Local government property fund, Ch. 605
Intergovernmental cooperation and contracts, 66.30
Jail, operation, 61.24, 62.09 (13)
See also Jails

Junk car storage, permits, 175.25
Adverse possession against, 893.29
Authority to acquire, XI, 3a; 61.34 (3), (3m)
Conveyances, contracts, how executed, 61.50
Gifts, relief from conditions, 66.27
Legal notices:
Posting, procedure, 985.02
Publication in official newspaper, 66.10, 985.05, 985.06
Libraries, generally, Ch. 43
For detailed analysis,

Boards, 43.54
Joint libraries, 43.53
Municipal libraries, 43.52
Licenses and permits; appeal rights generally,
Liquor license law, generally, Ch. 125
For detailed analysis,

Local exposition districts,
Manager plan for government:
For detailed analysis,

Village authority to adopt, 64.15
Manure storage facilities, 92.16
Marijuana possession, ordinances, 66.051
Mass transportation,
see Public transportation, under this subhead
Meat and poultry inspection, 97.42 (5)
Medical waste incinerator fees, 66.35
Metropolitan sewerage districts, creation and operation, 66.20 to 66.26
For detailed analysis,

See also Mining

Nonmetallic mining reclamation ordinances, 66.038, 295.13
Applicability of ordinances, 295.16
DNR review, 295.18
Enforcement, 295.19
Fees, 295.15
Inspection, 295.17
Preservation of certain deposits, 295.20
Standards, 295.12
Operation, local agreements, 293.41
Mobile home regulation:
Park regulation, 66.058
Agent for administration dept., 16.366, 254.69
Parking fees, 66.0585
Mopeds and motor bicycles, regulation and registration, 349.18
Motor vehicles:
Registration fee, 341.35
Municipal court, ordinance creating, 755.01
Municipal utilities,
Museums, art, 66.48
Navigable waters:
For detailed analysis,

Enclosure by municipality, 30.196
Newspaper, official, 66.10, 985.06
Noxious weeds, insect pests, 61.72
See also Nuisances

Action to abate, 823.01, 823.02
Offensive industry, regulation, 66.052
Repeated ordinance violation, 823.065
Smoke nuisance, prohibit, 254.57
As evidence, 889.04
Code, adoption and publication, 66.035
Criminal conduct:
Forfeitures to conform to statute counterpart, 66.115
Power to prohibit, 66.051
Penalty, restrictions, 66.115
Publication, validation, 61.50
Recorded, 61.25

Action to enforce, 66.12
Bail, 66.114
Citation for, 66.119
Repeated violation a nuisance, 823.065
Sentence, criminal conduct; contribution to crime fighting organization, 753.40, 755.20
Unpaid forfeitures:
Refusal to issue license or permit, 66.117
State income tax setoff, 71.935
Pesticide regulation, 94.701
Regulation, 145.04
Supervision, 145.05
Pollution investigation and remedial action grants, 292.61
See also Pollution

Population, use of federal census, 61.191
Property; conveyances, contracts, how executed, 61.50
Public transportation:
Bus system, acquisition, operation, 66.065
Mass transit operating assistance program, 85.20
Acquisition, method of payment, 66.066 (1m)