Lease or sublease state lands and buildings, 13.488
Leasehold interests, acquisition of, 13.48 (15)
Leases of state-constructed space, 13.48 (23)
Madison property, acquire, 13.48 (17)
Medical college of Wis., debt increase, 13.48 (21)
Medium security prison, validation of acquisition of Milwaukee property, 992.10
Minimum maintenance projects, cash financing for, 13.48 (24)
Open spaces near state facilities, acquire, 13.48 (18)
Operating note redemption fund, 18.75
Operating notes:
Agreements to maintain an accounting, 16.004 (9)
Authorizing resolution, 18.73 (1)
Limit on amount, 18.725
Proceeds, application of, 18.74
Purposes, authorization, 18.72
Sale, 18.73 (2)
Parking structure funding, Milwaukee county, 13.485
Powers and duties, 13.48 (2), 13.488, 18.03 (2)
Private building on state land, permission required, 13.48 (12)
Public building corporation, may organize, 13.482
Public debt, contracting of, supervision, 18.03
Report to legislature, 13.48 (2) (e)
Residence halls, sale or lease, 13.48 (20)
Revenue obligations, powers and duties, 18.51 to 18.63
Sale or lease of lands, buildings and structures, 13.48 (14)
State construction, alternatives to, 13.48 (19)
State fair park, development of new facilities, procedures, 13.488 (7)
State office building, completion, 13.486
Surplus state land, submit inventory to, 23.15 (5)
Technology and applied research program, authorized, 13.48 (25)
Terms on debt for maintenance projects, 13.48 (24)
University hospitals and clinics authority, debt for on-campus facilities prohibited, 13.48 (28)
University of Wis. system, gifts of real property to, approval required, 13.48 (2) (b), 36.29 (7)
Veterans' housing loan program, general obligation bonds, issuance to fund, 18.04