Mentally ill person, notice of hearing for involuntary commitment, may be done by telephone, 51.20 (2)
Mortgage foreclosure sale, 846.16
Confirmation, 846.165
Disposition of surplus, 846.162
Motor fuel business, discontinuance by special fuel licensee, 78.50
Motor vehicle tax, hearing on license suspension, 78.65
Motor vehicles:
Accident, security amount, 344.13 (3)
Operator license revocation or suspension, 343.44 (3)
Name, application to change, 786.37
Natural resources department hearings, 30.02
Navigable waters, enclosure by municipalities, 30.196
Negligence actions against governmental subdivisions, 893.80
Obligors in consumer credit transaction, notice to, 422.305
Oil dealers:
Commingling oils, 168.06 (3)
To inspectors, 168.05
Open-end credit plans, 766.555, 766.565
Order, entry of, 806.06 (5)
Pardon, application for, 304.09, 950.04 (1)
Parental notice, acts of children, custody hearing, 48.21 (3m), 938.21 (3m)
Parental rights, termination, 48.42
Parks and parkways, county, 27.065
Partition sale, 842.18
Personal property, 820.02
Paternity action, notice to respondent, 767.455 (5g)
Pawnbroker's sale, surplus, 138.10 (9), (11)
Pendency of action,
Person contributing to adverse condition of children, 48.45, 938.45
Personal injury actions, worker's compensation, 102.12
Pesticides, notice requirements to employes, 101.581
Plant closing affecting employes, 109.07
Plats, altering or vacating, 236.41
Property assessment, 70.365
Protective placement, 55.06 (11) (b)
Public service commission investigation, 196.02 (10)
Railroad crossing, railroad to repair, 86.13
Reassessment of tax, to parties, 75.54 (3)
Removal of poles and wires, 134.41
Replevin, small claims actions, 799.16 (4)
Representation rights, criminal defendant, 973.18
Resignation from office, 17.01, 17.02
Contract, termination of, 402.309
Municipal bonds, 67.08
Real property on execution, 815.31
Sales tax:
Determination of tax liability, 77.59 (3)
Intention to collect, 77.59 (7)
Savings and loan associations, notice of service tie-ins, 215.141
School annual meetings, 120.08 (1) (c)
Service upon parties, 801.14 (1)
Special assessment for parks, 27.10
Spouses, credit notice to nonapplicant spouse, 766.56 (3)
Tax delinquent lands, sales, 75.69
Telephone proceedings, 807.13 (4)
Temporary injunction, application for, 813.05
Creation by holding over, termination, 704.25 (6)
Termination of, 704.17, 704.19, 704.21
Tort actions against governmental subdivisions, 893.80
Town meeting, 60.11 (5), 60.12 (3)
Town mutual assessments, 612.54 (4)
Toxic substances, notice requirements to employes, 101.581 (1)
Transmission facilities, intent to excavate near, 182.0175
Transportation department:
Changes in trunk system, 84.02 (3)
Highway improvements, 84.01 (17)
Trespass on land forbidden, 943.13
Trust proceedings in circuit court, 701.14 (2)
Proof of service, 701.14 (2)
Waiver, 701.14 (2)
Unclaimed deposit in court, 59.66 (1)
Unclaimed funds, cooperative, forfeiture, 185.03 (10)
Unclaimed property:
Notice by state treasurer, 177.24
Requirement, 177.18
Unconstitutionality of statute or ordinance, serve attorney general, 806.04 (11)
Utility service, disconnection notice required, 16.385 (7)
Vacancies in office, 17.17
Variable rate loans, notice of interest payment changes, 138.056 (4)
Victims of juvenile's delinquent acts, 938.346
Water diversion, metropolitan sewerage district commission, 66.894 (9)
Weed destruction, 66.96
Will, construction, 863.21
Worker's compensation hearings, 102.17
Worthless check, notice of dishonor, 943.245 (4)