Ice plant, 66.074 (1)
Impact fees, 66.55
Definitions, 66.013 (2)
From town, 66.012
From village, 61.189
Litigation, notice required, 66.026
Powers of new city, effect of incorporation, elections, 66.019
Administration dept. review, 66.016
Circuit court action, 66.014
Review of action of circuit court and department, 66.017
Standards to be applied by circuit court, 66.015
Purpose of incorporation law, 66.013 (1)
Referendum procedure, 66.018
Industrial development, 66.52
Revenue bonding, job impact estimates, 66.521, 560.034
Industrial sites, acquisition, 62.22 (1), (1e)
Initiative, ordinance or resolution, 9.20
Inspection warrants, 66.122, 66.123
Health, accident or life,
Liability and worker's compensation, 66.18
Local government property fund, Ch. 605
Intergovernmental cooperation and contracts, 66.30
Jail, duties of police chief, 62.09 (13)
See also Jails

Junk car storage, permits, 175.25
Lakes, inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts, establishment, 33.23

Acquisition for public purposes, 62.22, 62.23 (17)
Assessment of benefited property, 62.23 (14) to (16)
Adverse possession against, 893.29
Condemnation, generally, Ch. 32
For detailed analysis,
Equity in land, prior obligations, 62.26 (2)
Parks board, acquisition, 27.08 (2)
Public lands commissioners, acquisition, 27.11
Relief from conditions of dedication, 66.27
Legal notices:
Posting, procedure, 985.02
Publication in official newspaper, 66.10, 985.05 (1), 985.06
Libraries, generally, Ch. 43
For detailed analysis,

Boards, 43.54
Joint libraries, 43.53
Municipal libraries, 43.52
Licenses and permits; appeal rights generally,
Liquor license law, generally, Ch. 125
For detailed analysis,

Local exposition districts,
Manure storage facilities, 92.16
Marijuana possession, ordinances, 66.051
Mass transportation,
see Public transportation, under this subhead
Meat and poultry inspection, 97.42 (5)
Meetings, open, 19.81 to 19.98
For detailed analysis,

Medical waste incinerator fees, 66.35
Metropolitan sewerage districts,
See also Mining

Mining operation, local agreements, 293.41
Nonmetallic mining reclamation ordinances, 66.038, 295.13
Applicability of ordinances, 295.16
DNR review, 295.18
Enforcement, 295.19
Fees, 295.15
Inspection, 295.17
Preservation of certain deposits, 295.20
Standards, 295.12
Mobile home regulation:
Park regulation, 66.058
As agent for administration dept., 16.366, 254.69
Parking fees, 66.0585
Motor vehicles:
Registration fee, 341.35
Municipal court, ordinance creating, 755.01
Museums, may establish, 66.48
Name change in 4th class city, 62.26 (7)
Navigable waters, generally, Ch. 30
For detailed analysis,

Projects, cooperation with federal government, 66.45
Safety patrols, state aid, 30.79
Newspaper, official, 66.10, 985.06
See also Nuisances

Action to abate, 823.01, 823.02
Offensive industry, extraterritorial regulation, 66.052
Rendering plants, regulation, 254.58
Repeated violations of ordinance, 823.065
Smoke nuisance, 254.57
As evidence, 889.04
Code of, adoption and publication, 66.035
Common council action, 62.11