TAXATION 1. General Provisions1. General Provisions
Appeal to tax appeals commission, 73.01
Assessment districts, 73.05 (1)
Referred to finance committee, 13.093 (1)
Yea and nay vote, VIII, 8
Municipal, payment, 66.059 (6) (a), 66.54 (9)
Rate limits, 67.035
Cemetery maintenance, 157.062 (7)
Cities for park purposes, 27.10
Condominiums, units taxed separately, 703.21
Delinquent taxes, collection fee, 73.03 (33m)
Delinquent Wis. taxes from nonresidents, contracts to collect, allocations, 73.03 (28)
Dog license tax, 174.05 to 174.12
Enforcement, reciprocity, 757.47
Estate, duty of personal representative to pay, 857.03
Flood control, 87.10 (2)
Health hazards, cost of abatement, collection, 254.59
Hospitals, county-city, levy taxes, 66.47 (3), (9)
Insect pests, eradication, 94.02
Insurance written by unauthorized insurers, 618.43
Local exposition district taxes:
Food and beverage:
Administration, 77.982
Discontinuation, 77.983
Imposition, 77.98
Rate, 77.981
Motel and hotel tax, 66.75
Rental car tax:
Administration, 77.991
Discontinuation, 77.992
Imposition, 77.99
Marital property,
Metropolitan transit authority, tax equivalent, 66.94 (5)
Levy taxes to pay debts, XI, 3
Pay temporary loans, 67.12 (12)
Delinquent taxes owed Wis., contracts to collect, allocations, 73.03 (28)
Protected, II, 2
Personal property, classification, VIII, 1
Plant disease eradication, 94.02
Private letter rulings, 73.035
Privilege in use of federal tax information, 905.15
Public improvement projects, tax incremental financing, 66.46
Rate limit:
County trunk highways, 83.03 (2)
Municipal bonds, 67.035
Town highway improvements, 81.11
Real estate transfer fee, 77.21 to 77.30
Register of deed's duties, 59.43 (1) (c)
Reliance on revenue dept., taxpayer absolution, 73.03 (47)
Review of tax appeals commission orders, 73.015
Room tax on hotelkeepers, motel operators, forfeiture, 66.75
Board may vote, 120.12 (3), (4)
Statement to municipal clerk, 120.17 (8)
Support of, X, 4
Milwaukee, 65.07, 119.46, 119.47, 119.48
Recertification of school district equalized valuation, 120.17 (8) (bm)
Union high and common:
Clerk's duties, 120.17 (8)
How voted, 120.10
Vocational, 38.16
Set off of payments to vendors, 73.12, 84.012
Soldiers and sailors relief act, 45.53
Special laws forbidden, IV, 31
State aid to municipalities in lieu of property taxes on certain state lands, 70.113, 70.114
State debt, repaying, VIII, 6
State loans, neglect to levy tax to pay, 24.74
Officers to collect and report, 69.60