a qualified majority or quorum, both members of the pair are considered not present.
AR2, s. 66 Section 66. Assembly rule 80 (4) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 80 (4) Bills, joint resolutions, resolutions and substitute amendments, and amendments received from the senate for assembly concurrence, may not be divided. A bill vetoed in its entirety by the governor may not be divided.
AR2, s. 67 Section 67. Assembly rule 80 (6) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 80 (6) When a bill has been vetoed in part the committee on rules may, by a resolution offered under rule 33, propose to schedule a specific item part as a special order. When appropriate, the resolution may divide the item part into one or more independent propositions and dependent propositions. The proposed division must include at least one separate proposition which, if passed notwithstanding the objections of the governor, will result in a complete and workable law regardless of the action taken on any other part of the original item part. The chair shall first put the question on any such independent proposition. The question on any proposition dependent thereon shall be put only if the independent proposition has been passed notwithstanding the objections of the governor.
AR2, s. 68 Section 68. Assembly rule 83 (4) is created to read:
Assembly Rule 83 (4) On a call of the assembly being requested, the presiding officer shall state substantially: "It requires 15 members to second a call of the assembly; those in favor of the call will rise". If 15 members rise, the call is ordered.
AR2, s. 69 Section 69. Assembly rule 93 (4) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 93 (4) All measures referred to a calendar may be taken up immediately. A printed calendar shall need not be required distributed.
AR2, s. 70 Section 70. Assembly rule 94 (3) (a) and (b) are amended to read:
Assembly Rule 94 (3) (a) Within one week from the adoption of any resolution significantly changing the assembly rules, the chief clerk shall direct the printing reproduction of a new pamphlet incorporating the entire text of these rules as affected by that resolution unless, in the judgment of the speaker, additional rule changes may soon be agreed to by the members. Each pamphlet edition shall contain a revised table of contents and index prepared by the legislative reference bureau and shall be printed under the class 1 contract for printing of legislative bills.
(b) The chief clerk shall supervise the production of the book printing of these rules for insertion into the assembly manual.
AR2, s. 71 Section 71. Assembly rule 95 (3), (4) and (6) are amended to read:
Assembly Rule 95 (3) Adoption: Approval of a motion, amendment, substitute amendment, simple resolution, or joint resolution.
(4) Amendment: A suggested alteration in any proposal , often referred to as a simple amendment in distinction to a substitute amendment intended to take the place of the proposal.
(6) Assembly chamber: The In the capitol, the entire area west of the easternmost doors of the assembly, including the visitor's galleries, lobbies, offices of the speaker, majority leader and minority leader and hallways. In the insurance building on Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, the entire first floor, excluding the hall in front of the elevators, and the visitor galleries and auxiliary rooms adjacent thereto.
AR2, s. 72 Section 72. Assembly rule 95 (19) is repealed.
AR2, s. 73 Section 73. Assembly rule 95 (27m) is created to read:
Assembly Rule 95 (27m) Extraordinary session: The convening of the legislature by the assembly and senate organization committees or by petition or joint resolution of the legislature to accomplish the business specified in the action calling the session. When used to continue a floorperiod of the regular session for a limited purpose, the extraordinary session is referred to as an extended session.
AR2, s. 73m Section 73m. Assembly rule 95 (33m) is created to read:
Assembly Rule 95 (33m) History file: The list of entries made by the chief clerk in the bulletin of proceedings recording the actions of the legislature on a proposal.
AR2, s. 74 Section 74. Assembly rule 95 (39), (54), (63), (66) and (67) are amended to read:
Assembly Rule 95 (39) Joint resolution: A proposal requiring adoption by both houses, to: a) expressing express the opinion of the legislature,; b) changing change the joint rules, or; c) proposing propose an amendment to the state constitution, requiring adoption by both houses; or d) propose or ratify an amendment to the U.S. constitution.
(54) Passage: Final assembly approval of an assembly joint resolution proposing to amend the constitution or of an assembly bill.
(63) Recess: A temporary suspension of business during a legislative day of the year.
(66) Regular session: The biennial session of the legislature established by the constitution and by section 13.02 of the statutes. The Wisconsin legislature convenes in the capitol on the first Monday of January in each odd-numbered year at 2 p.m. to take the oath of office, select officers, and to organize itself for the conduct of its business (if the first Monday falls on January 1 or 2, the legislature organizes on January 3). Daily meetings begin on the first Tuesday after the 8th of in January in each year and continue throughout the biennium until the final adjournment of the session. The term "session" is also often used to refer to the daily meetings of the legislature.
(67) Rejection: An action by which an amendment for the adverse and final disposition of: a) a resolution or joint resolution is adversely and finally disposed of for the biennial session of the legislature; b) an amendment or substitute amendment with regard to one specific document; c) the application of a motion to the current situation; and d) the report of a committee.
AR2, s. 75 Section 75. Assembly rule 95 (72) is repealed.
AR2, s. 76 Section 76. Assembly rule 95 (82) and (84) are amended to read:
Assembly Rule 95 (82) Special committee: A committee created by a motion or resolution, or a temporary special committee created by a written order of the speaker under rule 10, to investigate specific matters during a session or committee work period, and report to the assembly.
(84) Special session: An extraordinary The convening of the legislature by the governor to accomplish a special purpose for which convened.
AR2, s. 77 Section 77. Assembly rule 97 (3) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 97 (3) The committee on assembly organization shall establish a procedure for reviewing each citation proposed under this rule, but an assembly citation may not be used to declare a special day or to declare a person an honorary citizen.