(e) Consumer affairs, committee on.
(f) Criminal justice and corrections, committee on.
(g) Education, committee on.
(h) Elections and constitutional law, committee on.
(i) Environment and utilities, committee on.
(j) Financial institutions, committee on.
(k) Government operations, committee on.
(L) Health, committee on.
(m) Highways and transportation, committee on.
(n) Housing, committee on.
(o) Insurance, securities and corporate policy, committee on.
(p) Judiciary, committee on.
(q) Labor and employment, committee on.
(r) Mandates, committee on.
(s) Natural resources, committee on.
(t) Rural affairs, committee on.
(u) Small business and economic development, committee on.
(v) State affairs, committee on.
(w) Tourism and recreation, committee on.
(x) Urban and local affairs, committee on.
(y) Urban education, committee on.
(z) Veterans and military affairs, committee on.
(zd) Ways and means, committee on.
(zm) Welfare reform, committee on.
AR2, s. 7 Section 7. Assembly rule 9 (2) (b) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 9 (2) (b) The speaker shall make all committee appointments of members of the majority party, and the.
(bm) The first-named person of each standing committee shall be the chairperson and the second-named person shall be the vice chairperson.
AR2, s. 8 Section 8. Assembly rule 9 (2) (c) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 9 (2) (c) The speaker shall make all committee appointments of members of the minority party as nominated by the minority leader, and the first-nominated, except that the speaker may appoint any member of the minority party as chairperson of a committee.
(cm) Unless the member is the chairperson, the first-nominated minority member of each standing committee who is first nominated by the minority leader shall be the ranking minority member of that committee unless the speaker and minority leader agree that the first-nominated member shall serve as vice chairperson of the committee.
AR2, s. 9 Section 9. Assembly rule 9 (4), (5), (6) and (7) are amended to read:
Assembly Rule 9 (4) The members of the There shall also be an assembly committee on finance shall be consisting of the assembly members of the joint committee on finance. The chairperson of the assembly committee shall be a cochairperson of the joint committee.
(5) The members of the There shall also be an assembly committee on audit shall be consisting of the assembly members of the joint legislative audit committee. The chairperson of the assembly committee shall be a cochairperson of the joint committee. Proposals may be referred to, and reported by, the joint committee in the same manner as other standing committees.
(6) The members of the There shall also be an assembly committee for review of administrative rules shall be consisting of the assembly members of the joint committee for review of administrative rules. The chairperson of the assembly committee shall be a cochairperson of the joint committee. Proposals may be referred to, and reported by, the joint committee in the same manner as other standing committees.
(7) The members of the There shall also be an assembly committee on employment relations shall be consisting of the assembly members of the joint committee on employment relations. The chairperson of the assembly committee shall be a cochairperson of the joint committee. Proposals may be referred to, and reported by, the joint committee in the same manner as other standing committees.
AR2, s. 10 Section 10. Assembly rule 10 (1) is renumbered assembly rule 10 (1m) and amended to read:
Assembly Rule 10 (1m) Special committees may be created by resolution. Any such committee shall cease to exist:
AR2, s. 11 Section 11. Assembly rule 10 (1) is created to read:
Assembly Rule 10 (1) A special committee may be created only as provided in this section.
AR2, s. 12 Section 12. Assembly rule 10 (2) (intro.) is repealed.
AR2, s. 13 Section 13. Assembly rule 10 (2) (a) to (c) are renumbered assembly rule 10 (1m) (a) to (c).
AR2, s. 14 Section 14. Assembly rule 10 (2) is created to read:
Assembly Rule 10 (2) The speaker may create a temporary special committee by written order. Any such committee shall cease to exist 3 days after the assembly first convenes after the temporary special committee is created or when a special committee of the same name as the temporary special committee is created by resolution, whichever is earlier.
AR2, s. 15 Section 15. Assembly rule 11 (2) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 11 (2) Committee chairpersons may appoint subcommittees to consider specified subjects and report to the parent committee. Committee chairpersons may appoint subcommittee chairpersons, who may be members of any political party.
AR2, s. 16 Section 16. Assembly rule 11 (9) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 11 (9) The chairperson shall determine when proposals or other business will be scheduled for public hearing or executive action, and, subject to rule 17m, when committee actions shall be reported to the assembly.
AR2, s. 17 Section 17. Assembly rule 11 (11) is created to read:
Assembly Rule 11 (11) (a) No committee may meet outside the city of Madison without prior authorization under section 13.123 (3) (a) of the statutes.
(b) Beginning on July 1 of each even-numbered year and ending on the date of the general election of that year, a committee may not meet in this state outside the city of Madison without the prior joint authorization by the speaker and the minority leader.
(c) Beginning on the day on which a special election to the legislature is called, and ending on the day on which the special election is held, no committee may meet within the legislative district in which the special election is called, except in the city of Madison, without the prior joint authorization by the speaker and the minority leader.
AR2, s. 18 Section 18. Assembly rule 13 (1) (c) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 13 (1) (c) By a motion, offered under the 8th order of business, while such business is pending on any printed reproduced calendar awaiting assembly action. Any such motion requires a majority vote for adoption.
AR2, s. 19 Section 19. Assembly rule 13 (2) is renumbered assembly rule 13 (2) (a) and amended to read:
Assembly Rule 13 (2) (a) Each notice and report by an administrative agency concerning an administrative rule for review by a standing committee shall be referred by the speaker to the appropriate standing committee within 7 working days following receipt. The speaker shall provide notice to that committee whenever he or she is informed that a proposed rule or portion thereof is withdrawn by the administrative agency.
AR2, s. 20 Section 20. Assembly rule 13 (2) (b) is created to read:
Assembly Rule 13 (2) (b) Within 3 working days after initial referral by the speaker under rule 3 (1) (r), the speaker, with consent of the chairperson, may withdraw a proposed rule from the standing committee to which it is referred and rerefer it to another standing committee. Such action does not extend the standing committee review period.
AR2, s. 21 Section 21. Assembly rule 14 (2) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 14 (2) On or before Monday noon of each week or on or before Friday noon of the first week of the biennial session, the chairperson of each standing committee shall post on the assembly bulletin board and file with the chief clerk a list of the public hearings which will be held before such committee during the following week. The announcement of any hearing shall give the day, hour, place and nature of the business, or number, author and title relating clause of any proposal, to be considered. These lists shall be printed reproduced in the weekly schedule of committee activities.
AR2, s. 22 Section 22. Assembly rule 15 (4) (d) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 15 (4) (d) The receipt of each proper withdrawal petition shall be announced by the chief clerk under the 4th order of business on the legislative day following its receipt. The text of the petition, including the names of the signers, shall be printed reproduced in the journal.
AR2, s. 23 Section 23. Assembly rule 17m is created to read:
Assembly Rule 17m. Committee reports; time limits. A committee chairperson shall report a proposal to the assembly within 7 working days after the committee takes executive action on the proposal if the committee recommends that the proposal be adopted, passed or concurred in.
AR2, s. 24 Section 24. Assembly rule 18 (4) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 18 (4) The report of the committee shall be printed reproduced in the journal.
AR2, s. 25 Section 25. Assembly rule 19 (1) (a) and (b) are amended to read:
Assembly Rule 19 (1) (a) If a vote for passage, adoption or concurrence is a tie; or
(b) If successive motions for indefinite postponement, rejection or nonconcurrence, and passage, adoption or concurrence fail.
AR2, s. 26 Section 26. Assembly rule 19 (3) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 19 (3) The report of the committee shall be printed reproduced in the journal. Notwithstanding subs. (1) and (2), the chief clerk shall record in the journal that a bill is reported without recommendation whenever the bill is withdrawn from committee under rule 15 (6) prior to the committee's vote on the bill.
AR2, s. 27 Section 27. Assembly rule 20 (intro.) is amended to read:
Assembly Rule 20. Committee reports concerning proposed rules. (intro.) Each committee to which a proposed administrative rule is referred under rule 3 (1) (r) shall submit a report within the review period specified in section 227.19 (4) (b) of the statutes in the form specified in this rule, authenticated by the personal signature of the chairperson or cochairpersons. The report of the committee shall be printed reproduced in the journal. Whenever a committee schedules a public hearing or meeting with an agency representative concerning a proposed rule, or whenever modifications to a proposed rule are agreed to be made or received, the committee shall submit an interim report. The form of the report shall be as follows:
AR2, s. 28 Section 28. Assembly rule 20 (1) and (2) are amended to read:
Assembly Rule 20 (1) For standing committees:
The committee on .......... reports [and recommends]:
Clearinghouse Order Rule [year]-1
A Proposed An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
Public hearing scheduled.
(list date, time and place of public hearing)
Clearinghouse Order Rule [year]-2
A Proposed An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
Meeting with agency representative scheduled.
(list date, time and place of meeting)
Clearinghouse Order Rule [year]-3
A Proposed An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
Modifications to be made by agency.
Clearinghouse Order Rule [year]-4
A Proposed An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
Modifications received from agency.