Substituted service of process, 179.04 (2)
Loan originators and solicitors, 224.72
Mortgage bankers, 224.72
Railroad conveyances, filing, fees, 190.11, 192.71
Records, maintaining and copying, 182.01
Religious societies, Ch. 187
Veterans corporations, investigation, 188.26
Adjustment service companies, license, regulation, 218.02
Agricultural marketing contracts, duties, 100.23 (6)
Appropriation, 20.144
Banking division:
Consumer act administration, Ch. 426
Consumer credit insurance regulation, 424.601
Consumer credit law:
Registration, administrator to adopt rules regarding, 426.201 (3)
Rules, 766.565 (7)
Creation, 15.183 (1)
Duties, generally, 220.02
Employe immunity, 220.065
Examinations, employe restrictions, 220.08
Bank examinations, 220.05
Certified copies, 221.1006
Finance company regulation,
Instalment interest, license, regulation, 138.09
Powers, generally, 220.04
Public deposits:
Powers, generally, 34.03
Payment of losses, 34.08
Public documents, exchange with other jurisdictions, 35.86
Records, as evidence, 220.13
Sellers of checks, regulation,
Banking review board:
Annual report, 15.07 (6)
Banking division actions, review, 220.02 (5), 220.035
Creation, membership, 15.183 (1)
Duties, procedure, 220.035 (1)
General provisions, 15.07
Hearings, 220.035 (4)
Judicial review of orders, 220.035 (3)
Appointment, 15.07 (1)
Per diem, 15.07 (5) (b)
Qualifications, terms, 15.185 (1)
Office, 220.035 (4)
Personnel, compensation, 220.035 (5)
Powers and duties:
, 220.035
Bank employe and officer criminal violations, duties, 220.04 (12)
Capital impairment of banks, review order, 220.07 (2)
Division's actions, review, 220.02 (5), 220.035
Federal aid approval, 220.085
Organization of banks, power and duties, 221.0202 (5), 221.0205 (1)
Removal of officers and directors, 220.04 (4)
Possession of banks by state, 220.08
Recommendations, 220.08
Review, 220.08 (9)
Quorum, 15.07 (4)
Rules and regulations, 220.035 (2)
Subpoena power, 220.035 (1)
Witness fees, 220.035 (1)
Charitable organization reports, 181.32, 181.67 (3)
Collection agencies, licensing, regulation, 218.04
Consumer credit review board:
Created, 15.185 (2)
General provisions, 15.07
Powers and duties, 220.037
Creation, 15.18
Credit unions, office of:
Creation, 15.185 (7) (a)
Director, salary, 20.923 (4) (c) 3.
Employe immunity, 186.235 (5)
Powers, generally, 186.235
For detailed analysis,

Credit union review board, 186.015
For detailed analysis,

Creation, membership, 15.185 (7) (b)
Community currency exchange, licensing, regulation, 218.05
Motor vehicle dealers, salespersons, finance companies, licensing, regulation, 218.01
Savings and loan division:
Creation, 15.183 (2)
Employe immunity, 215.02 (4)
Powers, generally, 215.02
For detailed analysis,

Savings banks, 214.015, 214.715
For detailed analysis,

Savings and loan review board, 215.04
Creation, membership, 15.185 (3)
Savings bank review board, 214.78
Creation, membership, 15.185 (4)