Transitional provisions, continued effect, 610.40
Unauthorized insurers:
Assisting, forbidden, 618.39
Attorneys fees to plaintiff, 618.48
Direct procurement outside state, 618.42
Filing of pleadings, 618.47
Premium tax, 618.43
Punitive damages, 618.48
Report to commissioner, 618.49 (1)
Unincorporated nondomestic insurers, requirements for, 618.25
Withdrawal from state, release from regulation, 618.36
Insurance 21. Property and Casualty21. Property and Casualty
Aircraft, renter pilots, 114.40
Choice of law, 632.09
Coinsurance, 631.45 (2)
Condominiums, 703.17
Consumer credit transactions, insurance restrictions, 424.301
Counties, 59.52 (11)
Indemnity amounts, 632.05
License fees, 76.60 to 76.69
Local government property insurance fund, Ch. 605
Milwaukee, property insurance escrow, 632.10 to 632.104
Mistake in naming policy payee, 631.08 (2)
Mortgage clause, 632.08
Motor vehicles:
Glass repair, specifying vendor restricted, 632.37
Replacement parts regulated, 632.38
Ocean marine, application of statutes, 631.01 (3)
Premium taxes, 76.60 to 76.68
Replacement cost of coverage, 632.05
Statute of limitations, 631.83
Time-share ownership, 707.35
Total loss, policy limit, 632.05 (2)
INSURANCE 22. Rate Regulation22. Rate Regulation
, Ch. 625
Automobile insurance, risks may not be classified on physical disability, 625.12 (2)
Binding agreements by insurers prohibited, 625.33
Classification of risks for rating, 625.12 (2)
Consent to rates, 625.13 (2)
Construction of chapter, 625.01
Delaying effect of rates by rule, 625.21
Disapproval of rates, 625.22
Discriminatory rates, 625.11 (4)
Excessive rates, 625.11 (2)
Exemptions, by rule of commissioner, 625.04
Expense experiences in rate fixing, 625.12 (3)
Experience, recording and reporting, 625.34
Factors in rates, 625.12 (1)
Filing of rates, 625.13
Filings open to inspection, 625.14
Inadequate rates, 625.11 (3)
Individual insurers, special restrictions, 625.23
Medicare supplement or replacement policy loss ratios, 625.16
Profit experience in rate fixing, 625.12 (4)
Purposes of chapter, 625.01
Rate filing, delegation of, 625.15
Rate making, delegation of, 625.15
Rate service organization:
Availability of services, 625.31
Filing of rates, 625.13, 625.15
Licensing, 625.31, 625.32
Rate making, 625.15
Rating methods, 625.12
Recording and reporting of experience, 625.34
Restrictions on particular insurers, 625.23
Scope of application, exceptions, 625.03
INSURANCE 23. Risk Sharing Plans23. Risk Sharing Plans
, Ch. 619
Assigned risks, 619.01
Federally reinsured losses, state contribution, 619.02
Foster home protection, 619.01 (9)
Group home protection, 619.01 (10)
Health care liability:
Board of governors, 619.04 (3)
Generally, 619.04
Policy limits, 619.01 (7)
Policy provisions, 619.01 (8)
Premium assessments, 619.01 (8m)
Health insurance:
Administering carrier, 619.16
Applicability of provisions, waiver prohibited, 619.175
Assessment against insurer issuing rejection or similar notice, 619.135
Board of governors, 619.15
Contents, 619.17
Coordination of benefits, 619.14 (7)
Covered expenses, 619.14
Alternative plan, 619.145
Deductibles and coinsurance, 619.14 (5)
Eligibility determination, 619.12
Establishment, 619.11
Exclusions, 619.14 (4)