Schools 1. General Provisions1. General Provisions
Abused or neglected children, reported by teacher, administrator or counselor, 48.981
Academic excellence higher education scholarships, 39.41
Administration department to provide services, 16.58
Administrator, report abused or neglected children, 48.981
Adult citizenship day, 66.73
Alcohol and drug abuse:
Access to police records, 938.39 (1m)
Controlled substances, distribution, 961.49
Law enforcement officers' records, use of, 118.127
Programs, 115.36, 115.362
Alcohol beverages, possession on grounds prohibited, 125.09 (2)
Annexation and transfer of territory, adjustment of assets and liabilities, 66.03
Apprentices, instruction, 106.01 (10)
Asbestos abatement certification, 254.20
Asbestos management, 254.21
Auxiliary instructional personnel employed by district, 115.29 (3)
Benefit plans, 616.03 to 616.20
Bilingual-bicultural education:
Definitions, 115.955
District contracting with other districts, 115.977 (2)
Eligibility continued, 115.977 (3)
Legislative findings and policy declaration, 115.95
Blind, state school,
General provisions,
Temporary loan, 67.12 (8), (12)
Breakfast program, 115.341
Budget requirements, 65.90
Historic, rights and obligations, 44.42, 120.12 (21)
Inspection, 115.33
Use by civic, religious or charitable organizations, I, 24
Census, 43.70
Charter schools, 118.40
Citizenship training programs, 66.73
Claim against district, 118.26, 893.80
Milwaukee, 119.68
Motor vehicle accidents, negligence, 345.05
Collaborative service programs, 115.40
Compulsory attendance law, 115.82, 118.15
Condemnation, Ch. 32
Contraceptive articles, sale in prohibited, 450.16
Anticipatory, on sale of bonds, 67.10 (5)
Contractor's liability, bond, 779.14
For employment, 241.025
Public works, how let, 66.29
Controlled substances,
see Alcohol and drug abuse, under this subhead
Correspondence schools, solicitors' permits, 38.51 (8)
Counselor, report abused or neglected children, 48.981
County appropriation, special, 59.52 (16)
County leases to natural resources department, share of rental, 59.52 (6) (e)
Created, free, no sectarian instruction, X, 3
Crossing guards, appointment, 120.13 (31), 349.215
Crossings, controlled, owner's liability for vehicle illegally crossing, 346.465
Dangerous weapons on premises, 948.61
Debt; limit, tax levy, XI, 3
Debts prior to May 17, 1923 validated, 992.13
Disbursement of funds, 66.042
Disbursement or withdrawal of public deposits, 34.105
Discrimination in education prohibited, 106.08
Discrimination in hiring handicapped teachers prohibited, 118.195
Discrimination in hiring teachers or administrative personnel prohibited, 118.20
District boundary appeal board,
Districts, solid waste flow control, recycling or resource recovery facilities, 287.13
Driver education:
Aid and fees, 121.41
Instruction permits, 343.07
Registration and insurance for cars, 341.267
Standards and state approval, 115.28 (11)
Drugs and alcohol,
see Alcohol and drug abuse, under this subhead
Education compact, 39.75
Commission delegation, 39.76
Education department,
Educational approval board:
Electors, percentage formula, 115.01 (13)
Collective bargaining, 111.70
Health examinations, 118.25
Immoral conduct, duty to report to education dept., 115.31
Leave of absence, military service, 45.51