Logrolling by legislators, 13.05, 13.06
Mandamus, violating, 783.07
Mental institutions, aiding in escape, 946.74
Misconduct in public office, 946.10 to 946.18
Missing person, false information regarding, 946.48
Natural resources dept., seals, interference, 29.644
Oath, false statement under, 946.32
Obstructing justice, 946.65
Obstructing officer, 946.41
Organized crime control act:
Civil remedies, 946.87
Continuing criminal enterprise, 946.85
Criminal forfeitures, 946.86
Intent, 946.81
Jurisdiction, 946.88
Penalties and fines, 946.84
Prohibited activities, 946.83
Statute of limitations, 893.94, 946.88 (1)
Title, 946.80
Parole, encouraging violation of, 946.46
Perjury, 946.31
Police animals, harassment, 951.095
See also Escape, under this subhead

Assaults by, 946.43
Delivering articles to, 302.095
Delivery of drugs or liquor to, 302.375
Probation, encouraging violation of, 946.46
Public assistance:
Fraud, county ordinance prohibiting authorized, 59.54 (23)
Unlawful disclosures, 49.83
Public construction contracts at less than full rate, 946.15
Public officer or employe:
Misconduct in office, 946.10 to 946.18
Refusal to deliver money, books to successor, 19.24
Public papers, tampering with, 946.72
Public utility, special privileges from, 946.11
see Organized crime control act, under this subhead
Refusing to aid officer, 946.40
Resisting officer, 946.41, 946.415
Revenue dept. employes:
Battery or threat to, 940.205
Damage or threat to property, 943.015
Sabotage, 946.02
Unlawful entry, 175.05
Search warrant disclosures, 946.76
Sedition, 946.03
Subversive activities, 946.01 to 946.06
Summons, simulating, 946.68
Taxation violations,
Threat or promise to influence vote, 103.18, 103.20
Treason, 946.01
Criminal Code 6. Life and Bodily Security6. Life and Bodily Security
, Ch. 940
Abortion, 940.04, 940.15
Exception, 940.13
Performing without parental consent or waiver, penalty, 895.037
Domestic, 968.075
Residents and patients of health facilities, 940.295
Residents of penal institutions, 940.29
Vulnerable adults, 940.285
Accidental shooting, duties, 29.221
Assault and battery:
, 940.19
Attempt to commit, 939.32
By prisoners, 940.20, 946.83
To certain public officers and other persons, 940.20
To DILJD and development dept. employe, 940.207
To judge, 940.203
To revenue department employe, 940.205
Controlled substances violations, 961.41 to 961.576
For detailed analysis,

Corpses, mutilating and hiding corpses, 940.11
Negligent use causing death, 940.08
Negligent use causing injury, 940.24
Extortion, 943.30, 943.31
False imprisonment, 940.30
Female genital mutilation, 146.35
Negligent use causing death, 940.08
Negligent use causing injury, 940.24
Death caused by denatured alcohol, 125.68 (12)
First-degree intentional, 940.01
First-degree reckless, 940.02
Intoxicated use of vehicle or firearm, 940.09
Murder, 940.03
Negligent control of animal, 940.07
Negligent operation of vehicle, 940.10
Negligent use of weapon, explosives or fire, 940.08