Forbidden for 6 months, 765.03
Parties in remarriage, 767.38
Clerk of court to state registrar, 69.17
Copies of, 69.21
Disclosure of information from, 69.20
State registrar's duties, 69.03 (5)
Residence requirements, 767.05 (1m)
Restraining orders:
Battery by person subject to order, 940.20 (1m)
Domestic abuse, 813.12
Protection of spouse pending suit, 767.23 (1m)
Separation, decree, conversion to divorce, 767.09
Service of process:
, 767.085 (3)
Child support agency, service on required, 767.15
Extension of time for service, 767.145 (2)
Family court commissioner, service on required, 767.14
State as party in interest, 767.075
Suspension of proceedings to effect reconciliation, 767.082
Temporary orders, 767.23
Testimony, transcript, 767.12 (1)
Title of action, 767.05 (5)
Trials, 767.12
Alternative dispute resolution, 802.12 (3)
Exclusion of persons from courtroom, 767.19 (2)
Trustee for money adjudged to spouse or child, 767.31
Visitation rights:
Establishment, procedure, 767.45 (5m)
Grandparents and certain others, 767.245
Physical placement, generally, 767.24
Temporary orders, 767.23 (1)
Wage assignments, order, 767.23
Waiting period, 767.083
Will, automatic revocation, 853.11 (3)
Marriage 3. Marital Property3. Marital Property
, Ch. 766
Accident insurance, simultaneous death, 851.55 (4)
Act or omission during marriage, obligation, 766.55 (1)
Actions, consolidations with actions affecting family, 767.05 (7)
Before determination date, 766.585
Contents, enforceability date, 766.585
May vary effect of law, exceptions, 766.17
Nonprobate transfers on death, 705.20 to 705.30
Revoked by divorce, 767.266
Not affect satisfaction of obligations at spouse's death, 766.17 (2), 859.18 (6)
Reclassification of property, 766.31 (10)
Recording, 766.58 (11)
Register of deeds to record and index, 59.43 (1) (r)
Statutory individual property, 766.587
Tolling of statute of limitations, 893.135
Unilateral amendments, 766.58 (3) (f)
Unilateral statement, classify income from nonmarital property, 766.59 (5)
Annulment, obligation of spouses, 766.55 (2m)
Applicability of law, 766.03
Appreciation rule, nonmarital property, 766.63
Augmented marital property estate:
Election of, 861.03
Elective share, property of surviving spouse charged against, 861.07
Procedure for electing, 861.11
Satisfaction and apportionment, 861.09
Transfers included in, 861.05
Barring election of certain property at death, 861.13
Bona fide purchaser's protection in dealing with spouses, 766.57
Business property by holding spouse, management and control, 857.015
Buy-sell agreements, control rules, 766.51 (9)
Claims and allowances in estates, priority of payment, 859.25
Claims in estates, contest, 859.33
Classification of property, 766.31
Deferred employment benefits, 766.62
Determination, petition by surviving spouse or personal representative, 857.01
Homestead, 766.605
Life insurance policies and proceeds, 766.61
Mixed property, 766.63
Probate code, 851.35
Statutory individual property agreement, 766.587
Common disabilities not revived, 766.97
Reclassification of insurance policy, premium, 766.61 (3)
Reclassification of property, 766.31 (10)
Rules of, 766.95
Uniformity of, 766.96
Consumer act and marital property act obligations, 766.565
Consumer credit transactions, exempt property, 425.106 (2)
Contracts, indemnity or surety, obligation of spouses, 766.55 (3)
Alienating interests in homesteads, rules, 766.51 (8)