Excise tax investigator, injury on duty, salary continued, 230.36
Expert appraisers, 70.055
Flea markets, reports to dept., 73.03 (38)
Forest croplands, application as to withdrawal, 77.10 (1)
Forest land, managed, 77.80 to 77.91
Real estate transfer fee, 77.22 (1)
Reports of public utilities, 76.04
Full value assessment, powers and duties, 70.05 (5)
General property taxation, prescribe basic forms, 70.09 (3)
General supervisory power, 73.03 (1)
Gift tax, delinquent, write off, 73.03 (27)
Hearings, witnesses, contempt, fees, 73.04
Highways prescribe financial reporting procedure, 86.303 (5)
Hunting and fishing grounds, review assessment for aid to municipalities, 70.113 (3)
Impersonating an officer, penalties, 125.105
Coordinator, duties, 73.02 (2)
Information to assessors, 70.345
Inland lakes protection and rehabilitation districts, notice and filing requirements, 33.265
Intoxicating liquor:
Club permits, issuance, 125.51 (5)
Combination permits, 125.55
Containers, standards, 125.03 (2)
Manufacturers' and rectifiers' permits, issuance, 125.52
Out-of-state shippers, permits, 125.58
Permit to solicit for future sales, 125.65
Vessel permits, 125.51 (5)
Wholesale alcohol permit, issue, 125.60
Wholesalers' permits, issuance, 125.54
see Wine, under this head
Investigations, who may make, 73.04
Investment and local impact fund board:
Creation, membership, terms, qualifications, 15.435
Light, heat and power companies:
Payment before contesting, 76.28 (11)
Standing to challenge, 76.28 (10)
License fee, 76.28
Liquor license law administration, 73.03 (24), Ch. 125
Liquor tax, 139.03
Lottery division:
Creation, 15.433 (1)
Duties, generally, 565.02
Lottery regulation,
Malt beverages tax, returns, bonds, 139.05
Managed forest land, 77.80 to 77.91
Manufacturing property:
Redetermination of assessment, 70.57 (2), 121.09
State assessment, 70.995
Medicinal alcohol permit, issuance, 125.61
Meeting of assessors, 73.06
Mineral exploration data, confidential, exception, 107.15 (6)
Mining taxation, metalliferous mineral:
Collection of delinquent tax, 70.39
Collection of tax, 70.385
Motor vehicle fuel tax:

Delinquent, write off, 73.03 (27)
Municipal accounting council, general provisions, 15.09
Municipal auditing and reporting, 73.10
Municipal borrowing, valuation of property, 67.03
Nonresidents, delinquent taxes owed Wis., contracts to collect, allocations, 73.03 (28)
Notice of nonacquiescence to tax appeals commission, 73.01 (4) (e) 2.
Notice of reassessment to utilities, 76.15 (1)
Powers, 73.03
Presumption of regularity of proceeding, 76.18
Private letter rulings, 73.035
Property taxation:
Assessor vacancy, appoint substitute, 74.75
Information to clerks of taxation districts, 73.03 (31)
Prescribe basic forms, 70.09 (3)
Refunded or rescinded taxes, charge back, 74.41
Tax bill and related information, 74.09
Public utilities:
Adjustment of assessments, 76.075
Assessment, duties, 76.07 (1)
Determination of full market value of property, 76.07 (5)
Investigation, 76.06, 76.46
Real estate transfer fee, 77.21 to 77.30
Real estate transfer statistics, use of, 69.65
Access to records, 70.84
Appoint board of review or corrections, 70.76
Compensation and fees, 70.80
Filing claim, 70.81
Review of claim, 70.82
Voucher to department of administration, 70.82
May order, notice, 70.75