Medical payments insurance, restrictions on, 632.80
Medical savings accounts, 632.898
Medicare supplement or replacement policies:
Benefit appeals, 632.84
Incontestability, 632.76 (2) (b)
Minimum standards, 632.81
Return right, 632.73 (2m)
Misrepresentations, 632.76 (1)
Misstatement of age provision, 632.77 (2)
Newborn infants, mandatory coverage, 632.895 (5)
Nursing home insurance policy, benefit appeals, 632.84
Open enrollment upon liquidation, 632.795
Out-of-state service providers, 632.75 (4)
Pelvic exam and pap test, when coverage required, 632.87 (5)
Permitted provisions, 632.77
Pharmaceuticals, restrictions on services, 632.86
Power of attorney for health care, 632.775
Pre-existing conditions, 632.76 (2)
Prohibited provisions, 632.75
Public assistance recipients, eligibility for coverage, 632.755
Reduction of coinsurance or deductible by provider, prohibited, 146.905
Reinstatement of policies, 632.74
Reports to health care information office, 601.429
Return of policy, right, notification, exemptions, 632.73
Skilled nursing care benefits, 632.895 (3)
Small employer plans,
Statute of limitations, 631.83 (1) (b)
Termination of group plans, notice, 632.79
Uninsured health plans, 49.493
Vision care services, 632.87
Insurance 8. Domestic Corporations8. Domestic Corporations
Accelerated organization procedure, 611.22
Acquisition of other insurer's shares, 611.71
Actuarial evaluations, 601.43 (3)
Affiliates, transactions with, 611.61
Annual reports to mutual policyholders, 611.43
Articles of amendment, 611.29
Articles of incorporation, 611.12
Assessments, collection, presumptive evidence, 891.22
Assets, held by insurers, 610.24
Audits, 601.43 (3)
Books and records, 611.51 (9)
Evidence, 891.23
Business plans, changes, 611.28
Bylaws, 611.12 (4)
Capital requirements, 611.19
Certificate of authority, 611.20
Required, 601.04
Certificate of incorporation, 611.13
Commissioner's orders, 611.03
Communications to policyholders or shareholders, 611.41
Consolidation of mutuals, 611.73
Contribution notes, 611.33 (2)
Assessable to nonassessable, 611.77 (1)
Mutual life into fraternal, 611.79
Mutual to stock, 611.76
Nonassessable to assessable, 611.77 (2)
Stock to mutual, 611.75
Corporate take-over law, applicability, 552.23 (1)
Definitions, 611.01
Depositing funds, 611.15
Derivative actions, 611.62 (4)
Classification, 611.51 (5)
Committees, 611.56
Conflicts of interest, 611.60
Election and removal, 611.52, 611.53
Liability and indemnification, 611.62
Meetings, quorum, 611.51
Number, 611.51 (2)
Removal by commissioner, 611.54 (3)
Dissenters' rights, 611.785
Dividends and distributions, 611.69
Doing business, prohibitions, 610.21
Domicile transfer procedure, 611.223
Evidence of absence or death, 813.22
Examinations, 601.43 to 601.45
Exclusive agency contracts, 611.66
Executive compensation, 611.63
For filing, 601.31
Supplementary assessments, 601.32
Holding companies:
Construction and purpose of law, 617.01
Disclosure of transactions, 617.21
Dividends and distributions, 617.22, 617.25
Recovery, 617.23
Exemptions from law, 617.03