Unclaimed property:
Disposition, 59.66 (3)
Inventory, sale, 171.04 to 171.06
Attorney, practice as restricted, 59.30
Duties, vacancy, 59.26
Unlawful assembly, suppression, 947.06
How filled, 17.21
Undersheriff to act, 59.26
Worker's compensation, 102.07
COUNTIES 18. Surveyor18. Surveyor
, 59.45
Bond and oath, 59.21
Certificate of as evidence, 59.75
Election, term, 59.20 (2)
Eligibility for elective office, 59.20 (1)
Office, location, when open, 59.20 (3) (a)
Penalty for failure to perform duties, 59.46
Statute of limitations, damages for errors, 893.37
Substitute, when appointed, 59.75
Expressing bearings, subdividing sections, 59.73
Perpetuating and relocation of section corners, landmarks, 59.74
Town survey, contract for, bond, 60.84
Vacancy, filling, 17.21
Apportionment to districts, 70.63
Impact fees, 66.55
Income tax levy prohibited, 66.70
Levy authority:
, 59.51 (2), 70.62
Airports, 114.15
Fairs, 59.56 (14)
Libraries, 43.64
Public work done in good faith under unlawful contract, 66.295
Road and bridge fund, 83.065
Veterans' memorials, 45.05, 45.055
Veterans' relief, 45.10, 45.11
Levy rate limit, 66.77
Revenue dept. rulemaking, 73.028
Mandate relief, 79.058
Metalliferous mineral mining, 70.395
Use of tax payments by counties, 70.396
Motor vehicle fuel tax not to be levied by, 78.82
Omitted tax, procedure, 70.62 (3)
Payments in lieu of taxes, 59.52 (16)
Property taxes,
Admissions tax, 562.08
Prohibited taxes and assessments, 66.74
Sales and use tax:
Administration, distribution, 77.76
Adoption, by ordinance, 77.70
Applicability of general sales tax law, 77.79
Imposition, 77.71
Jurisdiction, 77.73
Registration, 77.78
Reports, 77.75
Retailers, duties, 77.785
Seller permits, 77.74
Situs of goods and services, 77.72
Transitional provisions, 77.77
Shared revenue account, distributive shares of, 79.02 to 79.06
Special assessments:
Collection, 66.645
County property subject to, 66.64
Delinquent, 66.54 (9)
Highway improvements, assessment to municipality benefited, 83.03
Instalments, bond payments, 66.54
Lien of special assessment, 66.604
Tax equalization, assessment of counties, 70.57
Abandoned property, proceeds, 59.66 (3), 171.02, 171.04 to 171.06
Aid to families with dependent children, payment, 49.19
Bond and oath, 59.21
Cash retention, 59.61
Cemeteries, care, trusteeship, 157.125
Deposits of county funds, 59.61

Treasurer liability or deposits, 34.06
Withdrawals, 66.042
Deputies, appointment, 59.25 (2)
Drainage districts, treasurer for, 88.18
Duties, generally, 59.25 (3)
Election, term, 59.20 (2)
Eligibility to office, 59.20 (1), 59.25 (1)
Fines for violation of university rules, disposition, 36.11 (1) (d)
Forest products, cutting; collecting tax, 26.03
Collection from municipalities, 778.13, 778.15, 778.16