Conducting, 601.44
Costs, 601.45
Employe welfare funds, 641.18
Of insurers and other licensees, 601.43
Experience recording and reporting, 625.34
Federally reinsured losses, assessment for state contribution, 619.02
Fee schedule, 601.31
Fees in investigations and hearings, 601.62 (4)
Fees, special assessments, 601.32
Fire department dues:
Distribution, 101.573
Errors corrected, 101.573
Report to industry, labor and job development department, 601.93 (2)
Forfeitures, 601.64 (2)
Form filing and approval, 631.20, 631.21
Business plan, report changes to commissioner, 614.28
Certificate of authority, issuance, 614.20
Communications to members, copies to commissioner, 614.41
Consolidation or merger, 614.73
Management, supervision of changes, 614.54
Minimum permanent surplus, 614.19
Name reserved, 614.09
Admission, 618.14
Requirements, 618.26
Rehabilitation or involuntary conversion, 614.77
Report expenditures to commissioner, 614.82 (1)
Restrictions, 614.03
Voluntary conversion to mutuals, 614.76
Voluntary dissolution of solvent domestic fraternals, 614.74
Full-time office, statute, application, 15.06 (3)
Gift annuities, regulation, Ch. 615
Group insurance board, membership, 601.415 (2)
Health care liability:
Future medical expenses, adopt rules to manage, 655.015
Hospital capacity and occupancy information, 655.019
Mediation fee collection, rules, 655.61 (2)
Policy form filing, 655.24
Risk sharing plans, promulgate rules, 619.04
Rule-making authority, 655.004
Health care plans:
Cost-effective provision, facilitating, 628.36 (4)
Enrollment notice, 609.10 (5)
Health insurance:
Identification cards, study and rules, 601.57
Mandate, prepare social and financial impact reports, 601.423
Risk sharing plans:
Establishment, promulgate rules, 619.11
Fund, 619.125
Participation of insurers, duties, 619.13
Standards, study and rules, 601.56
Hearings, 601.41 (5), 601.62
Immunity from prosecution, 601.62 (5)
Holding companies regulation, Ch. 617
Individual practice associations, reports, 601.42 (1r)
Injunctions, 601.64 (1)
Employe welfare funds, 641.20
Insider trading of securities, regulation, 611.31 (4)
Classification and examination, 628.04 (3)
Continuing education standards, 628.04 (3)
Issuance of license, 628.04
Notify when insurer's authority revoked, 601.63 (2)
Report change in status to commissioner, 628.08
Revocation or suspension of license, 628.10
Prohibited practices during disciplinary period, 628.345
Temporary licenses, commissioner may issue, 628.09
Interstate insurance receivership commission, 14.83, 601.59
Investment valuation reserves, may order, 620.32
Investments authorized by, 620.22 (8)
Joint survey committee on retirement systems and retirement research committee, membership, 601.415 (1)
Jurisdiction, 600.01 (2)
Legal services, 601.12
Liabilities, valuation of, 623.04
Licenses, revocation, suspension and limitation, 601.64 (5)
Liquidation of insurers:
Ancillary formal proceedings, 645.84
Ancillary summary proceedings, 645.85
Appointment of liquidator, 645.42 (1)
Audit of commissioner's books, 645.77
Federal receivership, petition, filing orders, 645.45
Foreign and alien, 645.82
Fraudulent transfers after petition, 645.53
Fraudulent transfers prior to petition, 645.52
Grounds for, 645.41
Notice requirements, 645.47
Orders, 645.42
Petition for dissolution, 645.44