Nonresidents, delinquent taxes owed Wis., contracts to collect, allocations, 73.03 (28)
Notice of nonacquiescence to tax appeals commission, 73.01 (4) (e) 2.
Notice of reassessment to utilities, 76.15 (1)
Powers, 73.03
Presumption of regularity of proceeding, 76.18
Private letter rulings, 73.035
Property taxation:
Assessor vacancy, appoint substitute, 74.75
Information to clerks of taxation districts, 73.03 (31)
Prescribe basic forms, 70.09 (3)
Refunded or rescinded taxes, charge back, 74.41
Tax bill and related information, 74.09
Public utilities:
Adjustment of assessments, 76.075
Assessment, duties, 76.07 (1)
Determination of full market value of property, 76.07 (5)
Investigation, 76.06, 76.46
Real estate transfer fee, 77.21 to 77.30
Real estate transfer statistics, use of, 69.65
Access to records, 70.84
Appoint board of review or corrections, 70.76
Compensation and fees, 70.80
Filing claim, 70.81
Review of claim, 70.82
Voucher to department of administration, 70.82
May order, notice, 70.75
Order on before work complete, 70.83
Repetitive petitions, 70.75 (1m)
Reciprocal agreements, information obtained from returns, 73.03 (26)
Recycling fees, 77.92 to 77.97
Reliance on dept. employe, taxpayer absolution, 73.03 (47)
Report, to county board, 73.06 (5)
Revaluation, assessment of property, 70.85
Revenue sharing:
Administration, 79.09
Statement of estimated payments to municipalities and counties, 79.015
Sales tax:
Administrative provisions, 77.61
Bracket system to be provided, 77.61 (3)
Deficiency and refund determinations, 77.59
Collection, 77.62
Write off, 73.03 (27)
Deposit of contested tax amounts with department, 77.59 (6) (c)
Provide rules for tax collection from temporary sellers, 77.52 (19)
Refunds, motor vehicle warranty law, 218.015 (2) (e), (f)
Returns, disclosing information, 77.61 (5)
Returns and payments, 77.58
Security may be required, amount, 77.61 (2)
School aids, rate of adjustment determined, 73.03 (46)
School district residence data, forms and analysis, 73.03 (29), (30)
School district valuation, certification, 121.06
Schools, revenue limits calculations, 73.0305, 121.91
Income tax coordinator, appoint, 73.02 (2)
Notice of higher assessment, prescribe form, 70.365
Salary, 20.923 (4)
Supervise, 15.43
Tax exemption committee, member, 13.52 (1) (c)
Tax exemption reports, for property, duties, 70.337
Separate valuation of docks, piers, wharves, elevators, car ferries and pipeline terminal facilities, 76.16
Set off of payments to vendors, 73.12
Settlement of tax cases, 73.03 (25)
Shared revenue, state, Ch. 79
Special agent, arrest powers, 73.031
Sports clubs, class B beer permits, issue, 125.27
State board of assessors, duties, 70.57 (2), 70.995 (8)
State debt, determination of aggregate value of taxable property, 18.05 (2)
State equalization, assessment of counties, 70.57
State forest lands, review assessment for aid to municipalities, 70.113 (3)
State money, distribution to political subdivisions, 73.02 (1)
State trust fund loans, duties, 24.74
Statement by municipal clerk, 69.61
From county clerks, 69.62
On sales of real estate, 69.63, 69.64
Supervision of assessments, 73.05, 73.06
Support payments, of delinquent, 49.855 (2)
Tax appeals commission,
Tax exemption devices, report, 16.425
Tax increment law, duties, 66.46
Tax increments to cities:
Authorize allocation, 66.46 (6)
Notice of district termination, 66.46 (8)
Tax returns, defective or omitted, procedure, 76.11 (2)
Tax statement from county clerk, messenger for, 70.55
Taxation districts, assess value, 70.57
Telephone license fees, 76.38