Industry, Labor and Job Development DepartmentINDUSTRY, LABOR AND JOB DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT
Note: 1995 Wis. Act 289, s. 275, authorizes the Department of Industry, Labor and Job Development to use the name "Department of Workforce Development".

Administrative contested case hearings, 227.43
Aid to families with dependent children,
Apprenticeship council, creation, appointment, 15.227 (13)
Apprenticeships, regulation, 106.01
Appropriation, 20.445
Unemployment administrative account, 108.20
Barbering and cosmetology, apprenticeship regulation, 454.10
Battery to employe, criminal, 940.207
Business closing notification law, 109.07, 109.12
Career counseling centers, 106.14
Child labor,
Child labor council:
Membership, 15.227 (5)
Powers and duties, 103.69
Construction wage rate:
Council, creation, appointments, 15.227 (9)
Municipal wage scale, 66.293 (1)
Creation, 15.22
Death benefit for protective occupation employes killed on active duty, 102.475
Economic adjustment program, duties, 560.15
See also Employment

Blind, aid in employment, 106.09 (1)
Certificates of age, fees, 103.805
Discrimination, investigation, 111.38
Employer requiring medical examinations, law enforcement, 103.37
Employment agents, regulate, 105.05 to 105.16
Employment offices, 106.09
Fair employment law, 111.375, 111.39
Family or medical leave, administrative proceeding, 103.10 (12)
Information collection, local labor markets, 106.17
see Wages, under this head
Employment agents, 105.08, 105.09, 105.14, 105.15
Employment and training programs:
See also Employment

, 106.11 to 106.21
Adjustment assistance overpayments, waiver, 106.19
AFDC recipients, work incentive programs, 106.18
Career counseling centers, 106.14
Dislocated workers assistance, 106.15
Employment and training delivery system, federal job training partnership act, 106.11
Job opportunity business subsidy program, 106.20
New hope project, 49.37
Notification of job openings, by companies receiving state loans, 106.16
School to work program, 106.13
Veterans' job training program, 106.10
Wisconsin service corps program, 106.21
Workforce excellence office, 106.12
Youth apprenticeship program, 106.13
Employment councils, appoint, 108.14 (5) (b)
Employment security, buildings and equipment, 108.162
Employment transit assistance program, 106.26
Equal rights:
, 106.04 to 106.08
Housing, 106.04
Equal rights council:
Duties, 106.05
General provisions, 15.09
Membership, terms, 15.227 (1)
Equal rights division:
Creation, 15.223 (1)