Segregated accounts, 611.24
Separate accounts, 611.25
Service of process upon, 601.72, 601.73
Registered agent for, 601.715
Share exchanges, 611.71
Dissenters' rights, 611.785
Shareholders, number, 611.36
Shareholders' meetings, 611.40
Authorized, 611.33 (1)
Corporate repurchase, 611.34
Subsidiaries, 611.26
Surplus requirements, 611.19
Taxation, 76.60 to 76.69
Transitional provisions, continued effect, 610.40
Ultra vires acts, 611.07 (2)
Variable contracts, separate accounts, 611.25
Voidable transactions, 611.60 (1)
Voluntary dissolution, 611.74
Voting of shares, 611.40
Waiver of notice, 611.07 (4)
INSURANCE 9. Employe Benefit Plans9. Employe Benefit Plans
Accounts, 633.09
Advertising limitations, 633.07
Adjustment and settlement, administrator compensation, 633.11
Payment, 633.10
Definitions, 633.01
Insurers as plan principal:
Payments to administrator, 633.05
Underwriting responsibilities, 633.08
Issuance, 633.14
Renewal, suspension, revocation, limitation, penalty, 633.15
Required, 633.13
Loss of coverage on leaving group, notice required, 632.793
Notice requirements, 633.12
Records, inspection, 633.06
Regulation, exemptions, 633.16
Rule-making, 633.17
Written agreement required, 633.04
Insurance 10. Employe Welfare Funds10. Employe Welfare Funds
, Ch. 641
Annual statement to commissioner, 641.13
Failure to file, forfeiture, 641.19 (6)
Commissioner's inquiries, 641.14
Compliance, 641.19
Construction of chapter, 641.25
Declaration of policy, 641.06
Employer, payments to fund, 641.17
Authorization, 641.09
Conduct, 641.10
Expenses, 641.12
Foreign funds, 641.18
Publication, 641.11
Exempt from execution, 815.18 (3) (j)
Fees for filing, 641.12
Financial statement, publication, 641.11 (1)
Foreign funds, examination, waiver, 641.18
Injunctions, 641.20
Investments, adequate security, 641.19 (2) (b)
By employer, 641.17
How made, 641.19 (1)
Penalties, 641.19
Political contributions, prohibited, 641.19 (3)
Registration of fund, 641.08
Failure, forfeiture, 641.19 (6)
Reports to employers and employes, 641.15
Scope, 641.02
Statements to trustees by insurance companies, service plans, 641.16
Accounting requirements, 641.09 (2)
Annual statements:
By insurance companies, service plans, 641.16
To be filed, 641.13
Commissions from insurers prohibited, 641.19 (2)
Prudent person rule, 641.19 (1)
Registration of fund, 641.08
Reports to employers and employes, 641.15
Special statements to commissioner, 641.14
Insurance 11. Fire11. Fire
, Ch. 632
Arson with intent to defraud insurer, 943.04
Choice of law, 632.09
Condominiums, 703.17
Counties, 59.52 (11)
Exempt from execution, 815.18 (3) (e)
Fire department dues:
From premiums, 101.573, 101.575, 601.93