Personal funds, 49.45 (7)
Pharmacy payment system, 49.45 (8v)
Plans of care, waiver application, 49.45 (37)
Preadmission screening and resident review, 49.45 (6c)
Pregnant woman, benefits, 49.465 (2)
Presumptive eligibility, 49.465
Primary care provider pilot, 49.45 (24)
Prohibited provider charges, penalties, 49.49 (3m)
Provider business, transfer, liability for repayments, 49.45 (21)
Purpose, 49.47 (1)
Recipients, community integration program for residents of state centers, 46.275
Recovery of payments:
Correct payments, 49.496
Incorrect payments, 49.497, 49.85
Referrals, 49.45 (9m)
Rule-making powers of department, 49.45 (10)
School medical services, 49.45 (39)
Skilled nursing facilities, requirements for, 49.498
Spousal maintenance and income protection, 49.455
Uninsured health plans, 49.493
Violations, jurisdiction, report, 49.495
Public Assistance 4. Relief and Relief Block Grants4. Relief and Relief Block Grants
Administration of program, 49.02
American Indians:

Block grants for health care services, 49.029
Applications, verification, 49.84
Block grants to counties:
Counties other than Milwaukee county, 49.027
Milwaukee county, 49.025
Payment of block grants, 49.031
Human services dept., 46.23
Program operation, 59.53 (21)
Social services administration, generally, 46.22
Populous counties, 46.215
Definitions, 49.01
Disclosure of information, 49.83
Discontinuance for failure to seek or accept work or training, 49.002
Eligibility, 49.015
Fraud, investigation and reduction, and error reduction, 49.197
Funeral expenses, 49.30
Health and family services dept. functions, 46.208
Liability for services, 49.02 (5), (6g)
Homeless persons,
Institutionalized children, support liability, enforcement, 49.90 (6)
Legislative declaration, 49.002
Overpayment recovery, 49.08
Certification to state, recovery from tax refunds, 49.85
Records, inspection, disclosure, 49.83
Recovery of payments, 49.08
Certification to state, recovery from tax refunds, 49.85
School children, aid, 118.17
Termination, discontinuance for failure to seek or accept work or training, 49.002
PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 5. Wisconsin Works Program5. Wisconsin Works Program
, 49.141
Administration agencies, 49.143
Review of agency decisions, 49.152
Child care,
Child care subsidy, 49.155
Education and training, 49.149
Employment skills advancement program, 49.185
Employment positions:
Eligibility, 49.145
Employer criteria, 49.146
Wages and benefits, 49.148
Exemption from levy, 49.96
Work experience program for noncustodial parents, 49.36
Work programs and searches and job access loans, 49.147
Health plan, 49.153
Information disclosure limitations, 49.83
Noncustodial and minor parent program eligibility, 49.159
Overpayment recovery, 49.161, 49.195, 49.85
Sanctions against participants, 49.151
Transportation assistance, 49.157