Administrative decisions not reviewable, 227.52
Agent, injured, salary continued, 230.36
Agricultural land, valuation, 70.57 (3)
Aids in lieu of taxes on certain state lands, 70.113, 70.114
Alcohol beverage law, regulation, 125.03
Alcohol beverage licenses:
Applications, prepare forms, distribute, 125.04 (3)
Industrial alcohol permit, 125.62
Judicial review of decisions on permits, 227.52
Licensees and permittees, provide booklet explaining laws, 125.045
Report by municipal clerk of suspensions, revocations, penalties, 125.13
Revocations, suspensions, refusals to issue or renew, 125.12
Alcohol beverages, confiscation, disposal, 125.14
Appearance before tax appeals commission, 73.03 (22)
Appointment of supervisor of equalization, 73.05 (2)
Appropriation, 20.566
Arrest powers, special agents, 73.031
Districts, designation, 73.05 (1)
Educational program, 73.08
Preparation, distribution, cost, 73.03 (2a)
Use, 70.75
Of counties and taxation districts, 70.57
Of property, revaluation, 70.85
Of property at full value, powers and duties, 70.05 (5)
Of public utilities, 76.01
Powers, 76.06
Of state, when made, recorded, 70.575
Roll, containing forest crop acreage, destruction, approval of department, 19.21 (4) (a), 59.52 (4)
Assessor certification, 73.09
Attorneys for department may represent state, 73.03 (22)
Average net rate of taxation, 76.126
Aviation fuel tax, administration, 78.55 to 78.62
Badger board, creation, members, 15.435 (2)
Beer permits:
Class B, issuance to sports clubs, 125.27
Industrial, 125.275
Out-of-state shippers, 125.30
Vessels, 125.27 (2)
Beverage taxes:
Administration, 73.03 (24)
Appeals, 139.094
Audit and assessment, 139.092
Collection, 139.115
Failure to file returns, 139.096
Powers and duties, 139.08
Refund, 139.092
Write off, 73.03 (27)
Beverages, seizure, disposition, 139.22
Brewers, permits, 125.29
Car line companies, assessment, refunds, 76.39 (4)
Cigarette permits, issuance, 139.34, 139.37
Cigarette tax:
Administration, 73.03 (24), 139.30 to 139.45
Agreements with Indian tribes, 139.325
Delinquent, write off, 73.03 (27)
Inspection of records of retailers on tribal land, 139.38 (7)
Interest and penalties, 139.44
Inventory tax, procedures, 139.315
Payment, 139.32
Records and reports, 139.38
Refunds to Indian tribes, 139.323
Security for tax, 139.322
Stamp sale, keep records, 139.35 (2)
Theft of tax money, 139.395
Unlawful possession, 139.321
Counties, assessment of, 70.57