Bank collections, check more than 6 months old, bank not obligated to pay, 404.404
Cashier's, limitation of actions for payment, 893.63
Certification is acceptance, 403.411
Certified by bank, effect, 221.0325
Certified, limitation of actions for payment, 893.63
Clear at par, 224.07
Identification information, regulated, 423.402
Payment to state by, 20.905
Replacement by state treasurer, 20.912 (5)
Sales contract, payment by check, effect of dishonor, 402.511 (3)
Cancellation and reissue by state treasurer, 14.58 (12), 20.912
How signed, 14.58 (1)
On insolvent bank, 20.912 (4)
Time check, payable where, penalty, 103.45
Unclaimed property, 177.05
Unpaid to state, penalty, 20.905
Worthless, civil liability, 943.245
Issuance, proof, penalty, 943.24