Children at risk program, 118.153
Children with exceptional educational needs, 115.88, 115.882
Computation, general provisions, 121.07
Cooperative educational service agencies, 116.08
Driver education programs, 121.41
Dropout program, 118.153
Education dept. may withhold, 121.006
Exemption from execution, 121.007
Handicapped children's education board, 115.86 (10)
Health treatment services to private school pupils, 118.255
Low income students, achievement guarantee program, 118.43
Lunch program, 115.34
Merged attendance area programs, 121.86
Minimum state aid, 121.10
Morning milk program, 115.343
Payment of, 121.15
Reductions, 121.08
Preschool to grade 5 programs, grants, 115.45
Pupil transfers, 121.85
Purpose, 121.01
Revenue limits, 73.0305, 121.91
Applicability, 121.905
Definitions, 121.90
Penalties for exceeding, 121.92
School district labor disputes, 121.23
School district report, 121.87
Special adjustment aids, 121.105
Summer classes, 121.14
Transportation of pupils, 121.58
Tuition, construction of statutes re charges, 121.75
Use of aids, 121.007
Valuation, certification by revenue department, 121.06
Abused or neglected children, reported by, 48.981
Certificates and licenses:
Issuance by superintendent, 115.28 (7)
Requirements, 118.19, 118.192
Revocation, 115.31
Children with exceptional educational needs, report, 115.80 (1)
Cities of first class, Ch. 119
Collective bargaining, 111.70
Notice of negotiations, 19.86
Communicable diseases, duty to report, 252.21
Computer purchases for teachers, facilitation by administration dept., 16.80
Contracts, 118.21
District clerk to furnish copy, 120.17 (7)
Modification by collective bargaining, 118.22 (4)
Notification of termination, 118.22 (2), (3)
Convention, allowance for attendance, 118.21 (4)
Definition, 118.22 (1)
Discrimination in hiring or licensing, 118.195
Discrimination in hiring prohibited, 118.20
Enrollment records, must keep, 118.16 (4)
Exchange permitted, 115.28 (34), 120.13 (7)
Eye protective goggles, 255.30
Improvement program, 115.41
Interstate compact on qualifications, 115.46 to 115.48
Leave of absence, 38.28 (5)
Military service, 45.51
Licensing and certification, 115.28 (7)
Lunch period, duty-free, 118.235
Milwaukee, Ch. 119
Probation period, 119.42
Physical examinations, 118.25
Protective behaviors programs, 115.368
Qualifications, 121.02 (1)
Records and reports, 118.18
Neglect, forfeiture, 118.123
Salary and benefit limitations, 118.245
Scholarships for teachers in educationally disadvantaged areas, repayment obligation terminated, 39.35
Stipends for teachers of handicapped, repayment obligation terminated, 39.36
Supply, information and analysis, 115.29 (5)
In Milwaukee, 119.42
Milwaukee county, 118.23
Schools 18. Transportation18. Transportation
Alternative methods, insurance, driver requirements, 121.555
Board and lodging or house rental in lieu of, 121.57
Color, marking, 347.44
Discontinuance, 121.52 (4)
Driver requirements, 121.52 (2), (3)
Drivers' licenses, 343.12
Insurance, 121.53
Lighting equipment, 347.25 (2)
Loading and unloading, 118.09
Mirrors required on front, 347.40 (2)
Owner's liability for illegally passing, 346.485