Civil liability, 943.51
Satellite cable television programming, 943.47
Shopping cart, 943.55
Taxicab driver, failure to pay, 943.21
Telecommunication service, 943.45
Civil liability, 943.48
Trade secrets, 943.205
Utility service, 941.36
Threats to injure or accuse of crime, 943.30
Christmas trees, illegal cutting, 26.03
Illegal cutting, sale, shipment of evergreens, 134.60
Larceny of, 26.05
Memorial, cutting, 45.066
On highway or street, cutting, injury, 86.03
Fish hatchery, 29.515
Flood control improvements, 87.17
To dwellings, 943.14
To land, 943.13
To medical facility, 943.145
Water, interfering with free use of, 86.17 (2)
Wills, suppressing or secreting, 856.05 (3)
Forfeiture of contraband devices, 968.32
Interception and disclosure prohibited, 968.31
Tracing devices, restricted, 968.34
Worthless check:
Civil liability, 943.245
Issue, 943.24
Criminal Code 8. Public Health and Safety8. Public Health and Safety
, Ch. 941
Aircraft, reckless or intoxicated operation of, 114.09
Bow and arrow:
Endangering safety, by use, 941.20
Use near park, 167.30
Candy, placing harmful objects in, 941.325
Communicable diseases, Ch. 252
For detailed analysis,

Concealed weapon, carrying, 941.23
Controlled substances:
For detailed analysis,

Administering to facilitate crime, 941.32
Prohibited acts, 961.41 to 961.576
Cremation without certificate, 979.10 (4)
Dangerous weapon use, increased penalty, 939.63
see Controlled substances, under this subhead
Electric weapons, 941.295
Emergency or rescue personnel, obstructing, 941.37
Emergency telephone calls, interference, 941.35
Endangering safety by reckless conduct, 941.30
Explosives, possession, 941.31
Buildings, unsafe burning, 941.11
Caused by smoking in public accommodations, 254.76
False alarms, 941.13
Fire fighting, interference, 941.12
Protection equipment, destruction, 26.19
Setting, 26.14 (5) to (8)
Negligent handling of materials, 941.10
Accidental shooting, duties, 29.221
Armor-piercing bullet in handgun, use, 941.296
Concealed, carrying, 941.23
Disarming peace officer, 941.21
Endangering safety, by use, 941.20
Facsimile firearms, restrictions, 941.2965
Imitation, 941.297
In public buildings, 941.235
Machine guns:
Defined, 941.27
Manufacturer to register, 941.25
Use, 941.26
Near parks, 167.30
Possession prohibited, 941.29
Short-barreled, possession, 941.28
Silencers, prohibited, 941.298
Taverns, possession in, 941.237
Fluoroscopic shoe-fitting, 941.34
Food, placing harmful objects in, 941.325
Food law violations, Ch. 95
For detailed analysis,

Gangs, solicitation of members, 941.38
Health and family services dept. rules, violations,
Household products, tampering with, 941.327
Negligent use, 941.20
Switchblade, possession, 941.24
Motor vehicle, negligent operation, 941.01

Tear gas, pepper spray, use, 941.26