Municipal collection and removal:

Cities and villages, 66.049
Counties, 59.70 (2)
Dumping areas, cities and villages extraterritorial authority, 66.052
Intergovernmental cooperation, 66.30
Metropolitan sewerage district, authority, 66.24 (8)
Milwaukee county, 59.79 (9)
Town sanitary districts, 60.70 to 60.79
Natural resources department:
Powers and duties, 289.06, 289.07
Imminent danger, action authorized, 289.94
Orders, 289.93
Research, 289.07 (4)
Negotiation and arbitration, 289.33
Operators, certification, 289.42
Recycling and resource recovery policy of state, 287.05
Recycling or resource recovery facilities:

City acquisition, 62.155
County acquisition, 59.70 (11)
Village acquisition, 61.57
Review of alleged violations, 289.92
Storage of waste, 289.45
Tires, 289.55
Transportation permit, 348.27 (12)
Transportation through town, 60.54
Violation of law, enforcement, 289.95, 289.97
Waters, disposal in prohibited, 29.29 (3)
Whistleblower protection, 289.42 (2)
Yard waste:
Prohibitions, 287.07, 287.08
Publicity, 287.215