Deposition, perpetuating testimony, 804.02 (1) (b)
Detachment of farm lands from city, form, 62.075
Election, 10.01

Employment, termination of, 103.17
Estate tax law, 72.03
Estates, informal administration, 865.05
Eviction, 799.16 (4) (c)
Execution sale, personal property, 815.29
Real property, 815.31
Family or medical leave rights, 103.10 (14)
Fetal monitor tracings, preservation of, 146.817
Fire, community-based residential facilities, 50.035 (4)
Flood control act hearing, 87.04
Foreign judgment, filing, 806.24 (3)
Forest croplands, hearing to designate as, 77.02
Notice to principal defendant, 812.07
Small claims actions, 799.16 (4)
Genetically engineered organisms, notice of release into environment, 146.60
Hazardous waste management, license actions, 291.87
Heirship, determination and proof, 863.23
Aid, to county clerk, 84.01
Hearing on laying or discontinuing, 80.05
Town, alteration by county, 80.39 (2)
Income assignments, actions affecting family, 767.265
Incorporation of cities and villages:
Filing petition, 66.014 (1)
Hearing, 66.014 (4)
Referendum, 66.018 (2)
Infectious agents, notice requirements to employes, 101.581 (1)
Cancellation by customer, consumer act, 424.304, 424.401
Death claim based on absence, 813.22
Insurance coverage for renter pilots, 114.40
Insurers liquidation, 645.47
Assessments on policies, 645.57 (4)
Duty of agents, 645.48
Investment securities:

Adverse claims, 408.304, 408.305, 408.403
Jobs, state job training coordinating council or private industry council, provide, 106.11
Judgment, entry of, 806.06 (5)
Juvenile justice code proceedings, 938.273
Basic rights, 938.243
Summons, 938.27
Landlord must notify tenant of automatic renewal clause in lease, 704.15
Legacy to minor or incompetent, 863.43
Liability insurance policies, notice provisions, 632.26
Limited partnership:
Filing certificate, 179.18
Withdrawal of general partner, 179.52
Withdrawal of limited partner, 179.53
Married persons:
Credit transactions with, 766.56
Unilateral statement, classify income from nonmarital property, 766.59
Medical examining board:
Decertification or suspension, 49.45 (2) (a)
Hospital staff privileges lost, 50.36 (3)
Medical assistance violation, 49.495
Podiatrist insurance coverage, 448.075
Unprofessional conduct, 448.02 (3)
Mentally ill person, notice of hearing for involuntary commitment, may be done by telephone, 51.20 (2)
Mortgage foreclosure sale, 846.16
Confirmation, 846.165
Disposition of surplus, 846.162
Motor fuel business, discontinuance by special fuel licensee, 78.50
Motor vehicle tax, hearing on license suspension, 78.65
Motor vehicles:
Accident, security amount, 344.13 (3)
Operator license revocation or suspension, 343.44 (3)
Name, application to change, 786.37
Natural resources department hearings, 30.02
Navigable waters, enclosure by municipalities, 30.196
Negligence actions against governmental subdivisions, 893.80
Obligors in consumer credit transaction, notice to, 422.305
Oil dealers:
Commingling oils, 168.06 (3)
To inspectors, 168.05
Open-end credit plans, 766.555, 766.565
Order, entry of, 806.06 (5)
Pardon, application for, 304.09, 950.04 (1)
Parental notice, acts of children, custody hearing, 48.21 (3m), 938.21 (3m)
Parental rights, termination, 48.42
Parks and parkways, county, 27.065
Partition sale, 842.18
Personal property, 820.02
Paternity action, notice to respondent, 767.455 (5g)
Pawnbroker's sale, surplus, 138.10 (9), (11)
Pendency of action,