Reassessed tax, 75.25
Mineral rights, not extinguished by tax deed or foreclosure, when, 75.115
Postponed, 75.64
Recording, defined, 75.01
Redemption, 75.01
State-owned lands excluded, 74.65
Validity, immaterial errors, 75.22
Action or claim, limitation, 75.24
When, 75.26
Tax deed issued under 75.14:
Adverse possession notice, 75.144
Authorized city, defer taking dwelling, 75.143
Form, issued by county clerk, 75.16
Minor or mentally incompetent, 75.03
Mistake in notice, redemption period extended, 75.10
Notice of application for, 75.12
Notice proof not filed, effect of, 75.13
Tax certificate:
Validity, immaterial errors, 75.22
Void by limitation, 75.20
Collect taxes, who, 74.07
To county treasurer, 74.43
To municipal treasurer, 74.03
Errors corrected, 74.05, 74.43
Retained by county treasurer, 74.63
Returned to county treasurer, authorized city, 74.87
Tax bill information, 74.09
Taxation district:
Action, delinquent personal property taxes, 74.55
Agreement on payments with county, 74.10
Charge back and sharing of taxes due to error, 74.33
Defined, 74.01
Excessive assessment, claim for, 74.37
In populous county, settlement, 74.23
Instalment payments, authorized, 74.12
Special charge against, 75.61
Tax certificate or deed invalid, refund charged to, 75.25
Unlawful taxes recovered from, 74.35
Taxation district clerk:
Charge back of refunded or rescinded taxes, 74.41
Reassessed tax certified to, enter on tax roll, 75.25
Tax bill, prepare, 74.09
Tax roll:
Delivered when, 74.03
Error corrected, 74.05
Taxation district treasurer:
Bond, endorsed, 74.45
Charge back and sharing of taxes due to error, 74.33
Charge back of personal property taxes, 74.42
Collect tax, 74.07
Delinquent taxes, interest and penalties, 74.47
Tax certificate, cancellation notice, 75.20
Tax receipts received by, 74.19
Tax roll:
Delivered, when, 74.43
Error corrected, 74.05
Received when, 74.03
Taxes paid to, 74.11 to 74.15
Taxing jurisdiction:
Action to recover delinquent taxes, 74.53
Agreement with county, 75.365
Boundary revision, effect on taxes, 74.67
Charge back of refunded or rescinded taxes, 74.41
Defined, 74.01
Delinquent taxes certified to county, 75.36
Redemption funds received by, 75.05
Action on tax certificate, 75.61, 75.62
Action to bar former owner, 75.39
Answer, 75.42
Costs paid, 75.43
Action to recover land conveyed by tax deed, 75.26 to 75.30
Charge back, personal property taxes, 74.42
Delinquent personal property taxes, action brought, 74.55
Excessive assessment, claim filed or action commenced, 74.37
Foreclosure of tax certificate, 75.19
Defer taking dwelling, 75.195
Foreclosure of tax lien, 75.521
Mailed payment, 74.69, 75.002
Owner notified of payment, 74.21
Payment of taxes, 74.11, 74.12, 74.13
Authorized city, 74.87
Redemption period:
Expiration, tax deed issued, 75.14
Extended by mistake in notice, 75.10
Minor or mentally incompetent, 75.03