Forfeiture of charter, 221.0803
Loan originators and solicitors,
see Mortgage bankers, under this subhead
See also Mortgages

, 221.0321
Agricultural production guarantees, 234.90
Commissions for making loan prohibited, 221.0637
Consumer act, applicability, Ch. 428
Discrimination in granting, 138.20
Farm assets reinvestment management loans, 234.91
Lender liability, hazardous substance contamination, 292.21
Limits, 221.0320, 221.0321
Mortgage priority, 706.11 (1)
Mortgages generally,
Not conditioned on particular insurance, 134.10
Residential mortgage, 138.052
Reverse mortgage loans, 138.058
Sale to federal national mortgage association, 221.0310
To bank officers and employes, conditions, 221.0625
Variable rate, 138.056
Married persons, credit transactions with, 138.20 (1m), 766.56
Mergers and consolidations:
, 221.0702
Charter cancellation of merged bank, 221.0703
Definitions, 221.0705
Dissenters' rights, 221.0706 to 221.0718
Interim banks, 221.0704
Share exchanges, 221.0701
Money orders, limitation of actions for payment, 893.63
Mortgage bankers:

Compensation, action for:
Compensation presumed, 224.82
Registration required, 224.81
Definitions, 224.71
Exemption from regulation, 224.85
Fee splitting, 224.78
Prohibited conduct, penalties, 224.77, 224.80
Record-keeping requirements, 224.75
Registration, 224.72
Relationship between banker and loan originator, 224.73
State review of operations, 224.74
Trust accounts, 224.76
see Loans, under this subhead
Mortgagor, designating attorney for, prohibited, 708.03
Motor vehicles, registration, 341.57
Multiple-party accounts,
Name of bank, 221.0401 to 221.0403
National bank:
Deposit of securities with state treasurer, 220.09
Reorganized from state bank, 221.0217
Reorganized as state bank, 221.0218
Nonresident deposits, not held to be doing business in state, 226.05
Notary public, permitted acknowledgments, 220.18
Notes and debentures, sale of, 221.0318
Notices, generally, 221.0103
, 221.0620
Bonded, 224.06
Commissions prohibited, 221.0637
Contract rights of, 221.0623
Duties, 221.0621
Expense reimbursements, 221.0629
False statement, penalty, 221.1004
Indemnification, 221.0627
Additional rights to indemnification, 221.0634
Court-ordered, 221.0630
Definitions, 221.0626
Determination of right to, 221.0631
Expense reimbursements, 221.0629
Liability insurance, 221.0633
Limitation by bank, 221.0628
Securities law claims, 221.0635
Loans to, limitations, 221.0625
Removal by state, 220.04 (4)
Signatures, 221.0624
Theft, penalty, 221.0636
Applicant requirements, 221.0201
Application, 221.0202
Certificate of authority, 221.0203
Notice of readiness to commence business required, 221.0208
Required filings, 221.0206, 221.0207
Temporary organization, 221.0204
Possession by state, 221.0802
Grounds, 220.08
Posting, deferred, 404.301
Powers of banks, generally, 221.0301, 221.0322
Public deposits,
Real estate holdings, 221.0319
See also Possession by state, under this subhead
