Minimum acreage restrictions, 66.057
Neglected, transfer to town, 157.115 (1)
Provide for, 60.23 (16)
Soldiers' graves, care, 45.185
Taxes for maintenance, 157.062 (7)
Census, federal, use of for population determinations, 60.81
Civic and other functions, appropriations, 60.23 (3)
Community action agencies:
Appropriate funds for promoting, 66.434
Approve, 46.30 (2)
Community relations-social development commission, 66.433
Community response committee for economic development, 560.15
Concerts, 66.49 (5)
Condemnation, generally, Ch. 32
For detailed analysis,

Consolidation of municipalities, 66.02
County not divided into towns considered town, 60.09 (1)
Criminal conduct, ordinances and forfeitures, 60.23 (23)
see Dams
Dead animals, disposition, 60.23 (20), 66.345
Detachment of territory from cities, villages, 61.74, 62.075, 66.022
Validity, challenge, 60.06
Disease, pest and weed control; emergency, 60.23 (8)
Division or dissolution:
, 60.03
Delivery of records to new town, 60.07
Statute of limitations, 893.73 (1) (b)
At large, regulation, 60.23 (30)
Dog license law, 174.05 to 174.12
List of to be maintained, 174.06
Drainage district:

Assessment, 88.48
Transfer of to town jurisdiction, 88.83
Drug paraphernalia ordinance, 60.23 (21)
Economic adjustment program, 560.15
Electric companies, authority to create, 66.073

Electrical construction inspection, 101.86, 101.865
Electricians, certification of, 101.87
Government, powers and duties, 166.03 (4)

Hazardous substance discharge, emergency response and reimbursement, 166.22
Medical services, 60.565, 146.55
Police powers of officers, 213.095
Phone system, 146.70
Employment offices, 106.09 (2)
Environmental damage compensation, 66.365
Exposition districts,
Farmland preservation, 91.80
Fees, unpaid; state income tax setoff, 71.935
Firearms and ammunition, seized, disposal of, 968.20
Firearms, local regulation, 66.092
Fire protection, 60.55
Fire calls on public highways, reimbursement of town, 60.557
Fire commission, 60.57
Fire companies,
Fire departments,
Forest fires suppression, 26.11
Investigation of cause of fire, report, 165.55 (1)
Prohibition against setting, 26.13 (3)
Safety regulations, 60.555
State aids, 101.575
Fireworks, regulation of, 167.10
Fish hatcheries, may establish, 29.536
Flood control projects,
Foreign trade zones, establishment, 182.50
Community forests, 28.20 to 28.23
Forest fires, suppression, 26.11
see Ordinances, under this subhead
Fuel depots, 66.074
Gambling, prohibition, 66.051
see Solid waste, under this subhead
Hazardous waste sites, cost recovery and negotiation, 292.35

Health and sanitation, expense of carrying out laws, 146.16
Health insurance for unemployed, 66.182
Homeless persons, state grants for, 16.339, 16.352
Horses running at large, regulation, 60.23 (30)
County-town, 66.47
Facility acquisition or leasing, 66.501
Municipal, board, 66.50
Housing, antidiscrimination ordinance, 66.432
Housing authority, 60.23 (27), 66.40 to 66.425
For detailed analysis,

Loans or donations to, 66.404 (2)
Town power, 66.437
Ice plants, 66.074
Impact fees, 66.55