Rustic road system, 83.42
Rustic roads board, membership, 15.465 (2)
Safety activity coordination, 85.07
Safety coordinator, 59.54 (17), 62.135
Safety council:
Creation, membership, 15.467 (3)
Powers and duties, 85.07 (2)
Salt, storage of, 85.17
Schools, road to when shut off from, 80.16
Secondary feeder roads, 83.026
Sewer construction, costs, 66.894 (7)
Signs and guideboards:
, 86.19
Forbidden where, 86.191
Signs regulated, 84.30
Cost, 349.08
County board may erect, 83.13
Defacing or removing, 86.192
Informational, 86.195
Railroad grade crossings, 349.085
State trunk,
see State trunk, under this head
Tourist-oriented directional, 86.196
Transportation department to approve, 84.02 (4)
Snow fences:
County highways, 83.015 (2)
Town highways, 81.01 (10)
Snow or ice, municipal liability, 81.15
Snow removal:
Private road or driveway, 86.105
State trunks, 84.07 (1)
Blocking off county or municipal highways for races, 350.04
Operation on or in vicinity, 350.02
Special legislation, IV, 31
State aids:
Connecting highway aids, 86.32
County forest road aids, 86.315
Federal aid, state allocation of, 84.03
Flood damage aids, 86.34
Local road improvement program, 86.31
Local transportation aids, 86.30
Municipal duties, 86.302
Cost determinations, 86.303
Municipal matching of state or federal funds, 86.25
Population calculations for aid determinations, 86.33
State boundaries:
County aid to municipality, 83.15
Joint construction, 80.125
State institutions, roads to or on grounds, 84.27
State park lands abutted by, discontinuance or relocation, 80.025
State parks, roads in or near, 84.28
State trails, 84.06 (11)
State trunk:
, 84.02
Additions, 84.02 (7)
Alternative routes, 84.02 (6)
Appropriation, 84.03 (9)
Bonding funds, conditional reallocation for improvements to highway 45, 84.51 (2)
Condemnation, 84.09
Connecting highways, 86.32
Construction projects:
Funding, 84.59
Listing and exclusions, funding, approval, 84.013
Recovered material use, 84.078
Salvage of material, 86.10
Selection and evaluation, 85.025
Transportation projects commission, approve major projects, 84.013 (6)
, 84.06
Disadvantaged business demonstration and training program, 84.076
Hours and wages, 103.50
Minority businesses, awarding to, 84.075
Secretary or designees to sign, 84.011
Setoffs for unpaid taxes, 84.012
Controlled-access, 84.25
County line highways, 84.02 (2)
Detours, 84.02 (10)
Emergency repair, 84.07
Environmental impact statement, 1.11
Franchise for use, 84.08
Freeways and expressways, 84.295
Improvement, 84.06
Interstate system, 84.29
Jurisdictional transfers, state-local agreements, 84.02 (8)
Laying, 84.02 (3)
Maintenance, 84.07
Maps, 84.02 (5), (12)
Municipalities may raise funds for construction, 84.03