Encampment ground, 21.04
Encroachment on military grounds, 21.17
Examination and inoculation of enlistees, 21.32
Examination for appointment or promotion, 21.47
Exemption from certain county duties, 21.06
Failure of guard member to obey call, 21.11
Fair employment, 111.31
Governor's staff, 21.18
Interference with, abuse of, forfeiture, 21.17
Law enforcement assistance, counter-drug activities, 21.70
Medical department, 21.30, 21.32
Medical supplies and services, 21.19 (11)
Military affairs department,
Military justice, uniform code, 21.35
Military property:
Custody, officer's bond, 21.50
Disposition on separation and death, 21.57
Lost and obsolete, 21.56
Nondelivery on order of governor, 21.155
Retention, wrongful use, 21.15
Municipalities may transfer land to, 21.612
Mustering out for negligence or insubordination, 21.63
Oath of enlistment, 21.52
Commissions, 21.43
Pay while on duty, 21.48
Rank, how determined, 21.43
Organization, IV, 29
Pay of officers and enlisted persons, 21.48
Paymaster, duties and powers, 21.33
Provision for, IV, 29
Quartermaster general:
Act as paymaster, 21.33
Duties, 21.19 (6) to (9)
Reemployment, 45.50
Regulations, governor's powers, 21.35, 21.36
Requirements for enlistment or commission, 21.05
Resignations, vacancies, promotions, 21.54
Rules of U.S. army obtain, 21.35, 21.36
Salaries, offices and positions, 20.923 (6)
Special auto plates, 341.14 (6m)
Special schools, pay, 21.09
Staff of governor, 21.18
Pay, 21.48
State employes, leave of absence, 230.35 (3) (a)
Subsistence, issue of, 21.59
Tenure of officers, 21.18
Term of service, 21.05
Training, pay, 21.09
Transportation, troops and supplies, 21.19 (7), (8)
Tuition grants, 21.49
Uniform, 21.38
Unauthorized wearing, 21.16
U.S. army rules adopted, 21.35, 21.36
U.S. flag to next of kin, 21.19 (12)
U.S. property and fiscal officer, 21.28
Vacancies in governor's staff, 21.18
Volk Field at Camp Williams, 21.04 (3)
Worker's compensation, 102.07 (9)