Approve state officers, 19.11
Require additional of treasurer, 19.11 (4)
Interstate toll facilities, approve construction, 84.12 (9)
Local and interstate, approve construction, 84.52
Emergency bills recommended to legislature, 16.47
Hearings, 16.44
Messages and bills to legislature, 16.45
Report, copies, 35.265
Building commission chairperson, 13.48 (2)
Building commission plans, leases, approval, 13.482
Business problems in state, identification by development department, 560.03 (2)
Campaign financing, 11.10 (5)
Limitations, 11.31 (3)
Coastal management council, established by executive order, 281.35 (9)
Collector or receiver of public money, suspend, 17.08
Expenditures, 16.40 (14)
Nonstatutory, 14.019
Condemnation for emergencies, 32.21
Conferences of governors, 14.17
Construction projects, emergency situations, approval, 16.855 (16)
Contracts, approved by, 16.87
County officers:
Appoint to fill vacancy, VI, 4
Removal, VI, 4; 17.09, 17.10
Creation of office, 14.01
Department reports, 15.04
Disability board:
Creation, membership, 14.015 (1)
Hearing, 17.025 (3)
How convened, 17.025 (2)
Offices affected and how filled during disability, 17.025 (4)
District attorney:
Removal, 17.09
Suspension, 17.11
Joint with lieutenant governor, V, 3; 5.01 (5)
Term of office, 8.25 (4)
Tie vote, V, 3
Eligibility, V, 2
Emergency government, powers and duties, 166.03 (1)
Emergency interim successor to office, 166.08 (3)
Employes, appointment, removal, 14.02
Employment and training programs, 106.11
Employment security buildings and equipment, 108.162
Energy awards, 14.165
Energy emergency powers, 16.955
Executive branch structure,
Executive orders:
Deposit with secretary of state, 14.09
Publication, 35.93 (3)
Executive power vested in, V, 1
Executive residence:
Appropriation, 20.525 (2)
Maintenance, 16.84
Executive secretary:
Custodian of records, 14.07 (1)
Salary, 20.923 (4)
Of persons charged with crime, 976.03
Of persons of unsound mind, 51.81 to 51.85
Favor to members of legislature, 13.06
Federal aid administrative budgets, review, 16.54 (5)
Federal aid management service, duty to inform and advise, 16.545
Federal funds, notify joint finance committee of amount received, positions created or abolished, 16.54 (8)
Federal government land, retrocession of jurisdiction, accept for state, 1.031
Federal oil overcharge funds, expenditure, 14.065
Foreign criminal, may transfer to foreign countries under treaty, 302.185
Foreign juvenile delinquent, transfer to foreign countries under treaty, 938.34 (11)
Great Lakes protection fund, 14.84
Highway commission lands, approve sale, 84.09 (5)
Highway contracts:
Engineering services, approval, 84.01 (13)
Wages and hours, appeal, 103.50 (5)
Highway improvement contracts, indorsement, 84.06
Highway safety:
Coordination, 85.07
Council on, 15.467, 85.07
Historic sites, closing, 44.20 (2)
Historical society board of curators, membership, 15.70
Holiday proclamations, 14.16
Housing and economic development authority, annual report, 234.25
Independent agencies report, 15.04
Indian gaming compacts, 14.035
Interests of state, may require attorney general to protect, 14.11 (1)
Private industry council duties, 106.11 (3)