I believe this report provides continuing evidence that while the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program provides an option for low-income parents who have been dissatisfied with the educational alternatives available for their children, it has not provided the dramatic academic improvements in students achievement that would label it a success. The experiment should continue only on a limited basis, but we must realize that it does not deal directly or substantially with the challenges the Milwaukee Public Schools face.
The Department of Public Instruction's biennial budget included a request to reallocate department funds to support recommendations from the Urban Initiative Task Force. Those recommendations, while offered to schools throughout the state with a high incidence of poverty, are targeted to assist 110 schools in Milwaukee. The Urban Initiative recommendations are founded on research that demonstrates improved academic achievement and call for an achievement guarantee contract that includes local solutions to address:
* smaller class sizes in the elementary grades and in academic subjects in the middle school so teachers and students can form more caring relationships;
* a rigorous curriculum that respects diversity;
* schools as centers for coordinated health, recreational, and social service programs; and
* a system of training and accountability for school staff members.
For additional information about Milwaukee Parental Choice Program, please contact Susan Freeze at (608) 266-1647.
john t. Benson
State Superintendent, DPI
Referred to committee on Urban Education.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Public Instruction
January 20, 1995
To the Honorable the Legislature:
1993 Wisconsin Act 16 included the following provisions:
Section 9145. Non-statutory provisions; vocational, technical and adult education.
A162 (2) CERTIFICATION OF VOCATIONAL, TECHNICAL AND ADULT EDUCATION TEACHERS. By January 1, 1995, the state superintendent of public instruction shall submit a report to the governor, and to the legislature in the manner provided under section 13.172(2) of the statutes. The report shall include an evaluation of the effectiveness of the grants under section 115.366(1)(a)2 of the statutes, as created by this act, in certifying vocational, technical and adult education teachers.
Enclosed is a copy of this report for distribution. If you have questions, please contact Dean Gagnon, Department of Public Instruction, at 267-9244.
john t. benson
State Superintendent, DPI
Referred to committee on Education.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Public Instruction
January 20, 1995
To the Honorable the Legislature:
One provision of 1993 Wisconsin Act 16 was:
(2t) Management Restructuring Program Study. The state superintendent of public instruction shall evaluate the management restructuring grant program under section 118.013 of the statutes, as affected by this act. By January 1, 1995, the state superintendent shall report his or her findings and recommendations to the governor, and to the legislature in the manner provided under section 13.172(2) of the statutes.
Enclosed is a copy of the required report for distribution. If you have questions, please contact Peter Burke, Department of Public Instruction, at 266-0986.
john t. benson
State Superintendent, DPI
Referred to committee on Education.
State of Wisconsin
Department of Natural Resources
January 23, 1995
To the Honorable the Legislature:
Enclosed is a study required in Section 9142(8) of 1993 Wisconsin Act 16. The section requires the Department of Natural Resources to submit recommendations regarding the appropriate allocation of support program funding within the conservation and environmental funds. The study is to be transmitted to you per section 13.172(2) of the statutes, which permits you to distribute the study to the Legislature. As required, the study is also being transmitted to the Governor.
If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact Joy Stewart in DNR's Bureau of Management and Budget at 266-2159.
george E. meyer
Secretary, DNR
Referred to committee on Natural Resources.
State of Wisconsin
State Historical Society of Wisconsin
January 30, 1995
To the Honorable the Assembly:
Please find enclosed a status report on submerged cultural resources management activities in Wisconsin for the period January 1993 through December 1994. This report is supplied to your office in compliance with Wisconsin statutes 44.47, for distribution to the appropriate standing committees.
If I can be of any other assistance, please do not hesitate to call me 608/264-6493.
david j. cooper
State Underwater Archeologist
Referred to committee on Natural Resources.