Probate actions,
Public officer, death or separation from office, successor substituted, 803.10 (4)
Quo warranto actions, 784.03
Several defendants joined, 784.12
Real party in interest, 803.01 (1)
Real property actions:
Declaration of interest, 841.03
Ejectment, necessary defendant, 843.05, 843.06
Foreclosure, adding defendant after judgment, 846.09
In rem and in personam may be joined, 840.05
Interference with property; nuisance, 844.15, 844.17, 844.18
Necessary party missing, action not to be dismissed, 840.06
Defendants, 842.04
Plaintiffs, 842.02
State, as party defendant in declaration of interests, 775.10
Representatives, 803.01 (2)
Right to prosecute or defend, I, 9; I, 21
Separate trials, 803.04 (4)
Substitution of parties, 803.10
Third party practice, 803.05
Transfer of interest, action may be continued by or against original party, 803.10 (3)
Unknown defendants, 807.12
Who may be, 803.01
Wrongful death action, 895.04
Amendment, 802.09
Foreclosure, after judgment, 846.09
See also Defenses

Contents, 802.02, 802.04
Special matters; capacity, fraud, conditions precedent, etc., 802.03
Small claims actions, 799.20
Evictions, 799.42
Time to serve, 802.06 (1)
Borrowing from court, 807.08
Claims, party may join all, 803.02
Contents, 802.02, 802.04
Special matters; capacity, fraud, conditions precedent, etc., 802.03
Filing; required to commence action, 801.02
Municipal ordinance violation cases, 800.02, 800.025
Forfeiture recovery, 778.10
Small claims, 799.06 (3)
Eviction, 799.41
Third party complaint, 803.05
Construction of, 802.02 (6)
Contents, generally, 802.02, 802.04
Copies used if original lost, withheld, 807.06
Counterclaim and cross claim:
, 802.07
Consumer credit transactions, 425.307 (2)
Reply to, time to serve, 802.06 (1)
Separate trials, 805.05 (2)
Small claims actions, 799.02
See also Defenses

Affirmative, 802.02 (3)
Denial, failure to make is admission, 802.02 (4)
Denials, form of, 802.02 (2)
Statute of limitations, how raised, 893.01

When and how presented, 802.06
Errors, harmless, 805.18
Exhibits, 802.04 (3)
Filing, 801.14, 801.16
Form, 802.04
Language, abbreviations, numbers, etc., 757.18
Size, 801.145
General rules, 802.01, 802.02
Nonjoinder of persons, pleading reasons for, 803.03 (4)
Rules of pleading, generally, 802.01 to 802.09
Settlement, offer of, 807.01
Signatures, 802.05
Simulating, criminal penalty, 946.68
Size, 801.145
Small claims actions, generally, 799.06

Evictions, 799.40 to 799.43
Special matters, 802.03
Summons, generally:
Contents, 801.09
Filing with court; commences action, 801.02
Form, 801.095
Municipal ordinance violation cases, form, 800.02, 800.095
Service, 801.10 to 801.14
For detailed analysis,

In rem or quasi in rem, 801.12
Required for personal jurisdiction, 801.11
When deemed served, 801.13
Who may serve, 801.10
Small claims actions, 799.05