Automobiles, junk and used, regulation of dealers, 59.55 (5)
Bingo, extended hours, ordinances, 563.55
Board of county canvassers,
Board of immigration, 59.53 (18)

Regulations, adopt, 30.77 (3)
Rescue boats and equipment, 59.54 (2)
Area, proof, 891.28
Changed by cooperative agreement, 66.023
Determined by U.S. surveys, 2.02
Established, 2.01
Fixed by stipulation and judgment, 66.027
Jurisdiction on waters, 2.03
State boundary waters, jurisdiction, 2.04
Building and construction,
Burial of unknown corpses, 979.09
Circuit courts:

Responsibility for operating costs, 753.19
Citizenship day, 66.73
Civil service, 59.52 (8), 63.01 to 63.17
Community, living arrangements, location, 59.69 (15)
Condemnation, generally, Ch. 32
For detailed analysis,

Consolidation of counties, procedure, 59.08
Consumer protection, 59.55
Anticipatory on sale of bonds, 67.10 (5)
Authority to make, 59.01
Property conveyances to or by county, execution, 59.06
Public works contracts:
Bid requirements, 59.52 (29)
How let, 66.29
Wage scale for public contracts, 66.293
Work done in good faith under unlawful contract, 66.295
Conventions and celebrations, appropriation, 59.56 (13)
Cooperation with other municipalities, 66.30
Correctional facilities, state-local shared, 301.14, 302.45, 973.035
Crime victims and witnesses:
Intergovernmental cooperation, 950.07
Responsibility for rights and services, 950.06
Services for, 950.05
Appropriation for, 59.54 (14)
Criminal conduct, ordinances to prohibit, 59.54 (22)
Cultural affairs, 59.56
see Dams
Definitions, 59.001
Disease control, 59.70 (17)
District attorney,
Division of, XIII, 7
Impoundment, 174.046 (1)
License law, 174.05 to 174.12
Running at large, 59.54 (20)
Drainage district,
Dwelling codes,
see Building and construction, under this subhead
Electrical construction inspection, 101.86, 101.865
Electricians, certification of, 101.87
Government, powers and duties, 166.03 (4)

Hazardous substances discharge, emergency response and reimbursement, 166.22
Medical services program, 59.54 (1), 146.55
Phone system, 146.70
Planning committees, 59.54 (8), 166.20, 166.21
Police powers of officers, 213.095
Radio service for fire protection, 59.54 (3)
Repair or reconstruction of public facilities, 59.52 (29)
Services, rural numbering system, 59.54 (4), (4m)
Environmental protection and intervention, 59.70
Environmental repair grants from state, 66.365
Exposition districts,
Fairgrounds, acquisition, use, 59.56 (14)
Fairs, 59.56 (14)
State aid, 93.23 (1)
Farm safety programs, 59.54 (26)
Fees, unpaid; state income tax setoff, 71.935
Firearms and ammunition, seized, disposal of, 968.20
Firearms, local regulation, 66.092
Fish and game projects, application for aid, 23.09 (12)
Fish hatcheries, establish, operate, 59.56 (11)
Foreign trade zones, establishment, 182.50
Forest fire prevention:
Cooperate with dept. of natural resources, 26.12 (3), (4)
Expense chargeable to, 26.14 (3), (4)
Forests, 28.10, 28.11
Cutting, notice, file conveyance, 26.03
Fire negligently or maliciously set, action for damages, 26.21
Forest income, return to towns, 59.52 (18)
Road aids, 86.315