Grade separation, 84.05
Expressways and freeways, 84.295 (6)
Interstate highways, 84.29 (5)
Great River road, 14.85, 84.105, 84.107
Green Bay ethnic trail, 84.1022
see Signs and guideboards, under this head
Hayrack rides, license required, 349.25
Hedges permitted, 86.03
Horicon marsh wildlife area, roads near, maintenance, 84.28
In-line skates on roadway, 346.94 (17)
Authority to restrict, 349.235
Injuries to highway, treble damages, 86.02
Joint construction, 80.125, 83.16
National system, 84.29
Financing, cooperation with nonprofit corporations, 80.40 to 84.42
Iron Brigade memorial highway, 84.1038
Junkyards adjacent to interstate and primary highways, regulation, 84.31
Jurisdictional mileage determinations, 86.302
Lake shore plats, 236.16 (3)
Landlocked lands, proceedings for road out, 80.13, 80.14
Land, acquisition of:
By county, 83.08
By state, 84.09
Condemnation, generally, Ch. 32
For detailed analysis,

Remnants of land, 83.07 (1a), 83.08 (1), 84.09 (1)
Laying, altering and discontinuing:
, 80.01
Acquisition of land,
see Land, acquisition of, under this head
Appeals, town and county:
Damage awards, 80.24 to 80.30
Highway order, 80.17 to 80.22
County, 80.39
Control of highways laid by county, 80.40
Defects, curative act, 80.01 (4)
Highway to waters, 80.41
Reversion of title, 80.32
State park, highway abutting, 80.025
Fences, removal, 80.23
Landlocked lands, road out, 80.13, 80.14
Lis pendens, 840.11
State trunk, 84.02 (3)
To cemeteries, fairground, 80.48
Width, 80.08
Extending width, 80.64
Legal highways, when deemed to be, 80.01
Length of vehicles, designated highways, 348.07 (4), (5)
Lights, obstructions upon highways, 86.01
Livestock on, penalty, 172.015
Local roads improvement program, 86.31
Local service roads, 84.25
Local transportation aids,
see County aid to municipalities, under this head; State aids, under this head
Machinery, damage by, 86.021
Maintenance equipment, lights, 347.23, 347.27
Maintenance workers, right of way, 346.27
Maps, 84.02 (5), (12)
Mass transit facilities:
Bus ways, projects involving; expenditure approval, 85.062
Maintenance, 84.07 (1m)
Milwaukee county, 59.84
Mass transit operating assistance program, 85.20
Mass transit ways, 349.22
Memorial bridges, 84.1045, 84.1046
Memorial highways, 84.102 to 84.1047
Mississippi river islands, highways to, 80.15
Control of highways laid by county, 80.40
Liability, defects in highways, 81.15
Utility relocation due to freeway construction, compensation, 84.295 (4m)
National parkway, part of state trunk highway system, 84.105 (5)
Natural resources department may establish, 23.11
Nelson Dewey memorial highway, 84.102
Damage, penalty, 86.021, 86.022
Encroachments, 86.04
Penalty, 86.01
Permit, 66.045
Paint, costs, 349.08
Patrol officers:
County, 83.016
State, 110.07, 110.075
Peace memorial highway, 84.1035
Pipes or pipelines, 86.16, 182.0175