Purpose of chapter, 645.01 (4)
Appointment of rehabilitator, 645.32 (1)
Grounds for, 645.31
Order, 645.32
Order to return control to company, 645.35 (2)
Powers and duties of rehabilitator, 645.33
Reorganization plan, 645.33 (5)
Special deputy commissioner, 645.33 (1)
Statute of limitations, 645.34 (2), (3)
Stays in pending litigation, 645.34 (1)
Termination, 645.35
Transformation to liquidation, 645.35 (1)
Reinsurer's liability, arbitration clauses, 645.58
Restraining orders, 645.05
Security funds, payments by liquidator, 645.72 (2)
Seizure orders, 645.22, 645.23
Setoffs, allowed, exceptions, 645.56
Summary orders, 645.21
Summary proceedings, 645.21 to 645.24
Surety's liability discharged, 645.54 (8)
Title of act, 645.01 (1)
Transfers, 645.52 to 645.54
Unclaimed funds, deposit with state treasurer, 645.73
Uncollected, unearned premiums, 645.59
Venue, 645.04 (4)
Void or voidable rights, claims of holders, 645.55
Voidable preferences and liens, 645.54
INSURANCE 19. Motor Club Service19. Motor Club Service
, Ch. 616
Agents, solicit business for licensed insurers only, 616.79
Bond or cash deposit, 616.72
Cash or securities deposit, 616.72
Certificate of authority, 616.72
Procedure to obtain, 616.74
Approval by commissioner, 616.76
Binds company, 616.81
Contents, 616.78
Execution and delivery, 616.77
Definitions, 616.71
License, 616.74
Misrepresentations prohibited, 616.80
Persons exempted, 616.82
Rehabilitation and liquidation law apply, 645.02 (6)
Traffic arrest bonds, 345.61
Insurance 20. Nondomestic Insurers20. Nondomestic Insurers
, Ch. 618
Alien insurers, requirements, 618.24
Assessment by, notify commissioner, 618.34
Business plan, changes in, 618.31
Certificate of authority:
Application, 618.11
Issuance, 618.12
Revocation, 618.37
Copies of account books as evidence, 891.23
Corporation law requirements, applicability, 618.21
Direct procurement outside state, 618.42
Discontinuation of business, release from regulation, 618.36
Doing business:
Prohibitions, 610.21
Qualifications, 610.11
Domicile, transfer to Wisconsin, 611.223
Exclusive agency contracts, commissioner may disapprove, 618.22
Exemptions from Wisconsin law, notice and hearing, 618.28
Fees for filing, 601.31
Fees, schedule of commissioner, 601.31
Foreign decrees, reciprocal enforcement of, 618.61
Fraternals, requirements, 618.26
Group liability insurance issued by an unauthorized insurer, 618.415
Illegal contracts, effects of, 618.44
Illegal insurance, duty of adjusters to report, 618.50
Illegal placement of insurance with unauthorized insurer, 618.39
Management contracts, commissioner may disapprove, 618.22
Out of state contracts, servicing, 618.45
Personal jurisdiction over, 801.05 (10)
Policyholders, enforcement of rights, 601.71
Premium taxes, 76.60 to 76.68
Purposes of chapter, 618.01
Reciprocal enforcement of foreign decrees, 618.61
Reciprocal requirements, 601.55, 618.23
Retaliatory taxation of, 76.66
Rustproofing warranties insurance, 618.41 (6m)
Service of process upon, 601.72, 601.73
Registered agent for, 601.715
Surplus lines insurance, 618.41
Agent licensing, 628.04 (2)
Liable after receipt of premium, 628.12
Taxation of, 618.43
Transfer of business, report to commissioner, 618.32
Transitional provisions, continued effect, 610.40