Board of state canvassers, member, 15.615 (1)
Bond, 14.60, 19.11
Governor may demand additional, 19.11 (4)
Bond security and redemption fund, establishment, 18.09 (1)
Bonds of assistant and employes, 14.62
Books, open to examination, 14.58 (7)
Capital improvement fund, 18.08 (1)
Certified copies of documents, fees, 14.58 (11)
Cancellation, 14.58 (12), 20.912
Confidentiality of cancelled, 20.912 (3m)
How signed, 14.58 (1)
In lieu of dishonored one, 20.912 (4)
Reissue, 20.912 (3)
Replacement for lost, stolen or destroyed, 20.912 (5)
Commissioner of public lands, X, 7
Trust lands and investments division, 14.563
Common school fund income, 43.70
Contingent funds established by agencies, approve, 20.920
County mining investment fund, 25.65
Restrictions on withdrawals, 70.396
Credit cards, motor vehicle code fees, use charges, 85.14
Credit union, liquidation, unclaimed funds, 186.235 (11) (p)
Crime victim and witness assistance surcharge, 973.045
Custody accounts for gifts to state, 20.907 (5)
Depository for insurance company securities, 601.13
Deposits in public depository, telephone advice, 14.58 (4)
Disbursements, 14.58
Drafts, how signed, 14.58 (1)
Duties, VI, 3; 14.58
Election and term of office, VI, 1; 8.25 (4)
Election campaign fund, make disbursements, 11.50 (5), 14.58 (20)
Escheated property, sale, proceeds, 20.909
Escheats, pay claims, 863.39 (3)
Federal securities, safekeeping receipts, 14.58 (17)
Fire department dues:
Duties, 101.573
Errors corrected, 101.573
Payment to municipality, 101.573
Flood control act moneys, disbursement, 87.13
Gifts to state, custody, 20.907
Insurance companies, liquidation, deposit of unclaimed and withheld funds, 645.73
Interest apportioned on state moneys, 14.58 (19)
Investment board member, duties, 25.19
Investments, sale to cover check or draft, 14.58 (18)
Lobbying and ethics forfeitures, deposited with, 778.136
Local government pooled-investment fund, duties, 25.50
Moneys credited to general fund, 20.906 (1)
Mortgage to state, discharge, 708.07
Municipal officer training programs, 14.59
Natural resources law violations, credit card use charges, 23.49
Nonstock corporation, dissolved, deposits, payment, 181.64
Oath of office, 19.10
Office, creation, 14.56
Operating note redemption fund, 18.75
Payments, 20.905
Powers and duties, county mining investment fund, 25.65
Public employe trust fund, treasurer of fund, 40.03 (4)
Public utility taxes, notice of reassessment, 76.15 (2)
Receipts, accounting, 14.58
Refunds, 20.913
Bus and truck taxes, 194.51
Vouchers to be used, 20.913 (2)
Worker's compensation, 102.63
Reports, 14.58
Assistant, 20.923 (8)
Searches of public records, copies, 19.25
Fees and expenses, 551.52 (5)
Fees for service in connection with, 14.58 (13)
Sellers of checks, business termination, deposit proceeds, 217.11 (5)
State debt:
Act as registrar, 18.10 (5)
Fiscal agent and trustee, 18.10 (8)
Maintain records, 18.10 (7)
State insurance funds:
Surety bond for treasurer, 604.07
To have custody, 604.06
State loans, payment to, 24.70
Trust fund for industrial school for girls, 25.31
Trust lands and investments division, 14.563
Unclaimed legacy or intestate property paid to, limitation, 863.37
Unclaimed property, Ch. 177
Action to establish claim, 177.26
Claim of another state to recover, procedure, 177.25
Custody by state, 177.20 (1)
Defense of holder, 177.20 (5)