Relating to: providing a penalty of either death or life imprisonment for certain kinds of first-degree intentional homicide, affecting parole eligibility and granting rule-making authority.
By Representatives F. Lasee, Musser, Ainsworth, Hoven, Ladwig, Handrick, Brandemuehl, Vrakas, Olsen and Kaufert ; cosponsored by Senators A. Lasee, Andrea, Zien, Buettner and Petak .
To committee on Criminal Justice and Corrections.
Assembly Bill 353
Relating to: the rate for the alternate fuels tax.
By Representatives Duff, Hahn, Albers, Ott and Skindrud .
To committee on Ways and Means.
Assembly Bill 354
Relating to: the number of hours of required participation in the community work experience component of the job opportunities and basic skills program.
By Representative Gard ; cosponsored by Senator Buettner .
To committee on Welfare Reform.
Assembly Bill 355
Relating to: the passing score on the general educational development test.
By Representatives Nass, Grothman, Ziegelbauer, Dobyns, Goetsch, Kelso, Zukowski, Ladwig, Urban, Skindrud, Kreibich, Vrakas, Gunderson, Kaufert, Lazich and F. Lasee; cosponsored by Senators Fitzgerald, Weeden and Farrow .
To committee on Education.
Assembly Bill 356
Relating to: implementation of employer compliance plans for the employer trip reduction program.
By Representatives Nass, Gunderson, Dobyns, Olsen, Plache, Goetsch, Ainsworth, Hahn, Grothman, Ladwig, Owens, Kreuser, Urban, Wirch and Lazich; cosponsored by Senators Andrea, Huelsman and Rosenzweig .
To committee on Environment and Utilities.
A252 Assembly Bill 357
Relating to: licensure of school principals.
By Representatives Nass, Brandemuehl, Duff, Schneiders, Jensen, Goetsch, Owens, Hahn, Albers, Silbaugh, Seratti, Ward, Ainsworth, Grothman, Gunderson, F. Lasee, Gard, Skindrud, Olsen, Williams and Lazich; cosponsored by Senator Huelsman .
To committee on Education.
Assembly Bill 358
Relating to: members of deer hunting parties using bows and arrows.
By Representatives Zukowski, Owens, Dobyns, Hahn, Hoven, Kreibich, Lehman, Ainsworth, Ryba, Kreuser, Green, Springer, Powers, Seratti, Skindrud, Grothman, Boyle, Gunderson and Silbaugh; cosponsored by Senators Rude, A. Lasee and Zien .
To committee on Natural Resources.
The committee on Consumer Affairs reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 184
Relating to: measurement of liquid petroleum gas.
Assembly amendment 1 adoption:
Ayes: 6 - Representatives Skindrud, Johnsrud, Coleman, Hasenohrl, Williams and La Fave.
Noes: 0.
Ayes: 6 - Representatives Skindrud, Johnsrud, Coleman, Hasenohrl, Williams and La Fave.
Noes: 0.
To committee on Rules.
Rick Skindrud
Committee on Consumer Affairs
The committee on Criminal Justice and Corrections reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 167
Relating to: parole eligibility of persons serving life sentences.
Ayes: 14 - Representatives Goetsch, Dobyns, Brandemuehl, Lehman, Kaufert, Owens, Walker, Handrick, Gunderson, Wood, Rutkowski, Travis, Huber and Murat.
Noes: 0.
To committee on Rules.
Assembly Bill 209
Relating to: probation.
Ayes: 11 - Representatives Goetsch, Dobyns, Brandemuehl, Kaufert, Owens, Walker, Handrick, Gunderson, Wood, Rutkowski and Travis.
Noes: 3 - Representatives Lehman, Huber and Murat.
To committee on Rules.
Robert Goetsch
Committee on Criminal Justice and Corrections
The committee on Government Operations reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 208
Relating to: eliminating the joint legislative state supported programs study and advisory committee.
Ayes: 8 - Representatives Dobyns, Ladwig, Musser, Ott, Powers, La Fave, Williams and Murat.
Noes: 2 - Representatives Olsen and Schneider.
To committee on Rules.
John Dobyns
Committee on Government Operations
The committee on Tourism and Recreation reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 168
Relating to: fishing seasons for certain persons and granting rule-making authority.
Assembly substitute amendment 1 adoption:
Ayes: 11 - Representatives Hahn, Handrick, Hutchison, Musser, Lorge, Skindrud, Gard, Hubler, Baumgart, Reynolds and Dueholm.
Noes: 0.
Ayes: 11 - Representatives Hahn, Handrick, Hutchison, Musser, Lorge, Skindrud, Gard, Hubler, Baumgart, Reynolds and Dueholm.
Noes: 0.
To committee on Rules.
A253 Assembly Bill 196
Relating to: the operation of all-terrain vehicles by minors.
Ayes: 9 - Representatives Hahn, Handrick, Hutchison, Musser, Lorge, Skindrud, Gard, Hubler and Reynolds.
Noes: 2 - Representatives Baumgart and Dueholm.
To committee on Rules.
Senate Joint Resolution 20
Relating to: proclaiming the Milwaukee Lake Schooner Project an official sesquicentennial project.