Checks or share drafts, cancellation, reissue, 20.912
Children's trust fund:
Control by state investment board, 25.17 (1) (av)
Creation, 25.67
Clean water fund, establishment, 25.43
Collector or receiver, removal, 17.08
Conservation fund, 25.29
Credit, managed forest land, 77.89 (3)
Snowmobile aids program, 350.12
County mining investment fund, 25.17 (1) (c), 25.65
Deposit and receipt, 20.906
Deposit fund, 20.144 (1) (u), 20.865 (2)
Direct deposits, 20.906 (6)
Energy efficiency fund, 25.90
Environmental fund:
Control by state investment board, 25.17 (1) (en)
Establishment, 25.46
Farms for the future fund, 25.17 (1) (f), 25.44, 93.48
General fund:
How constituted, 25.20
Operating note proceeds, application of, 18.74
Taxes of public utilities paid into, exceptions, 76.24
Unclaimed property, deposit, 177.23 (2)
Heritage state parks and forests trust fund, 25.295
Historical society trust fund, 25.17 (1) (gp), 25.70
Housing and economic development authority:
Capital reserve funds, 234.15
General reserve fund, 234.16
Housing development fund, 234.05, 234.06
Surplus fund, 234.165
Veterans capital reserve fund, 234.42
Veterans housing loan fund, 234.41
Wisconsin development reserve fund, 234.93
Wisconsin job development reserve fund, 234.932
Housing authority reserve fund, 25.41
Industrial building construction loan fund, creation, purpose, 560.10
Industrial school for girls, 25.31
Information technology investment fund, 25.17 (1) (i), 25.61
Interest on, how paid and credited, 24.75
Interest on deposits, apportioned to, 14.58 (19)
Investment board funds, 25.14, 25.17
Public land commissioner trust funds, 24.62
Loans, trust fund,
Local government pooled-investment fund, 25.50
Lottery fund, 25.17 (1) (jr), 25.75
Mining investment fund, 25.17 (1) (c), 25.65
Neglect of officers to deposit, state to withhold, 20.906
Normal school fund, 24.80
Operating note redemption fund, 18.74, 18.75
Operating notes, requests for, 16.405
Payment only on appropriation, VIII, 2
Payments to, how made, 20.905
Petroleum storage environmental cleanup fund:
Control by state investment board, 25.17 (1) (ks)
Establishment, 25.47
Property tax relief fund, 25.17 (1) (kw), 25.62
Public employe trust fund,
Public lands, sale of materials on, 26.07
Recycling fund, 25.49
Reserve for canceled drafts, 20.912 (2)
School fund, X, 2; 24.76 to 24.78
State building trust fund, 25.30
Swamp land grants, 24.79
Transfer of appropriation may be withheld, 16.53 (9)
Transportation fund, 25.40
Milwaukee east-west transportation corridor fund, 85.028
Motor transportation permit fees, 194.04 (6)
Trust fund loans,
Tuition trust fund, 25.80
University fund, 24.81
Veterans' mortgage loan repayment fund, 45.79 (7)
Veterans trust fund, 25.36
Waste management fund, 25.45
Expenditures from, 289.68
Wisconsin development fund, 560.61
Wisconsin election campaign fund, 25.42
Wisconsin veterans home members fund, 25.17 (1) (yv), 25.37
Worker's compensation:
Death benefits for children, 102.49
Refunds, 102.63
Uninsured employers fund, 102.80
Work injury supplemental benefit fund, 102.65
State 15. Insurance15. Insurance
Funds, administration, Ch. 604
Liability and worker's compensation, 66.18
Life fund, Ch. 607
Officers and employes, hospital, life, health, 66.185
STATE 16. Loans, Trust Fund16. Loans, Trust Fund
